
Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

author:Wide and deep mother circle

Recently, in June 2021, the Cambridge Outstanding Student Award winners of the June 2021 examination season were released, a total of 28 students won the Top In China Award (Top in China), we also quickly checked, found that only two schools in the Shenzhen area were on the list, in addition to the shenzhen old school Shenzhen Jiaotong, Shenzhen Manchester School for Children of Expatriates (hereinafter referred to as Man school) students won the National Award of Computer Science.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Screenshot source: Cambridge International Assessment

Regarding this treasure school, Presumably some keen parents in the circle have heard of it, especially its concept of "no academic, no man school", which was admitted to the G5 elite university in the United Kingdom in the first session, and 100% of the previous graduates were admitted to the world's top 30 schools. Students who hold multiple offers per capita, in addition to their academic achievements, also have many achievements in art and culture.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ 100% of MAN School graduates are admitted to the world's top 30 universities.

Usually, earning such an award requires years of accumulation and academic leadership from the school, so how does Manchester School lead its students to the Award for Excellence? In addition, we are also curious, how does man school cultivate students with well-rounded academic and quality development. In order to answer these questions, we made a special trip to Man School in Longhua District, Shenzhen.

When I entered man's school, I was fascinated by its architectural style. In the boxy and modern campus building, the same "activity staircase" of Harry Potter is raised, and students do not need magic brooms, but can also walk freely through the transparent and bright atrium and classroom corridors, and the title of "Castle School" is well deserved!

Manchester Castle School in Edinburgh has a history of 188 years, and Manchester School, as its first K12 branch overseas, has also become the first pure British education and British boarding foreign school in Shenzhen after landing in Shenzhen.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school
Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school
Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

While waiting for the elevator, a student bowed to several elders from a distance, and this polite boy was the protagonist of our interview, Tommy.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

Tommy Kang Man School Year 13 student

Cambridge AS Computer Science subjects have the highest score in China

He was awarded the "National Top Award" by the Cambridge Outstanding Student Award

Tommy, a Korean student in the 13th grade of man school, received the highest score in the Cambridge AS "Computer Science" subject in China in late October this year, and is also the winner of the "National Top Award" of the Cambridge Outstanding Student Award.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Tommy's certificates and medals

Since entering Manchester School, Tommy said that Man School has given him great freedom to explore things of interest, and every teacher around him is very enthusiastic.

What makes Tommy even more distinctive is the Man School Library. "I didn't like to go to the school library before, and I always felt that it was noisy and interfered with my studies. The library of mann school is very different from the library of the international school in my understanding. It's quiet, there's a lot of literature in foreign languages, and it's much easier to get quiet and immerse yourself in your studies here. ”

We wondered what kind of story this bully boy and Man School had, so today's special story was born.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Tommy classmate


When interviewing Tommy, he mentioned that he had applied to Cambridge, UCL, Imperial College and other world famous universities, and recently received an interview invitation from Cambridge. From life to campus, Tommy's interest in ComputerScience (CS) is like a seed, slowly sprouting under the watering of the environment and self-drive.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Tommy was interviewed

Tommy has an older brother who also attended Man's School. In Tommy's mind, his brother has always been the goal of his own learning. Whenever he saw his brother's current distress in the science class when he was a child, Tommy became more and more curious about what kind of topic could upset his brother. In junior high school, he came into contact with Python by chance. Tommy put it bluntly: "Python solves problems easier than I do, and it operates much faster than I do." In my opinion, learning this tool will be useful in the digital age. ”

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Tommy's older brother Peter is the inaugural student and graduate of mann school and has been admitted unconditionally to University College London

Although interested in CS, the learning process is not so easy. Although each course will have a professional textbook, the information and knowledge of CS is showing an exponential growth trend, and Tommy needs to watch different materials, videos, websites, and even screen the knowledge and skills he needs from different articles every day. "Even though learning is a boring process, learning CS makes me very happy." Tommy laughs.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

For Tommy, Man School also created the best environment for him to explore CS. Every teacher at the school is helpful, knowing that Tommy has been invited to cambridge for an interview, the teacher will prepare the best interview environment for Tommy; the Man school guidance center will help Tommy correct the entrance test of each application season and give appropriate feedback; and what warms Tommy the most is the enthusiasm of the Man school teachers.

"The teachers are very nice, even if they ask the physics teacher a CS question, he will be very patient with me to solve the problem and find the answer." Tommy thinks in his heart that there will be no problems that cannot be solved at Man School. Whether it is inside or outside the classroom, don't worry about not finding a teacher, afraid that you don't have a thirst for knowledge.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

At MAN School, all-age integrated education greatly reduces the inadaptability of students to continue their studies, and at the same time, at the IGCSE and A Level stages, the MAN School Further Education Guidance Team will also provide professional and meticulous further education guidance from The 9th grade. The combination of international courses and localization has subtly helped more students to establish interest in disciplines.


Before coming into contact with CS, Tommy thought that philosophy was a boring discipline. However, after opening the door of CS, he gradually discovered the charm of interdisciplinarity.

