
【Cultural Eagle City】Ma Nian Ma Street

【Cultural Eagle City】Ma Nian Ma Street

"You can watch a thousand plays in one day, and read ten thousand books in three days." Coinciding with the traditional Majie Book Club on the thirteenth day of the first month, because of the needs of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, in order to ensure the safety and health of the people, in accordance with the notice requirements of the province and the city on suspending the organization of gathering cultural activities and holding large-scale mass activities, the Baofeng County Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a notice and decided to cancel the 2022 Majie Book Club on-site activities, hold online Majie Book Club cultural activities, use the form of online exhibition and performance to restore the traditional folk customs of the Majie Book Club "Bright Books", and provide a platform for exchanges and performances between artists.

The documentary "Ma Nian Ma Jie" filmed by Pingdingshan Education Television in 2014 truly recorded the grand situation and current situation of the Ma Jie Book Club at that time. The film won the first prize of the National Television Documentary Selection Activity of the "Humanistic China Season 4 : Urban Documentary" of the China Television Artists Association, and the Golden Tripod Award for Folk Art and Folklore Video Works of Henan Province. Today, the film is replayed to recall the Majie Book Club, which is known as the "living fossil" of folk culture, and this national intangible cultural heritage brings us happiness and emotion.