
The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

author:Forensic Qin Ming
The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

This article is about 6000 words and takes about 8 minutes to read

Late at night, when a dark shadow flashed into the room, Haley Anderson was still in a dream. The sleeping Hayley did not notice that the dark shadow had stopped by her bed and cast a long gaze at her.

Shadow climbed onto the bed, slowly reached out his hand, and climbed up Hayley's neck.

The violent feeling of suffocation made Hayley instantly awake: someone was going to strangle her!

Hayley tried to escape, but she choked her hands as if they were not exhausted, and although they were broken apart several times, they kept re-strangling them.

"Help! Help me! Hayley shouted for help, but no one answered. Her voice grew weaker and weaker.

In the fight against the black shadow, Hayley gradually exhausted her physical strength, and she began to have a tingling in her scalp and lost consciousness.

In the moonlight, Hayley, who still had the last trace of consciousness, saw the face of the black shadow clearly, and she cried out in horror, "It's you!" ”

And after looking at Hayley, the black shadow gave a dead hand...

March 8, 2018. Morning.

Binghamton, New York, USA.

Hayley Anderson's young life came to an abrupt end.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love
The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Hayley Anderson, 22, is a student at Binghamton University in New York.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Hayley Anderson.

On the night of March 7, 2018, Hayley went out to a party with her friends as usual, but after the party ended, the girl disappeared. For the next two days, all of Hayley's communication tools went unanswered, and her relatives and friends did not know where she was going, which was really not like her style. Hayley is a social talent, and usually likes to hang out with friends, but now, she seems to have evaporated in the world.

Hayley's girlfriend and roommate, Josie Artin, is worried if Hayley is in any trouble.

Josh began using his phone's location software to track down Hayley's final location. The results showed that Hayley had appeared in an apartment on Oak Street in the local West End.

Upon seeing this address, Josh instinctively felt uneasy and immediately called his friends to find Hayley.

When a group of people arrived, they found that the door of the apartment was locked, and no matter how they rang the bell and knocked on the door, no one responded. The locatable software shows that Hayley's cell phone signal is still here!

Anxious, Josh immediately decided to break through the window to enter, and as a result, under the blanket half-hidden in the bedroom, everyone found Hayley's body, which was already stiff and cold.

When the local police arrived at the scene, Josh's mood had not yet calmed. When she was asked to cooperate with the surveillance footage of the nearby neighborhood, Josh's mood was once again out of control, and her eyes staring at the screen seemed to be able to spew fire.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

"It's him! Damn it! I knew it was him! ”

In the video, Hayley and a young man walked into this apartment together in the early morning of March 8, laughing;

A few hours later, the man left alone;

But soon after, he suddenly turned back and finally drove away alone before dawn.

Hayley, on the other hand, hadn't been out since she had entered the apartment.

Later, according to the police, Hayley was killed in the early morning of March 8, and the young man's crime was suspected!

Hayley's friends, who were also convinced that the man was the killer, told the police that the man's name was Orlando Tercero, that he and Hayley were alumni of the same school and that the two had been friends.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Orlando Tesero.

But today's Orlando, to Hayley, is like a hidden time bomb, not knowing when it will bring harm.

Neither of them expected that this injury would come so tragically and suddenly, and that the girl who was as enthusiastic and cheerful as an angel would never come back.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Police quickly cordoned off the scene.

After investigation and examination, they quickly determined that Hayley died of his killing, because of mechanical suffocation.

Hayley's body has obvious strangulation marks and large bruises on the neck, suspected of having been strangled and strangled by the murderer;

The strangulation texture of the neck is highly in line with the texture of the necklace on its chest;

The spots on Hayley's body are evenly distributed, and it can be inferred that the body has not been moved;

There was also a note next to the body with the words "I'm sorry" scribblingly written on it;

In the follow-up search, the police also found another note suspected of being a suicide note, which read:

"Mom told me that life is short and nothing really belongs to us. Mom, I'm sorry, I have nothing to say. ”

In addition, on the floor near the kitchen and dining room, the police found a blanket stained with blood, and a large number of sleeping pills were found in the apartment.

