
Xiao Yaxuan, 41, has changed 17 boyfriends in 20 years, how did she do it?

author:Every day is a new journey

Xiao Yaxuan, a Taiwanese pop singer, 41 years old, has talked about 17 girlfriends in 20 years, the speed of changing boyfriends can be described as a "roller coaster", and harvested countless "small fresh meat", how did she do it? Is she being abusive, or is she the reason for her charisma? Now let's review her love history.

Xiao Yaxuan, 41, has changed 17 boyfriends in 20 years, how did she do it?

Xiao Yaxuan's most recent relationship is Huang Hao, a 16-year-old age difference that came to an end after 3 years. Counting Huang Hao, 41-year-old Xiao Yaxuan has changed 17 boyfriends, and the average age of the past is only 23 years old.

Xiao Yaxuan's exclusive pet of high-value small fresh meat, especially young, strong and muscular men are especially favored by her. Like: Li Anda, Zhu Vangang, Wang Yangming, Mao Jiaen, Zhou Tanghao, Ke Zhendong, Chen Guanxi, etc., are all men she has worked on.

Xiao Yaxuan, 41, has changed 17 boyfriends in 20 years, how did she do it?

Many people marveled at Xiao Yaxuan's ability to seduce Han and thought that she was abusive. And I think it's actually because her own personal charm is too strong, and her calm attitude to life is loved by men.

Since Xiao Yaxuan debuted as a singer in 1999, he has contributed many classic songs to everyone, such as "The Main Song of Love" and "One Man's Wonderful" and other songs are still prosperous.

In addition to her singing strength, Xiao Yaxuan herself is very golden, her mother's assets are billions of yuan, and she does not need to be dependent on men financially.

Xiao Yaxuan once shared ten love rules in the "Kangxi Lai" program:

Xiao Yaxuan, 41, has changed 17 boyfriends in 20 years, how did she do it?

And she herself does do the same in real life. She is not false as a "love genius", but it is definitely not an abusive emotion. For her, age is neither an obstacle to love, nor an obstacle to her life.

The 41-year-old Xiao Yaxuan not only has beauty and wealth, but also has a dare to love, dashing attitude to life, which man does not like this kind of attractive woman?

Comments: Xiao Yaxuan's love experience cannot be copied. But her dare to love attitude to life is worth learning, in the face of love, meet, we want to love each other; separated, we have to say goodbye.

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