
Resolution of the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Discipline Inspection Commission of Dingxi City of the Communist Party of China

author:Weiyuan integrity

Resolution of the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Discipline Inspection Commission of Dingxi City of the Communist Party of China

(Adopted at the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Discipline Inspection Commission of Dingxi City, Communist Party of China on February 11, 2022)

The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Discipline Inspection Commission of Dingxi City of the Communist Party of China was held on February 11, 2022. Present at the plenary session were 31 members of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and 49 attending as observers.

Dai Chao, secretary of the municipal party committee, attended the plenary session and delivered a speech. The standing committee of the municipal party committee, the leading comrades of the standing committee of the municipal people's congress, the municipal government, and the municipal CPPCC committee, and the principal responsible comrades of the municipal court and the municipal procuratorate attended the meeting. Responsible comrades of relevant departments attended the meeting.

The plenary session was presided over by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the meeting thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 19th Party Congress and the 19th Plenary Sessions, fully implemented the deployment of the 6th Plenary Session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the 6th Plenary Session of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the requirements of the Fifth Municipal Party Congress, summarized the work in 2021, deployed the tasks for 2022, and deliberated and adopted the "Striving to Promote the High-quality Development of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Work and Providing a Strong Guarantee for the In-depth Implementation of the Catch-up Development Strategy" made by Hong Xing, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Work reports.

The plenary session held that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission profoundly summed up the successful practice of the party's self-revolution in the new era, systematically expounded the historic pioneering achievements and all-round deep-seated impact of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and made strategic arrangements for promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth and greeting the victory of the party's 20th National Congress, which is the basic observance of the new great project of promoting party building in the new era and the action guide for the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work. Comrade Zhao Leji's work report comprehensively implements Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely follows the deployment tasks of the overall situation of the work of the party and the country, runs through the political principle of "two safeguards", runs through the party's historical experience of a hundred years of struggle, runs through the main tone of strictness, and runs through the hard requirements of the iron must be itself. Comrade Yin Hong's speech profoundly analyzed the situation, stressed the need to carry forward the spirit of self-revolution, unswervingly promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth, and create a good environment for the successful convening of the 20th Party Congress and the 14th Provincial Party Congress. The work report made by Comrade Wang Fu on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission is closely related to the spirit of the central authorities and the reality of the whole province, the theme is clear and prominent, the measures are precise and powerful, and it has a strong ideological, guiding, and operational nature. Party organizations and discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels throughout the city must profoundly understand the essence of the spirit and earnestly unify their thinking and actions with the deployment requirements of the party Central Committee and the provincial party committee.

The plenary session held that Comrade Dai Chao's speech profoundly analyzed the situation and tasks facing the city's party style, clean government, and anti-corruption struggle, and played an important guiding role in deeply studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the plenary session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, persistently upholding the correct style and suppressing discipline and fighting corruption, providing services to ensure high-quality catch-up and development, and accelerating the construction of a socialist modernization new Dingxi that the people are satisfied with. Party organizations and discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels throughout the city should study and comprehend in depth and resolutely implement them.

The plenary session pointed out that 2021 is a milestone year in the history of the party and the country, and it is also an extraordinary and extremely important year in the history of the development of Dingxi. The municipal party committee has united and led the vast number of cadres and masses in the city to work hard with gratitude, innovation, and courage to catch up and forge ahead, and various undertakings have shown a good momentum of catching up and advancing. Under the strong leadership of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Supervision Commission of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and the Municipal Party Committee, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of the whole city have adhered to the positioning of supervision and guaranteeing the implementation of their duties, promoted the improvement of development duties, kept to the right and innovated, forged ahead, armed with theory to cultivate realm feelings, tempered their political character, practiced the "two safeguards" with loyalty in performing their duties, achieved new results in political supervision, helped catch up with development with daily supervision, improved the effectiveness of supervision, defended the interests of the masses with precise governance, added new colors to grass-roots governance, and straightened out stubborn and chronic diseases with a correct style. The construction of work style has created a new situation, punished corruption and maintained fairness and justice, achieved new development by treating both symptoms and root causes, promoted self-innovation with integrity and innovation, and showed a new style in the construction of the team, providing a strong guarantee for the city's "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" to start a good start. The plenary session analyzed the prominent problems, main constraints and obvious shortcomings faced by the plenary session, and called for attaching great importance to and conscientiously resolving them.

The plenary session proposed that 2022 is a key year for building a new Dingxi socialist modernization that the people are satisfied with. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 14th Provincial Party Congress will be held, and it is of great significance to do a good job in discipline inspection and supervision. It is necessary to take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Session of the Party, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions to Gansu, conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Fifth Party Congress of the City, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and promote high-quality development. Consciously grasp and apply the party's historical experience in the past century of struggle, carry forward the great spirit of party building, always maintain the spirit of self-revolution, unswervingly carry out the building of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle to the end, continue to deepen the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, make efforts to punish deterrence, institutional restraint, and enhance consciousness, strive to achieve more institutional results and greater governance results, persist in seeking truth from facts, abide by integrity and innovation, thoroughly implement the project of "supervising and building clean government", and strengthen the standardization, rule of law, and regularization of discipline inspection and supervision organs. Give better play to the role of supervision and guarantee implementation, promote the improvement of development, and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 14th Provincial Party Congress with excellent results.

