
World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

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Author: Battle Flash

Recently, the world situation has become more and more complex and changeable, especially the Ukrainian issue has triggered a multi-party game, and even directly affected the change of international power. In this regard, many media and experts have analyzed that the Ukraine issue is no longer a simple problem of confrontation between the United States and Russia, nor is it a sequelae caused by the problem of NATO's eastward expansion, but a big showdown of world power, and it is also a contest against hegemony in major countries and regions in the world. Therefore, this time, all kinds of friction will continue to occur in Eastern Europe, setting off all kinds of waves of major forces in the world, especially the United States has repeatedly interfered in Ukraine's affairs and insisted on escalating the situation, the intensive meetings between Russian and European leaders have cooled down the region, China and Russia have joined hands to support the euro, China has criticized the United States in various ways, the United States has threatened to sanction China for arms sales to Taiwan, and so on.

World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

So what is the main axis of these actions, what forces can attract so many countries and regions to move, the answer is obviously only one, that is, world power. The United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Russia, India, Japan, etc. all want to gain greater influence and discourse power in this power competition, so there will be confrontation between the forces of all sides, and there will also be the unity of all forces, just like the Ancient Chinese Spring and Autumn Warring States, there are both vertical and horizontal, and there are vertical and horizontal. However, one thing will not change, the world's anti-Us and anti-hegemonic war has begun, and the United States is the most uncomfortable in this power confrontation.

World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

Why the United States is the most uncomfortable is mainly based on several considerations and analysis. First, the United States has become the public enemy of the world, and the United States also knows this that it has done too many bad things, and it is bound to see ghosts when it walks more at night. Second, the United States has fewer and fewer allies, as the largest ally of the United States, the European Union's dissatisfaction with the United States has gradually increased, Turkey, Pakistan, saudi Arabia have turned their faces, and repeated frictions with Canada, Japan, and Australia have indicated that the United States has begun to decline and is more and more unrecognized by the world. Third, the United States has entered a period of outbreak of contradictions, racial contradictions, partisan struggles, violent crimes, rich and poor problems, the epidemic out of control, etc., which have made the United States more and more panicked, lest it lose the throne of the world's largest country, lest internal problems spill over, trigger great changes in the external environment, and thus exacerbate the greater outbreak of internal problems in the United States. In addition to The continuous anti-US and anti-hegemony between China and Russia, the Eu-EU has also become the forefront of anti-US, and the continuous confrontation between the US dollar and the euro has gradually developed into the overall competition between the United States and Europe, and is also tearing apart Western society, otherwise there will be no NATO brain death, and resolutely do not do US vassals and other voices.

World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

Today, judging by the various moves of the United States, it is doing the same thing, that is, how to maintain its hegemony, how to maintain the strong influence of the dollar, oil and the military on the world. To this end, the United States opened a crazy mode, and all kinds of damages flew everywhere. First, the United States frantically prints money, continues to use financial capital to harvest the world's leeks, US Treasury bonds have repeatedly reached new highs, world financial risks continue to increase, and the DOLLAR sniping at currencies such as the euro continues to be staged. Second, the United States has turned the tide in the field of energy, in addition to continuing to make a fuss about Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Venezuela and other oil countries, it is also sniping at Russian-European energy cooperation, pointing at China's new energy industry, and trying to maintain control over the world's energy. Third, the US military has also entered a period of intensive adjustment, not only continuing to increase its military strength in the European Union, but also gathering 60% of the US military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, as if the two fronts that the United States cares about most are strengthening.

World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

The United States has three specific means: First, it insists on provoking the escalation of the Ukrainian issue, in a vain attempt to involve Russia and Europe in conflicts and wars, and then creates opportunities for large-scale intervention by the United States to achieve the goal of controlling the European Union and weakening Russia and Europe. The second is to insist on suppressing China, to gradually curb the encirclement of China in the Indo-Pacific region, to control China's development at a low level, biden has bluntly said that China will never be allowed to surpass, this is the bottom line of the United States, once China has signs of surpassing the United States, the United States will spare no effort to suppress. Third, the United States began to become a major energy producer, with a huge energy output and the Established Energy Control Capability of the United States, fighting an energy war with the world, in a vain attempt to maintain the absolute right to speak in the energy field, while the United States also used financial means to disrupt the world market, in a vain attempt to harvest leeks in other currency areas.

World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

In view of the behavior of the United States, it seems that the world will not allow it, and China, Russia, Europe and other countries and regions will not tolerate it, so there will be intensive meetings between Russia and Europe, and it will be the scene of vigorous efforts to maintain the stability of Europe, and only then will China have repeatedly confronted the United States, many Sino-US talks have not been happy and scattered, the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the Peninsula has become increasingly tense, and there will be Sino-Russian joint efforts to support the euro, and Sino-European cooperation will continue to grow. All kinds of indications show that in the face of world interests, all the major forces in the world want to share a piece of the pie and want to become an important role in influencing the world, so the united States will never be allowed to be dominant, which is the main reason why all the major forces are anti-American.

World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

In short, today's United States has long lived up to the past, still wants to be the hegemon to continue to harvest the world, it seems that it is no longer possible, with Russia on the Ukraine issue to fire the first shot against the United States, the United States this hegemon will soon be invited to the stage of the world power center, in its place will be the multipolarization of power. Therefore, all kinds of madness in the United States today can be understood, after all, the fate of the world to revolutionize the HEGEMONy of the United States is falling into a real hammer, and the hegemony of the United States is not in a hurry.

World power is facing a reshuffle, Russia's anti-hegemony has fired the first shot, and the United States is not in a hurry to blame

And The support of China and Russia for the euro, the North Stream project using euro settlement, Iran's oil exports using euro settlement, etc., as if the euro to kill the dollar to become the world's largest currency becomes possible, in this case, why the United States is obsessed with invading Ukraine, the European Union is bent on cooling, China-Russia joint insistence on supporting the euro, etc., it is undoubtedly very clear.

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