Strangely, Hayley did not find any open wounds on her body, no sleeping pills were detected in her body, and the handwriting on the suicide note and note at the scene did not belong to her.

Later, after examination, it was confirmed that the physical evidence found on sleeping pill bottles and blankets belonged to suspect Orlando. Could it be that he has already committed suicide in fear of sin? What's going on?

These findings are not unexpected for the local police. Shortly before the incident, they had received another report involving this apartment.

On the morning of March 9, 2018, a woman who claimed to be the sister of the owner of the apartment called 911 and claimed to have received a strange text message from her brother Orlando, in which the brother said he was sorry for everything, she was worried that her brother would hurt herself, and hoped that the police could go to his brother's apartment to see.

The police officer who was out of the police at the time did not knock on the door of the apartment, so that the matter was closed. It wasn't until noon that they received a report from Hayley's friends that they realized something was wrong.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Apartment building where Orlando lives.

Orlando is Hispanic and holds dual Nicaraguan and American citizenship. When the police pursued him, it was soon discovered that he had left the United States. On the night of the crime, Orlando drove to New York's JFK International Airport and flew to his second home.

On March 11, 2018, Binghamton Police Department officially listed Orlando as a suspect and released information that the suspect had absconded.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Orlando carrying luggage under surveillance.

This was undoubtedly a huge blow to Hayley's family and friends.

According to the relevant laws of the United States and Nicaragua, Orlando may not be successfully extradited back to the United States, and the case will be tried by the relevant Nicaraguan agencies. This means that all investigations and interrogations will be led by Nicaragua, and the United States can only assist. Then whether he will get the punishment he deserves, it is unknown.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Although it seemed to have lost the initiative, Binghamton Police Department had no intention of giving up. Under their investigation, the love-hate relationship between Hayley and Orlando gradually became clear.

The entanglement between the two began as early as a year ago. And the beginning of this tragedy is a simple and beautiful campus encounter.

Hayley and Orlando, both social talents, have met many times at different parties and gradually become acquainted and become good friends who talk about everything.

Later, a flame of love grew in the friendship, and the good friends began to try dating, and also generously showed affection on social media.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Intimate photo of Hayley and Orlando on social media.

But just after the love period between the two, Hayley took the initiative to break up, she is a young girl who pursues freedom, and does not want to be bound by love, marriage or responsibility too early, but only wants to enjoy the beauty of being together.

If the relationship ends, Hayley also hopes that the other party can accept to continue to be friends.

At the time, Orlando accepted her offer, but it didn't go as Hayley had hoped.

Orlando still frequently invaded Hayley's life, often parking his car in front of Hayley's dorm room, sometimes simply sitting on the porch of Hayley's dorm room smoking a cigarette, as if swearing an oath of sovereignty.

At hayley's parties, Orlando often comes uninvited, treating himself as a host and greeting guests.

Hayley has therefore repeatedly revealed to her friends that Orlando's behavior bothers her so much that she does not want to reunite with Orlando. Therefore, every time she encounters Orlando's cross-border behavior, Hayley always has to trouble her friends to come forward to break the siege and issue an eviction order for Orlando.

A friend once warned Hayley that Orlando's behavior was dangerous, "You must draw a line with him!" ”

But Hayley just shook her head and sighed.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Hayley (center) and friends.

In September 2017, Hayley, who had just had a new boyfriend, found that four tires of her car had been scratched, and each tire had about an inch-long cut mark on the side.

Hayley then filmed a video of the damaged tire and posted it on social media.

Orlando commented at the bottom that his rear tire had also been punctured, and sent Hayley a screenshot of the chat in which Orlando asked if his roommate's tyre had also been punctured.

Worried about the intensification of this vicious campus incident, Hayley chose to call the police.

However, the police investigation shows that the person who cut Hayley's tire is most likely Orlando!

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Under local criminal law, if the perpetrator inflicts more than $250 on the victim, he or she can already meet the criteria for a criminal offense, and if convicted, may be sentenced to up to four years in prison.

Hayley's punctured tires caused about $600 in damage, and according to the above criteria, Orlando, who is suspected of committing the crime, has broken the law!

But in the end, Hayley chose not to pursue the matter any further.

