
Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

author:The instrument contains the soul of the country

When you think of some of the most famous terrorists in the world, who can you think of? Is it Saddam Hussein, or Gaddafi? Regarding Gaddafi, can you think of the vicious and vicious him, who was once an ambitious young man with lofty ideals? So how did he go step by step toward sin?

Gaddafi is Libyan and has lived a dark life since he was born. At a young age, Gaddafi looked at the suffering people and had the idea of serving the country. Joining the military is Gaddafi's way of serving the country.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

In the army, Gaddafi found many people like himself, and these people eventually became comrades in arms with Gaddafi. In the exchanges with these comrades-in-arms, Gaddafi deeply realized that the only thing that can be done to change the current situation in the country is reform.

Unlike many Middle Eastern countries that have undergone successive revolutions, libya as a whole remains in chaos, with a steady stream of people in the political world who want to do things. Rather than keep the country in the hands of these incompetent people, Gaddafi felt it would be better to revolt and seize power himself.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

With this in mind, Gaddafi staged a coup d'état, and on September 1, 1963, the Libyan people learned on the radio that the 27-year-old boy named Gaddafi had successfully revolutionized and became libya's supreme leader. And it took him only one day to invade the capital.

Having attained supreme power at the age of twenty-seven, Gaddafi is undoubtedly a man of great leadership. However, what Qaddafi did after taking office caused shock to the whole world, and at the same time caused international humanitarian dissatisfaction.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

The first is the national problem of Libya, in Gaddafi's view, the outbreak of world war is because of the plundering of capitalist countries, so in the end Qaddafi put Libya on a path that is neither socialist nor capitalist.

Ideologically, Qaddafi demanded that the Libyan people embrace Islam and that they not form any social groups in order to prevent anyone from spreading other ideas in private to shake Qaddafi's rule. If there is a violation, it must be a dead end.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

After standing at the top of Libya's power, Qaddafi has reached a state of invincibility, and in concrete expression, he wants to extend his hand to other countries. Because of his dislike of Europe and the United States, Gaddafi chose to make friends with the Soviet Union at this time, and even reached the level of brotherhood with Brezhnev.

With the support of the Soviet Union, Gaddafi even felt that he was already the boss of a group of Arab countries. But it's not surprising that Gaddafi thinks this way, who makes Libya rich. The abundant oil production makes the country not worry about economic problems at all.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

In order to make more profits, Libya restricted domestic oil exports in order to completely control the rise in oil prices. At the same time, Qaddafi also nationalized Libya's oil industry and acquired Western companies in Libya.

In addition to his economic operations, Qaddafi also expelled all British and American soldiers from Libya in order to wipe out everything related to the Western capitalist countries in the country. At the same time, Qaddafi has also continued to carry out some terrorist acts in Western countries to brush up his presence.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

From the West Berlin cabaret bombing, to the Lockerby air disaster, to the protesters who swept the Libyan embassy in Britain, Libya's madness has offended the United States, Britain, and France. At this time, the international community has equated Libya with a terrorist state.

In the struggle for hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, Qaddafi unconditionally supported the Soviet Union, but in the end, the disintegration of the Soviet Union surprised Gaddafi. Without the Soviet Union, coupled with the fact that it had offended too many European and American countries before, Gaddafi's regime gradually began to be unstable.

Because of Gaddafi's own arrogance, he has no other support in the world. Similarly, because the means are too extremely high-handed, there are countless opponents of Gaddafi in Libya. And these opponents also brought Gaddafi to the end of the road step by step.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

In 2011, opposition grew in Libya and a wide range of demonstrations began. Riots in Libya were on the verge of erupting, but Qaddafi chose to suppress them in an extreme way in the face of protests.

As for the situation in Libya, the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed the request to send troops to it, and such an outcome can only be blamed on Qaddafi for offending too many countries before. When Gaddafi threw the CHARTER on the ground in 2009, he didn't know if he had thought of the current tragic situation.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

Soon, the reactionaries in Libya had invaded the capital, and in the face of these already irrational opposition elements, Qaddafi had to flee in a hurry. And the direction he chose to flee was his hometown of Sirte.

At this time, Gaddafi seemed to be expecting that there were officials and cronies in the government who could help him, but these cronies were the first to accumulate wealth, and they were all selfish egoists, so how could they help this shrinking terrorist leader at this time.

Eventually, the reactionaries found Gaddafi in a sewer. At this time, Gaddafi was dressed in rags and emitted a foul smell, and he had long since lost his arrogant appearance. The reactionaries have become so violent that they try to humiliate the former leader in special ways.

A soldier named Urebi kicked Gaddafi to the ground, at this time Gaddafi tried to ask for help, but in exchange for a large number of horses punching and kicking, Qaddafi who was dying still did not confess guilt, but constantly quarreled about what he had done wrong in exchange for revenge from the group.

The undignified Qaddafi was eventually shot twice by Urebi, while other opposition elements shot at Him, ending his life of sin as the leader, known as the Mad Dog of the Middle East. However, the people did not stop there.

The Libyan opposition dragged the remains of Gaddafi and his son through the streets and placed them in cold rooms for the public to see, and buried them until they had taken enough photos and admired them. After Gaddafi's death, Libya also completely fell apart, and until now, it has not improved.

Famous for his "crazy moments", he was in power for more than 40 years before being shot dead by thugs

Virtue is not alone, there will be neighbors, and if virtue is lonely, there will be no neighbors. Gaddafi's suicide fully proves this sentence. Looking back on Gaddafi's life, the seizure of power from the beginning seems to be too smooth, and a series of successes have made him gradually lose himself and see the reality.

Constantly doing things, on the surface brushing up on the sense of existence, but in fact it has attracted countless hatred for themselves. The extremes of a person make the people of a country constantly suffer disasters. The ultimate madness, the ultimate waiting, must be self-destruction.