
U.S. rebels and black armed forces joined forces to capture the Seattle area and exchange fire with police

author:Gale New Observation

According to US reports, the power of the "rebels" in the United States is expanding day by day. In the U.S. city of Seattle, U.S. "rebels" and demonstrators claimed to form an "autonomous region": the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Region". As black Americans were "kneeling and killed" by white cops, the entire american riot continued.

U.S. rebels and black armed forces joined forces to capture the Seattle area and exchange fire with police

Seattle actually wants to be independent?!

The UNITED STATES reported that the US "rebel" Antipha movement united with a number of US armed groups, including the Black Panther movement of the black armed organization in the United States and a large number of supporters and demonstrators, occupied the US Capitol Hill, temporarily closed the eastern branch of the Seattle Police Department, and the US "rebels" declared the establishment of the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Region". On June 9, the Seattle Police Department announced a reduction in its presence in the area because tough U.S. "rebels" and members of the Black Panther Movement carried and used AK-47 assault rifles in large numbers, a firepower that U.S. police could not cope with. And U.S. police said they allowed demonstrators to carry out peaceful protests.

U.S. rebels and black armed forces joined forces to capture the Seattle area and exchange fire with police

The demonstrators' force escalated

However, the US "rebels" did not stop, but fired a large number of bullets at the US police, and the Seattle area of the United States became a "flashpoint" for the outbreak of clashes between the police and the demonstrators. As supporters of the riots and riots in the United States, the leaders of the Democratic Party of the United States and the Democratic Party of the United States are uneasy about the practice of those black-masked "leftist mob gangs" fighting against the American police. "We've seen this kind of leftist violence before, and we saw it again at a protest in Berkeley the day before, when city police retreated and self-proclaimed anti-fascist militants gathered with peaceful demonstrators who swarmed in."

U.S. rebels and black armed forces joined forces to capture the Seattle area and exchange fire with police

AK is once again a hot seller

"Everywhere there are tenacious left-wing young men in black masks, black gloves, and sticks, hunting down prey that dares to speak their minds." The United States reported. Democratic politicians and many loyal experts have been relatively silent. In this silence, something terrible happened: the rule of law in the United States collapsed. The U.S. Democratic representative said: "The American rebels, the Antiphany Armed Group, are not our friends. They're not going to help us win the election. The Democrats have to abandon the radical left-wing militants, which is destroying the United States, destroying american universities, destroying the Democratic Party. ”

U.S. rebels and black armed forces joined forces to capture the Seattle area and exchange fire with police

The United States is already in chaos

As the U.S. rebels and black armed blockades become more and more violent and powerful, how the U.S. government should resolve the counterinsurgency is now an absolutely major issue. The United States said that the US Democratic Party hopes to see the result is a total defeat of the Republican Party and Trump, "sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight", and finally realize the opportunity to re-ascend to the US White House throne!