The officer in charge of the case at the time wrote in the report that Hayley believed That Orlando had cut her tyres, but she did not want to make allegations about it and would try to resolve the matter with Orlando in a peaceful manner.

Since then, Hayley's family and friends have been more forceful in dissuading Hayley from interacting with Orlando, but Hayley has not expelled Orlando from her life.

In this way, they continue to maintain an awkward relationship, one wants to retreat, the other wants to advance.

Hayley remained cautious, while Orlando was as reckless as a beast. Between them, it seems that a strange balance has been formed, but this incident has already planted the seeds of evil.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

On the evening of March 7, 2018, Hayley and Orlando attended the same party again.

After the break, Hayley also took the initiative to find Orlando to chat, and the two blew the wind and walked together to Orlando's apartment.

Perhaps because they both drank, the two rarely talked very happily, and everything seemed to return to the beauty of when they fell in love.

So Hayley let down her guard and carried Orlando into his apartment.

At that time, she could not have imagined that this choice would make her life enter the countdown...

Due to differences in extradition treaties between Nicaragua and the United States, Orlando has never been extradited back to the United States for trial.

But in both countries, he will pay a heavy price for his choices.

March 17, 2018, Bloom County, U.S.

Suspect Orlando was formally charged with second-degree murder, and district attorneys issued arrest warrants for Orlando. If convicted, he could face a life sentence when he returns to the United States.

On October 1, 2018, the Orlando case of alleged injury to Hayley was also heard in the Managua court in Nicaragua.

Hayley's family, friends and media participated in the trial via live video, and Throughout the trial, Orlando did not say a word.

But the details and process of his crime were revealed at trial.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Live video of the trial.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

On the night of the crime, Hayley, who had drunk too much, fell asleep in Orando because she could not resist sleepiness.

After Hayley fell asleep, Orlando lost sleep and kept rolling over in his bed. Inexplicably, Orlando found himself approaching the sleeping Hayley.

In the moonlight, the girl's face was gentle and idyllic, which reminded Orlando of the time they had spent together.

It was true that they had been apart, and that had been a torture for Orlando.

But he later discovered that Hayley was still gentle and understanding with him, and they would always invite each other to parties and chat on social media every day, sharing each other's emotions and secrets and then comforting each other.

Even sometimes, they will meet alone and enjoy the unique intimacy between the two.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Orlando reminisced about their intimate time.

Isn't that love?

Why do Hayley's friends always obstruct them?

Those people were very unfriendly to Orlando, and in their eyes, Orlando was just a crazy admirer who constantly pestered Hayley. But Orlando doesn't think he's crazy, and Hely is also showing affection to him, and the tacit understanding between them is love!

It's just that Hayley doesn't want to admit it.

Confused Hayley even had a new boyfriend!

At the thought of her new boyfriend, Orlando was furious. The man, mindful of the "friendship" between Orlando and Hayley, managed to kick Orlando out of the college fraternity.

This incident caused Orlando to be devastated and once wanted to commit suicide.

It was Hayley who accompanied him through that difficult time, and in order to comfort him, Hayley even pushed off the date with her boyfriend.

All of this makes Orlando more convinced that he and Hayley are true love!

"She loves me, but she doesn't belong to me!"

How could she give the position of 'lover' to someone else!

She shouldn't have betrayed me!

I love her, I want to overcome all difficulties and have her!


Endless anger overwhelmed sanity, and late that night, Orlando personally ruined the life of his lover. He had planned to commit suicide, but because he was too flustered and scared, Orlando chose to escape.

The pills and blood stains at the scene were all traces left by his attempts to take his life, but the instinct of life drove him to flee.

On the afternoon of March 9, 2018, Orlando arrived in Nicaragua, where he was in poor shape and had several self-injurious behaviors, so after arriving, Orlando was placed in a mental hospital.

But his escape was destined to be very short-lived.

On 13 March, Under police investigation, Orlando was arrested by international police at a hospital in Nicaragua.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

Arrested in Orlando, Nicaragua.

After being held for more than half a year, Orlando was convicted of 30 years in prison, the highest penalty for femicide in Nicaragua.