CS, in Tommy's view, is a tool that connects everything and can be applied to basically every area of technological life. Tommy is very interested in artificial intelligence, and people's cognitive concepts and thinking are closely related to AI, and the role of philosophy is naturally magnified. Maybe 'digital thinking' sounds sci-fi, but with a combination of philosophy and CS, I'm sure it can be achieved. Tommy said.

From the primary school stage, MAN School combines the primary school curriculum of its alma mater, the British National Curriculum and the International School Curriculum (IPC). The IPC Integration Curriculum breaks down disciplinary boundaries and expands on biology, mathematics, culture, and more around one theme. For Manchester students, having an interdisciplinary mindset is the most common thing.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

Speaking about his most memorable experience in exploring CS, Tommy said: "After coming to school, I made a machine learning code with my former CS teacher. To be honest, this project has gone beyond the teacher's responsibility, but to my surprise, even if it is outside the syllabus, the teacher will do his best to teach me, just because I am interested. ”

Maxima is often present, but Bole is not. But at Man School, every student can find their own Bole on the road to growth. The author also found that the teachers of Man school are not lacking in patience and enthusiasm, just by participating in the Man School's Scottish National Day, you can feel the unique charm of the Man School environment.

Not only is it a leap in disciplines, Tommy's life is also diverse and three-dimensional.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school


Four years as a guitarist, a football enthusiast, these are some of the other unique labels on Tommy. Impression Middle School CS boys must be lying in front of the computer desk every day to type the code, and Tommy and the band formed by friends on The Scottish National Day played, which broke the author's cognition of science boys.

Sure enough, students in international schools have always been more skilled, and at Man School, teachers will encourage students' all-round development. Tommy said that because he likes to play guitar and sing, the school often gives him the opportunity to perform in public, or small concerts, or festival performances, in short, Tommy's musical talent has also received great support and encouragement.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

With the highest score in Cambridge AS "Computer Science" in China, and developing academically and artistically, I take it for granted that Tommy has her own strict schedule. The answer is very different.

"Schools don't force us to study at night, and one of the biggest features here is freedom." Tommy replied.

Tommy's homeschooling is full of freedom. His parents never forced him to learn anything, how long, and they gave Tommy and his brother plenty of time to explore themselves, which is why Tommy has always been able to maintain his love of CS. If it was forced education, perhaps Tommy would have lost faith in CS and done the opposite. Man School, on the other hand, is also a campus wrapped in freedom.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

On campus, Tommy is free to explore. If he is interested in a certain field, he can completely dispose of his time and dive into knowledge. Teachers are on standby to help students in every way. In Tommy's view, the first thing you need to develop an interest in something is the space for free exploration, which is very effective for students.

And Man School also adheres to the principle of freedom, so that every student can soar freely under the umbrella. Don't worry that students don't have the opportunity to explore, MAN School adopts a gradient advanced education model, offering more than 100 wide-ranging CCA (extracurricular enrichment courses) per semester, allowing students to take the initiative to find interests in their own hands, opening up unlimited creativity and imagination.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Man School's Secondary School CCA Extracurricular Enrichment Program (Academic Part) (Source: School Official Website)


Tommy is currently one of the few Korean students at Manchester School, but at Manchester School, he never felt excluded. Manchester School brings together students from all over the world, and the diverse cultural environment of this foreign school makes students more inclusive, more open and more united.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Man School's Diverse Cultural Environment (Source: School's official website)

Before entering man's school, Tommy often asked his brother about man's school, such as: What kind of teachers are doctoral and master's degrees? How does the small class experience feel? Is the residential environment and library of mann really suitable for someone like him who likes to be quiet? After entering man's school, everything here far exceeded Tommy's expectations.

Academically, just hearing "Cambridge's music director", "1:3.5 teacher-student ratio", and "75% of teachers are from the UK" is enough to make people look forward to it. In terms of facilities and systems, man school has a constant temperature swimming pool, a black box theater, a practice room, a British dormitory with great cultural characteristics, and a weekly sports competition... Tommy said bluntly: "Although it is called a school, it is far richer than a school. ”

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school
Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school
Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school
Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

The author recalls the details of the school visit: the noonday sun sprinkles impartially on the wall of the history museum, where there are portraits of successive principals for nearly 200 years;

Before Tommy prepares for the interview, the two teachers are carefully discussing with him about the Cambridge interview, and as Tommy describes, the teachers at Manchester School are approachable and have no shelves;

On Scottish National Day, the confident performances of students, the free conversation between teachers and parents, and the characteristics and cultural atmosphere of students under the British education system were vividly reflected at that moment.


Not only Tommy, but most of the students at Manchester School have a strong self-drive and curiosity. For them, being able to freely explore the rules by which the world works is the most valuable experience of their youth.

Cambridge AS "Computer Science" china's highest score, from this 188-year-old British foreign school

△ Man School's classroom

We often say that if you look at how good a school is, the teacher's expression will tell you everything. When it comes to the students of Manchester School, the faces of the admissions teachers who guide us are full of satisfaction and confidence, and I began to look forward to what kind of students I will meet and what kind of environment I will be infected by the next time I come to Man School.