
Who is it? The Sun: A Premier League star was arrested for beating his girlfriend in 2019, but reached an out-of-court settlement

Who is it? The Sun: A Premier League star was arrested for beating his girlfriend in 2019, but reached an out-of-court settlement

Live bar On February 13, the "Sun" broke the news that a Premier League star was arrested for beating his girlfriend in 2019, and it is reported that he spent 5 figures out of court settlement fees.

The Sun said the star, who had been expected to receive international accolades, was arrested after his girlfriend called the police. The star allegedly sent abusive messages to his girlfriend late at night, hired a lawyer to reach an out-of-court settlement and paid a 5-figure settlement fee.

The star faces serious charges, including at least one home attack. Police confirmed they had been called, but the players did not face further penalties for reaching a "community reconciliation". The player, who has not been named for legal reasons, was arrested in 2019 and now has no relationship with the woman.

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