
【Original】Inner Mongolia | Han Huaiqi: Three Poems of Spring

【Original】Inner Mongolia | Han Huaiqi: Three Poems of Spring

Original author: Han Huaiqi | Alxa League, Inner Mongolia

Three poems of spring

Spring News

Balcony spring,

Smell the plum blossoms.

Tasting tea and reading idle books,

Wait for the yaks to come.

Spring is here

Winter goes to spring

The dream woke up and blossomed

The clouds opened and the fog dispersed

The epidemic has eliminated the people's security

A thunderclap of spring thunder

The nationalities of Shenzhou rejoice

Valentine's Day love poems

The spring breeze has disturbed my poems

Spring rain (snow) soaked my heart

The first encounter, a shy look back

The seeds of amorousness sprouted

Ripples of love rippled in Bo's heart

A gentle breeze blows willow branches

It is the time of the virgin's spring

Yearning for zero distance with you

Acquaintance, it is best to just once

Deep love, maybe a lifetime

【Original】Inner Mongolia | Han Huaiqi: Three Poems of Spring


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Cold night fireworks, formerly known as Han Huaiqi, Inner Mongolia Alxa league, state-owned enterprise company employees, do not seek fame and fortune, alone to keep Qinghuan. In his spare time, he likes to drink wine and tea, loves to read and write poetry and prose, and his works have won the Excellence Award of the 2021 "Brilliant Huaxia Shihua Cup" National Poetry Competition, and occasionally published works.

【Original】Inner Mongolia | Han Huaiqi: Three Poems of Spring

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