Hayley's mother, Karen Anderson, finally burst into tears when she heard the judge pronounce the "highest sentence" on the livestream.

In 2020, Oran repeatedly applied for a commutation of sentence, but all of them were rejected by the court.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

At this point, this heartbreaking case has come to an end. The killer was duly punished, but Hayley's life was forever stuck at the age of 22.

It would only take another 2 months for Hayley to get her diploma and become the nurse she most wanted to be. After that, she also planned to leave for Long Island, where she would start the life she wanted in the emergency department.

The American ex-boyfriend killed her in bed, but said they were true love

It's a pity that there are no more of these ifs...

This tragic case, I also want to call it, is a tragedy caused by "toxic love".

Looking back at Hayley and Orlando's past, the two people's expectations of intimacy have not been very consistent.

Hayley longs for a free, relaxed relationship, while Orlando's yearning is relatively traditional. When he is asked by Hayley to "go back to being a friend", Orlando actually has illusions about the relationship.

But Hayley has never recognized or faced this squarely, and she is always tolerant and tolerant in the face of Orlando's harassment.

Perhaps such a generous Hayley looks warm and kind, but in Orlando's eyes, her tolerance is regarded as a pink ambiguity.

In this state of mind, Orlando chose to further use violence to vent himself. When he saw Hayley fall in love again, he angrily cut her tire, and after he made such a violation, Hayley still chose not to pursue, this bottomless concession, will inevitably make Orlando's inner evil even more irrepressible.

Of course, this is not to say that there is anything wrong with the victim Hayley, she is a simple and kind good girl, and meeting the paranoid Orlando is definitely the misfortune of her life.

But through their tragedy, I want to remind everyone in front of the screen that in an intimate relationship, we should learn to properly handle differences and grasp the scale of getting along with another person.

If a relationship often makes you feel trapped or oppressed, then I think it may be time for you to think hard about how to solve the problem, or to get out of the way.

If your other half is willing to communicate, and you are both willing to save each other, then find out what the real contradictions and demands of the two people are in the current disagreement, and then work together to find a satisfactory solution.

But if your significant other has the same destructive or control desires as Orlando, the only way to get out is to get out.

Because a relationship that can only be maintained by one side giving in and one side doing whatever it wants will never be love, but just a twisted and toxic game of control.

In the follow-up report of this case, Hayley's mother confessed in front of the media that she hoped that her daughter's death would bring everyone to think, and she called on everyone to learn to recognize the "red flags" in intimate relationships.

Because love can also bring devastating harm!

Editor's Note:

Today is Valentine's Day, will you have any special plans on this day?

I hope that you and the people you love in front of the screen can have a healthy emotional view, and before you love others, you must remember to love yourself

Today's Interaction: What other "red flags" do you think are in love? What kind of intimacy are you least able to accept? Welcome to share your views in the message area~

Main Draft: Mega; Review/Title: Lulu Xiu; Typesetting: CC; Quality Inspection: etc

The illustrations & captions are all source references


1. Wikipedia: Hayley Anderson murder

[2] Newsweek:NewYork Student Who Sparked International Manhunt After Strangling GirlfriendFound Guilty of Murder

[3] CBS NEWS:Murderof N.Y. nursing student leads to an international manhunt for her killer

[4] CBS NEWS:HaleyAnderson murder: Crime scene evidence photos

[5] Pressconnects:OrlandoTercero found guilty in murder of Binghamton University student Haley Anderson

[6] PIPEDREAM:Orlando Tercero appeals sentencing for murder of Haley Anderson

[7] PIPEDREAM:Haley Anderson murder trial begins in Nicaragua

[8] Pressconnects:Orlando'sTercero's murder trial is in Nicaragua, but Binghamton provides grisly details

[9] Pressconnects:PoliceReport: Haley Anderson suspected Tercero slashed her tires, months before herdeath

[10] PIPE DREAM:OrlandoTercero charged with femicide in Nicaragua for murder of Haley Anderson

[11] SPECTRUMNEWS1:Nicaraguan Judge Denies Orlando Tercero's Appeal in BU Student's MurderCase

This article is the original content of the [Forensic Qin Ming] account, and it is forbidden to reprint it at will without the authorization of the account.