
Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

author:New oxygen

That's ridiculous!

Who would have thought that a female star would actually be scolded for a tattoo, insulted by a group of men, and create yellow rumors!

Yes, the sheep is talking about Li Chun, who has acted in "Flowers and Bones" and "Ruyi Zhuan"

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts
Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Here's the thing.

A few days ago, an old photo of Li Chun was turned over by netizens, and some fans said that it was not the same as the current style, a bit of pure era style

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

At the beginning, everyone felt that there was nothing, not Li Chun's black history, at most, when the artist took the photo, the aura had not yet been cultivated in place, and it looked a bit restrained.

However, it didn't take long for a Q&A platform to appear a "How to look at Li Chun's spade tattoo?" Ask a question and attach a close-up of the ankle of this figure.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts
Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

The answer to this question is strange.

The first place in the default sort has more than 7,000 likes.

The respondent first made a definition:

"Woman of Spades, like easy girl, is a title given to certain women by foreigners, and behind it is the incomprehensible language of organization that is difficult to use Chinese."

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

After defining it, he began to introduce the origin of the spade tattoo.

In his introduction: The sign of spades resembles a certain location, derived from bloggers who are keen to make videos with black people, and the tattoo has the meaning of tribal totem

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

The mainland is the starting point where the women of spades are famous overseas. In the mainland, tattoos of spades are not only representative, but also represent the relationship between master and slave.

The conventional unspoken rule of the woman of spades is: 3 black people tattooed on the legs, and 6 black tattoos on the hands, more than 8 black people, tattooed above the chest, so called "queen."

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Finally, he said that judging by his 5 years of experience, the distribution ratio of spades in Shanghai is deservedly the first.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

As for whether this reason is true or false, whether there is relevant information as a reference, and his empirical judgment and those data samples, we have no way of knowing.

Anyway, in the opinion of this respondent, with a tattoo of spades, it is a promiscuous woman, that is, having a leg with a black person, which is flattering black.

Immediately after this respondent was another man.

He said:

This is a sign of a black sex slave, a totem rune for a left-wing woman who pursues promiscuity with blacks as part of the Jewish white left-brainwashed feminist.

The existence of such people is an insult to Chinese civilization and should not become a star.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

He also put up multiple pictures to prove it, trying to convince himself and mislead others.

The Q&A platform labeled his answers as #No Reliable Sources.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

In his lengthy answer, there is also a point of information.

Because a respondent could not withstand the Internet storm, he asked to delete his spade tattoo science

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

You know, the Internet has a memory.

Whether the answer of the respondent is popular science or a rumor or an insult, everyone only needs to look at the picture to be clear

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

His so-called "spade tattoo science" not only involves maliciously humiliating women, but also speculates on Li Chun's own thoughts like a paranoia, believing that Li Chun does not wash tattoos for fear of being thrown away by his master.

The most disgusting thing is that there are not a few men who agree with him.

Under this answer, some men posted their private messages on Weibo, Li Chun's words.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

The language under the comments is even more filthy

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

In short, Li Chun, who has a tattoo on his ankle, was beaten by these answers as a charming black woman.

It didn't take long for men's humiliation of her to shift from the Q&A platform to Weibo.

Some say she is a black dog baby, and there are pipes she wants to seed links

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts
Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

On July 20, Li Chun was overwhelmed and sent a Weibo clarification

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

The wording has been considered restrained, but the men in the retweets and comments still did not let her go.

There are also people who condemn Li Chun with a "righteous and righteous speech" attitude, believing that as a normal person, he should feel ashamed and quickly deal with it

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

It's funny.

The social meaning of the woman of spades is true or false, and it is still inconclusive, and the big hat is first buttoned on the head of the person.

The most infuriating thing is that Li Chun is also compared with Wu Yifan.

Therefore, under the harassing yellow rumors and slanders, Li Chun Studio chose to use legal weapons to defend the artists

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

However, this still did not make the men restrain a little.

Li Chun forwarded Henan rainstorm mutual aid and spread rescue calls

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Under the comments on Weibo, it is not about the content of disaster mutual aid, but a group of men who are unscrupulously opening their mouths.

If there is, just playing it makes people feel disgusting.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

More men in the name of preaching said that simple tattooed spades can also be understood, with a q meaning is very strong.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Good fellow, isn't this a reproduction of the words in Mr. Lu Xun's book?

As soon as I saw the short sleeves, I immediately thought of white arms, I immediately thought of full nudity, I immediately thought of genitals, I immediately thought of sexual intercourse, I immediately thought of hybridization, I immediately thought of illegitimate children. Chinese imagination can only leap forward at this level

To be honest, if it weren't for their appearance, who would have known that there was such a dirty thing on the extranet?

You know, not everyone will take pornography as common sense.

Moreover, for Li Chun, this is obviously a senseless disaster.

First of all, her tattoo is not "Q", but the font of "L" and "C"

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Secondly, spades are just her common symbols, and squares, plum blossoms, and red hearts often appear on her Weibo

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts
Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Li Chun's scolding was not an accident.

Two months ago, the gesture of the South Korean girl group shooting the advertisement was over-interpreted by Korean men, believing that such gestures were discriminating against men.

The evidence given is that the gesture is similar to the logo of the Feminist Community website

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

As a result, large-scale reports have come and gone, from convenience store posters to TELEVISION commercials.

Even the COVID-19 vaccine poster has been replaced

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Therefore, when Song Zu'er made such a gesture on the variety show, some netizens ridiculed that Song Zu'er was ruining his Korean star path

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

To be precise, this is not a joke, but a factual portrayal.

Aidou Fu Yaning opened with this gesture on the Korean talent show, and originally just introduced herself with a gesture dance.

But as soon as the tidbits came out, they were completely boycotted by South Korean men on the Internet, and the relevant dynamics were full of foul language

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

Sheep sometimes wonder, men, are they really so sensitive and vulnerable?

Obviously just a tattoo, but was humiliated by the slut, obviously just a women's group gesture, but now it has developed to the point that as long as it is played, there will be men who will come out and say that this is provoking gender antagonism.

What's more, some surgeons popularized knowledge and used a "teapot spout" as a metaphor, not only by men from Weibo to B station, but even men called him to ask him to delete posts.

Obviously, his original intention was only to say that "weight loss can make the little brother of obese men look longer"

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

It is said that women should become excellent and change well, so why can't men try to be on par with excellent men?

When some men flocked to Li Chun's relief microblog to open a yellow cavity and humiliate women with things that others seemed ridiculous, some men just avoided the rain and saved more than 70 lives in the rainstorm, and even did not leave their names.

Behind Li Chun's cursed slut because of his tattoos are countless inferior teapot spouts

To borrow a quote from a netizen:

Some men are heroes in the face of disaster, and some men are incompetent and furious in front of innocent women.

Perhaps, this is the essential gap between men and men!

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