
Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

author:Fan Bang Entertainment

At present, the two major dance goddess anchors of the Douyu live broadcast platform may be Minana and Sue. And these two beauty anchors are also very good friends, but recently because of some things the two seem to be a little unpleasant.

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

Recently, Minana (Minana) revealed her actual experience in the live broadcast room, and after she was harassed by fans and moved, her address was suspected of being leaked.

After being harassed by some radical fans many times, Mina has actually kept her personal privacy very secret.

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

Mina suddenly broke the news and began to tearfully tell that few people actually knew her address, and she said that someone used her address to make her mentality.

Mina did not directly disclose the identity of this person, bluntly saying that she used to be a colleague and is now a friend, and she likes her a lot.

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

For the act of revealing her address, Mina bluntly said that these things she did were enough to ruin her career.

Then Mina directly cried, calling "she" too much, and she was very careful after being tracked by "bastard meal", but why do you have to take the address to get me.

Mina also reminded fans in the live broadcast room not to trust people casually. When a fan asked who she was talking about, she said it was inconvenient to reveal.

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

However, Suene Olivia responded directly to the matter during the live broadcast, apparently knowing that Mina was talking about herself.

Sue said that he was "yin and yang weird", and he had told her (Mina) privately that he had lived upstairs in her house before, and it was impossible to think that it was impossible to leak her home address.

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

For all this She said, Sue felt that she was actually very angry, very convinced that she was so good to her, and she had the persecution paranoia to doubt herself, and even took it to the live broadcast room.

Sue recalls that she was banned from the live broadcast accident, bluntly saying that if she hadn't let herself drink, it wouldn't have happened (live broadcast accident).

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

Sue herself conjectures that she thinks Mina might think she will retaliate against her by streaming the accident. Because Sue was banned due to a live broadcast accident, there was also a reason for Mina.

Sue felt that it was very inappropriate to use this imaginary way to expose the news, and he would not carry the pot. Although I haven't seen each other as friends for a year, I am still sad to hear Mina say this.

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

For Mina to let herself drink is one of the reasons for the live broadcast accident, but it is her decision to start the live broadcast after drinking, so I have never blamed anyone.

In the end, Sue said that he and Mina's personality are not compatible, and it is estimated that they are not suitable for being friends.

Mina's address was leaked, alluding to Sue's retaliation for the live broadcast accident, and Sue's response was not suitable for being a friend

Making friends on her own is actually very serious, for example, Mir is not live now, and he and she are still getting along very well.

All in all, there were too many misunderstandings between herself and Mina, and everyone put these things in their hearts for more than a year.

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