
Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

Nowadays, many families have bought a car, and it is very convenient to have a car of their own when traveling every day. You know, decades ago, it was nice to have a bike. Now the streets are full of private cars, and it is difficult to find a parking space when the cars are full. This shows that in the past few decades, our country's economy has continued to develop, and the living conditions of our people have become better and better, which is a matter of happiness.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

However, having your own car requires expenses such as daily maintenance issues, parking problems, and refueling. Usually the oil price of private gas stations is cheaper, and some private gas stations will send small gifts to customers, as well as free car washes and other activities. But people would rather pay more money than go to private gas stations to refuel, why is this?

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

First, oil prices continue to rise

As new energy vehicles gradually occupy the market, most people will choose between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles when buying a car. Because of its energy-saving and environmental protection characteristics, new energy vehicles have received strong support from the state. Since 2021, sales of new energy vehicles have been rising, reaching 383,000 in October 2021 alone, and 2.542 million in the first ten months.

But people who know something about the performance of the car know that the batteries and some core components that new energy vehicles rely on need to be replaced after a few years of use, and the cost of replacing these parts is relatively high. And the obsession of car lovers with fuel vehicles cannot be changed for a while.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

The owners of fuel vehicles are naturally most concerned about the problem of oil prices, and since 2021, domestic oil prices have risen all the way. As of November 2021, the cumulative increase in diesel prices has reached 1925 yuan per ton, and the cumulative increase in refined oil prices has reached 2000 yuan per ton. Rising oil prices have undoubtedly increased the cost of everyday cars, and for car owners who often need to run long distances, it costs more money to refuel each time.

In order to save money, some drivers will choose to go to private gas stations to refuel. All are refined oil products, private gas stations are about 6 yuan per liter, and state-run gas stations are more expensive than private gas stations, about 8 yuan per liter. And some private gas stations will also give small gifts to customers who refuel, or there are free car wash activities. This can't help but make people wonder, why are they all the same oil, and there will be a discrepancy in price?

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

Second, the reason why the oil price of private gas stations is cheap

In the past decade, the number of domestic gas stations has continued to increase, which is due to the increasing number of car owners in the country. At present, there are 119,000 gas stations in China, and among the more than 100,000 gas stations, 45% belong to Sinopec and PetroChina, and 5% belong to foreign-funded gas stations. The other 50% are private gas stations.

From the quantitative point of view, the number of private gas stations is not inferior to that of state-run gas stations, but from the perspective of sales volume, the two are completely incomparable. According to survey data, there are very few car owners who are willing to go to private gas stations to refuel, unless they are in urgent need of gas and there is no state-run gas station around, they will choose to go to private gas stations.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

General car owners have more trust in Sinopec and PetroChina, which also leads to private gas stations being ignored. In order to attract more car owners, private gas stations even adjusted oil prices, which are 1-2 yuan cheaper per liter than state-run gas stations. There are even free car washes or small gifts to attract customers.

Despite this, most car owners are still reluctant to choose private gas stations, believing that they are all refined oil products, and the oil prices of private gas stations are lower, and there must be ulterior motives in them. In this regard, some old employees revealed that the main reason why the oil price of private gas stations can be lower is because the channels for their purchase are different from those of state-run gas stations.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

Most of the purchase channels of private gas stations are small refineries. The location of these refineries is relatively close, which reduces certain costs in transportation. And the operation mechanism of a private gas station is more simple than that of a state-run gas station, which does not require too many employees and can also save a cost.

In order to ensure the quality of refined oil, state-run gas stations will choose large refineries to purchase goods, or transport them directly from the national reserve depot. Relatively speaking, the cost of shipping out in the middle will be higher. Therefore, oil prices will be relatively higher, one is to ensure profits, and the other is to ensure quality.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

Third, the reason why the owner chooses the state-run gas station

For their own car, every car owner will be very protective, in the choice of gas station, but also out of the maintenance of the car. Private gas stations have lower oil prices, but there will be various problems in management. Negative news about private gas stations continues to erupt in society, such as "shoddy charging" and "blending gasoline", which makes car owners more uneasy about refueling at private gas stations.

Although the price of state-run gas stations is higher, they can ensure the quality of refined oil, their management mechanism is also very perfect, and the professionalism of employees is higher. Therefore, most car owners would rather pay 1-2 yuan more per liter, but also to the private gas station to refuel, the picture is safe and secure.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

After all, cars are different from other objects, and in order to maintain value, we must first ensure the quality of refined oil. And now the car is getting better and better, the better the car will be in repair and maintenance will be more expensive. If the car has problems because of the refined oil products used, it is also a big expense to repair.

Nowadays, new energy vehicles are gradually occupying the market, and many private gas stations have not yet installed devices for charging new energy vehicles. New energy car owners can only go to the state-run gas station for charging, which is why some car owners choose to go to the state-run gas station.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth

If private gas stations want to save the current situation, in addition to ensuring the quality of refined oil products, they must also improve the staff quality of staff. And the use of new energy vehicles is increasing, private gas stations should invest as soon as possible, install charging equipment, but also to attract some new energy vehicle owners.

In the final analysis, giving small gifts or washing cars for free cannot really get the trust of car owners. Car owners are most concerned about their own cars, only the quality of the oil can be guaranteed, in order to attract more car owners. Low prices or promotional methods cannot make car owners pay for it.

Why private gas stations are cheap, not only send small gifts but also wash cars for free, old employees tell the truth


Private gas stations have also retained some car owners with lower oil prices. However, if you want to get better development in this era of rapid development of science and technology, you must first keep up with the pace of changes in the times and install charging devices for new energy vehicles. Secondly, although the low price is an advantage, it is not a reason to "shoddy". Only by ensuring the quality of gasoline can we gradually gain the trust of car owners. So do you usually go to a private gas station to refuel?