
Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...


In the blink of an eye, the progress bar of the Beijing Winter Olympics has already passed the halfway mark.

Even many athletes from overseas have completed their own Winter Olympics and embarked on the way home.

Yesterday, American snowboarder 18-year-old Tessa Maud shared her last half hour at TikTok in Beijing's Winter Olympic Village.

In the video, Tessa sits on the edge of her bed, scattered with unpacked luggage, and expresses her reluctance to the camera.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

In Tessa's sharing of her breakfast and outfit on the last day of the Beijing Winter Olympic Village, she also mentioned many times that she was in tears because of her upcoming journey.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...
Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

In Tessa's comment area, netizens from Tiannanhaibei sent their blessings and relief.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

"Oh my God, thank you for documenting your Olympic journey with TikTok!"

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

"You should be proud of yourself! It's not the end, it's just the beginning! ”

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

"Don't cry, you're amazing, it's going to be an unforgettable memory, and you're welcome to play again." Hope next time you can get more try and experience. ”

Tessa Maud, an 18-year-old American snowboarder who at 18 has made her Olympic debut, is trending on Weibo.

Story from "Welcome to China!" Begin...

For the past dozen days, the young athlete has been updating his Winter Olympics trip in real time on social media.

A week ago, Tessa posted a number of short videos on TikTok to share her feelings about participating in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics with netizens. In one of the videos, Tessa said she couldn't help but burst into tears whenever she recalled the opening night when volunteers shouted "Welcome to China."

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

Tessa uploaded a vlog a week ago in which she shared a touching moment during the Beijing 2022 opening ceremony, when she yelled out "hello" in Chinese to the volunteers and one of them yelled back in English, "Welcome to China!"

This video attracted a lot of attention and soon Tessa received a letter from that volunteer, Sun Zeyu, who is from Tsinghua University.

The video quickly attracted a lot of attention, and netizens in the comments section were moved by the Olympic spirit displayed by athletes and volunteers that transcend politics and break prejudice.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

"Oh my God, they all look so happy!"

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

"That's the Olympic spirit. Thank you for recording such a wonderful moment! ”

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

"This is the Olympic video we should see, people celebrating the Olympic spirit together." Not the political and media agendas. ”

Soon, the volunteer brother in Tessa's video, Sun Zeyu from the third year of undergraduate in the Department of Energy and Power Engineering of Tsinghua University, wrote a reply to her.

In the letter, Sun Zeyu thanked Tessa for helping him record unforgettable moments in his life, and also wished Tessa good results in Beijing.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

Tessa, who received a reply, quickly thanked Sun and all her new friends on TikTok.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

Self-made all-round Winter Olympics "VR Experience"

For her first Winter Olympics experience, Tessa was filled with curiosity and enthusiasm.

She explores every inch of detail with vigour and shares her insights with the world without reservation.

Over the past half month, Tessa has shot a series of short videos about the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, recording her daily life in the Olympic village in detail. Tessa and her videos have become popular online.

Even NBC reported that Tessa filmed everything she did with the Olympics for the first time.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

Fly to Beijing and take a picture:

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

Go to the snow field and take a picture:

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

You look at this bed, how cool:

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

Look at this Great Wall Lego, how cute:

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

There is also a series of athlete oOTD (Outfit-Of-Today daily wear):

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...
Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

Of course, in the many Winter Olympic Vlogs with rich Tessa themes, food is also an important part.

Looking at Tessa's videos, diced kung pao chicken, mapo tofu, Peking duck, poplar nectar, noodles, dumplings, pancakes... Eating from the south to the north, from the staple food to the dessert, can not be described as comprehensive.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...
Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...
Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

These sincere records have touched countless people.

A large number of Chinese netizens were "circled" by this happy and enthusiastic American girl, and invited her to come back next time.

Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...
Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...
Although she did not win a medal, she gained a lot of love...

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