
Adele's latest single is coming! "Easy On Me" NetEase Cloud Music premiered worldwide

author:China Net Entertainment

At 7:00 a.m. on October 15, the new album "Easy On Me" of british pop singer and songwriter Adele Adkins will be released worldwide on the NetEase Cloud Music Platform. It is reported that "30" is Adele's fourth studio album after "25" and will be officially released worldwide on November 19.

Adele's latest single is coming! "Easy On Me" NetEase Cloud Music premiered worldwide

(Adele '30' album cover)

  At the beginning of this month, many users have paid attention to the mysterious advertisement of the number "30" in landmark buildings around the world. On the evening of October 13, Adele announced on social platforms that the new album "30" will be released on November 19, and posted a new album cover based on the side face. Adele said that the album "30" is an irreplaceable friend: "During the most turbulent period of my life, I tried to rebuild myself and my inner world, and this album expressed the feeling of rediscovering myself."

Adele's latest single is coming! "Easy On Me" NetEase Cloud Music premiered worldwide

(Adele '30' album intro)

  According to the official introduction of NetEase Cloud Music, the first single of the album "30", "Easy On Me", will be released on the platform at 7:00 a.m. on October 15. After six years of absence, Adele returned with a new album, which was expected by a large number of fans.

  As the largest online music community in China, the European and American music atmosphere of NetEase Cloud Music Platform has a strong atmosphere, and it continues to attract many European and American artists and fans. After Adele entered NetEase Cloud Music, it quickly gained 1.33 million fans, and the number of single reviews such as "Hello", "Someone Like you", "Rolling in the Deep" and other singles exceeded 1w+, and the previously released "19", "21" and "25" were also loved by users.