
Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

author:Small reception at the Prancing Horse Tavern

Hollywood is an interesting place, where the big names will maintain a competitive relationship with each other, launching several films of similar genres at about the same time, in the name of actively cultivating the public's viewing preferences.

For example, in previous years, "Posey Jackson" and "The Wrath of the Gods", "The Fall of the White House" and "The Fall of Olympus", although these films can not be simply counted as plagiarism of each other, but basically the theme is close, and some even the story structure is roughly the same, which belongs to the inevitable result of the film industrialization process, after the major studios dig deep into the aesthetic preferences of the public.

"Bird Box" today is no exception, and the themes of "A quiet place" launched on the front and back feet and the slightly later "The Silence" are similar to those of the sense deprivation genre.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

Just as people in A Quiet Place have to give up communicating with sound, the protagonists of Blindfolded You must give up another important sense, vision, if they want to survive. However, what is special about this film is that although the whole film creates a fairly good horror atmosphere for the audience, there is no positive description of the monster from beginning to end. The author admits that such a suspense design is very novel, but after watching the movie, I don't know what the monster looks like, it's still quite maddening, right?

There is no detailed description of this monster in the original novel, but only the words "some kind of power" or "monster" to describe it.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

From the news at the beginning of the film, it can be seen that there is a "mysterious force" that first appeared in Europe, causing human suicide in a large area, and then this force spread through Siberia across the Bering Strait to North America to California, where the film's story mainly takes place.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

The film borrows the theory proposed by supermarket administrator Charlie to make a preliminary judgment on this strange phenomenon (this guy is a Nerd, like the author's hobby, usually keen to collect strange theories on the Internet). In Charlie's words, "Humanity is being judged, and these invisible creatures are demons or spirits from hell." Examples he cites are Aka Manah in Zoroastrianism, Surgat in paleo-Christian cults, and even fox spirits in ancient Chinese legends.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

While these legendary monsters do possess the ability to seduce people, the question is why did they suddenly appear in modern society if they had existed in this world since ancient times, leading to the extinction of mankind?

In the section of the road where people drive to the supermarket, the monsters can affect the on-board radar, indicating that it at least has a physical shape, but it is clear that they cannot directly affect the movement of humans, and even a simple wooden door can block them, and these monsters seem to be a little too weak.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

Gary( the "loyal servant" who saw the monster without committing suicide) who appeared later, can be seen in his sketches and paintings with some more intuitive descriptions of the "monster". Except for some of the paintings that clearly depict mutated pupils, the remaining ones vary, but the basic styles are very close, especially several of which are reminiscent of the famous Cthulhu.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

For the introduction of the Cthulhu mythological system, if you are interested, you can see another series of articles by the author, the link is at the end of the article, and I will not repeat it here.

If the "old dominator" is used to explain the monster that appears in this film, it is true that many places can be said, and it is true that ke always exerts spiritual influence on those who see it, which in turn causes the victim to fall into madness, which is indeed in line with the characteristics of this mythological system.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

Cthulhu had a cult following on earth, which developed into a cult group, and the faithful believed that when Cthulhu woke up from the deep sea, it would also lead to a reshuffle of the world. This corresponds to the "madmen" in the film who are immune to mind control, who, with this unique advantage, are constantly looking for the remaining human survivors in an attempt to help them "see the truth.".

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

Still, there are some loopholes in using the Cthulhu myth to explain it. First of all, when most victims see them, they show emotions that are not fear and fear, but more doubt, using adjectives such as "beautiful", "look good", and so on. It seems that in the eyes of some people, the "monster" is not as dark and terrifying as it appears in the painting.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

More importantly, in the eyes of the "old rulers", human beings are simply negligible things, not even ants. There are always a million ways to destroy humanity, and it's hard to imagine that an "old ruler" would chase after the inferior creatures in his eyes.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

Possessing physical entities but not being able to intervene in the real world; having both evil and good appearances; spreading like a plague across the globe like a rave that harvests human life; these irrational places are superimposed, and I can only think of one explanation: the so-called "monsters" are actually angels from heaven, or more precisely, they represent a scene in Christian eschatology, "the Rapture."

It is not convenient to say much about the specific religious aspects, but simply summarizes that some Christian schools believe that the end times will inevitably come to the world, and one of its forms is that all living people must be judged, and those who pass the judgment need to find ways to abandon the flesh and meet Christ in the Holy of Holies.

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

Therefore, in the film, the "things" seen by normal people are not consistent with the results seen by those "heretics", and the "angels" in the eyes of normal people are at most confusing, at least not evil. And those "heretics" who have not passed the judgment see the appearance of the devil, and these human beings who remain in the last days need to continue to attract more people to trial in order to give themselves a chance of salvation.

Think about it, if the purpose of those "loyal servants" is only to destroy mankind, it is not good to be direct, why should they go to such great lengths to make them open their eyes and "see the truth"?

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

As for why people abandon their bodies by suicide in the film, after all, this is a major sin that the church explicitly prohibits.

First, there is no rule in the texts on how human beings should abandon their flesh and ascend to heaven once judgment comes. Secondly, the Bible never explicitly prohibited such behavior, and in medieval Europe, a large number of believers tried to abandon their lives to go directly to heaven by committing suicide, and later the church had to explicitly prohibit suicide as one of the original sins (Sin).

Take a bold guess and be careful to verify what the monster in "Blindfold You" is

Of course, all of this is just the author's own irresponsible speculation, if you have different opinions, welcome to leave me a message, thanks for reading!

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Explain in detail the Cthulhu mythological system, how the "octopus head" of the popular world came about

#Original##Sci-fi Movie ##蒙上你的眼 #

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