
More than a thousand volunteers in the lianshan area of Huludao have become the most adorable "big white" of the war epidemic

author:Northeast News Network

On the afternoon of February 11, in the reporter's WeChat circle of friends, Zhao Gang, an old friend who works at the Lianshan District Education Bureau in Huludao City, flashed a heroic posture in white. After passing the age, he is volunteering in the only closed residential community in Lianshan District. Even from the glance of his fully armed "Great White", the reporter could see his full of courage and determination. "Wherever there is danger, there is me." The battle against the mountains will be won!" The moment he heard his voice, the reporter suddenly felt a wave of respect in his heart, isn't this the cutest person in the new era?

More than a thousand volunteers in the lianshan area of Huludao have become the most adorable "big white" of the war epidemic

Zhao Gang was not alone. Like him, more than 1,000 volunteers such as the "Party Member Commando Team", "Veterans Service Team", "Youth Commando Team", "University Student Volunteer Service Team" and "Towel Anti-epidemic Pioneer Team" in Lianshan District are active in the streets and alleys of the whole district, jointly building a steel backbone for lianshan District to fight the epidemic.

On February 8, Suizhong County added a new case of indigenous COVID-19. The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. The Organization Department of the Lianshan District Committee immediately took action and issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Epidemic Prevention and Control work in a strict and down-to-earth manner by grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members and cadres in the whole region", calling on more than 700 grass-roots party organizations and 19,000 party members in the region to give play to their organizational advantages in the epidemic prevention and control war and show the responsibility of party members. On February 9, it once again called on incumbent party members to sink to the front line and enrich the grass-roots prevention and control forces. 63 organs and institutions directly under the district responded positively, quickly docking with 87 communities and participating in prevention and control work.

Wherever there are tasks, there are Party organizations and party members. 543 party members of district-level organs and institutions, 127 retired soldiers, 369 youth league members, 20 college student volunteers, etc., have set up "party member commandos", "veteran service teams", "youth commandos" and "college student volunteer service teams" to advance to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic.

More than a thousand volunteers in the lianshan area of Huludao have become the most adorable "big white" of the war epidemic

In accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, on February 11, the whole district carried out nucleic acid testing and screening. The "top leaders" of all district-level departments in the whole region have invited them to join the "party member commando team" and play a leading role. Volunteers set up guides in the Jianxing community of Xinggong Street, pasted the "process notice" in front of the door of each unit building, and realized "one notification per household, one queue on the first floor" through WeChat groups and grid staff shouting. The 72-year-old Uncle Yue Shengli gave a thumbs up: "Seeing the orderly arrangement of the community and the busy and chaotic deployment, our residents are all steadfast in their hearts!"

Liu Yanbo and Qin Junqi, retired soldiers who were transferred to their posts, reported to the district veterans volunteer vanguard for the first time. At 16:00 on February 10, they joined the volunteer service as the first team members, and were on duty in the key control community until 1:00 a.m. In the early morning of February 11, he appeared on time at the Wenxing Community Testing Point in Xinggong Street, showing the military nature of the "Iron-Blooded Boy".

Li Jiajie, a student at Dalian Medical University, joined the volunteer service of the nucleic acid testing site with the "Party Member Commando", she said: "In the face of the sudden epidemic, I saw the retrograde progress of Communist Party members, and I want to learn from them. ”

More than a thousand volunteers in the lianshan area of Huludao have become the most adorable "big white" of the war epidemic

Reporter : Zhai Xinqun