
After graduation, it took three months from a monthly salary of 1300 to a monthly salary of 5000 to a monthly salary of 10000 to a monthly salary of 10000, from a monthly salary of 10000 to a monthly salary of 20000

author:Sun You

After graduation

It took three months to go from a monthly salary of 1300 to a monthly salary of 5000

It took five months to go from a monthly salary of 5,000 to a monthly salary of 10,000

It took a year and a half to go from a monthly salary of 10,000 to a monthly salary of 20,000

It took 3 years from a monthly salary of 20,000 to a monthly salary of 50,000

Since graduating 6 years ago, my salary has not risen

Monthly salary will be 0 may only take a moment (unemployment)