The plenary session stressed that the discipline inspection and supervision organs in the whole city should run the "two concepts, two points, two lines, and two preventions" throughout the entire process of supervising and enforcing discipline and law enforcement. We should adhere to the concept of looking at it politically first and the concept of administering governance systematically; persist in seeking truth from facts as the starting point and taking the solution of problems as the foothold; persist in taking the safety of handling cases as the lifeline and fairness and justice as the baseline; and resolutely prevent the chaotic behavior of being out of place, absent, and not in place, as well as misplaced, offside, and unsent.

First, we should pay close attention to political supervision and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards." Taking the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 14th Provincial Party Congress as the main line, we will firmly defend the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and strengthen supervision and guarantee the implementation of the party's theory, line, principles and policies. We should pay close attention to the theoretical arming to carry out supervision, and urge party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and cadres to consciously become "people who understand" politics. Keep a close eye on the precise supervision, follow-up supervision, and innovative supervision of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, focus on discovering and correcting political deviations, and ensure that the implementation of policies is not biased, unchanged, and not out of style. We should pay close attention to the "key minority" to carry out supervision, supervise and urge the "number one leader" to do a good job in the leading body, lead the team well, and manage themselves well, and promote the members of the leading body to consciously accept supervision and take the initiative to carry out supervision.

Second, innovate and supervise around the overall situation of the center, and effectively ensure that service guarantees catch up with development. Closely integrate the first responsibility of supervision with the first priority of helping to catch up with development, actively integrate into the overall situation of economic and social development, always resonate with the same frequency as the work of the center, and promote high-quality development with high-quality supervision. Clarify the supervision tasks, force the implementation of responsibilities, and promote the formation of a good atmosphere of active officers, single-minded planning, solid work, and good work. Highlight the key points of supervision, keep a close eye on the things that are not implemented, the people who do not implement, and the teams that do not implement, and strive to find and promote the solution of prominent problems that affect the city's catch-up development. Optimize supervision methods, deepen the use of the "five supervision models", establish and improve the "five major supervision mechanisms", make overall plans for daily supervision, special supervision, and special rectification, and inject strong momentum into catching up with development and catching up with the position.

Third, persist in promoting the "three noes" as a whole and consistently punish corruption. Keeping firmly in mind the "four heavy tasks and long road," we should maintain a strong deterrent in punishment, regard the "six strict investigations" determined by the plenary session of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the rectification of "micro-corruption" at the grass-roots level as the main direction of attack and the focus of our efforts, and resolutely investigate and deal with the problems of corruption that the masses have strongly complained about, encroached on the interests of the masses, and undermined fairness and justice. Strengthen the daily supervision of young cadres, and supervise and urge the "first button" of honesty and honesty in government. Deepen the use of cases to promote reform and promote governance, integrate case handling, rectification, and governance, integrate punishment, supervision, and education, improve the daily supervision system and system, carry out warning education for cadres of the same level, and explore mechanisms for coordinating and coordinating the practice of discipline, inspection, and trial. We should attach equal importance to incentives and restraints, establish a clear orientation of encouraging them to work hard, supporting their responsibilities, holding accountable for dereliction of duty, and punishing corrupt behavior, dare to tolerate and correct mistakes, and give "reassurance pills" to cadres who want to be officers, dare to be officers, and can be officers.

Fourth, perseverance in correcting the four winds tree new wind, continue to strengthen the spiritual of the eight provisions of the central government. We should fully understand the intrinsic nature of the "four winds" problem and the problem of corruption, which are mutually superficial and intertwined, not only prevent the recurrence of "old diseases" but also cure invisible mutations, and constantly release the signal of strictly administering the party strictly and becoming stricter. Focus on the key minority to strengthen pressure transmission, urge the "number one" and the leading group to take the lead in establishing a good work style, and grasp the party style and promote the government style and the people's style under the above rate. We should pay close attention to specific problems and rectify the "four winds," never let formalism and bureaucracy develop by mistake, and never allow the trend of hedonism and extravagance to rekindle. Focusing on the "turning the pursuit project" to deepen the rectification of work style, resolutely eliminate the "four habits" and "five solid ice" and other stubborn work style diseases, and strive to break down the difficult points and blockages that affect the development of catching up. Persist in carrying forward the new style and healthy atmosphere at the same time, continue to cultivate a clean and honest culture, extensively carry out clean and honesty creation activities, and strengthen the construction of the family teaching style of leading cadres.

Fifth, unremittingly rectify the corrupt and unhealthy trends around the masses, and continue to improve the well-being of the people. Resolutely correct all unhealthy trends that harm the interests of the masses, respond to the expectations of the masses and ensure the well-being of the people with more accurate and effective supervision and discipline enforcement. Focus on rural revitalization to strengthen special supervision, focus on ensuring the implementation of policies to benefit the people and enrich the people, deepen the linkage between city and county inspections, and do a good job of village and community inspections. We should pay close attention to the conspicuous problems in the field of people's livelihood, strengthen special supervision and daily supervision around the masses' "urgent difficulties and hopes" and hot issues with strong reactions, and resolutely punish acts that infringe on the interests of the masses. Focusing on fairness and justice, we should deepen the "umbrella and break the net", and earnestly let the masses of the people feel that the comprehensive and strict management of the party is at hand, the discipline inspection and supervision work is at hand, and fairness and justice are at hand.

Sixth, strengthen self-supervision and restraint, and strive to forge a contingent of high-quality professional cadres. Solidly carry out the city's discipline inspection and supervision system "great change in work style, great improvement in ability" and the year of standardized construction, strengthen ideological tempering, political experience, practical training, and professional training. Continue to promote the task of reform, focus on system integration, coordination and efficiency, do practical and special supervision under the leadership of supervision within the party, penetrate all kinds of supervision, and promote the concretization and procedural institutionalization of the dual leadership system. Establish and complete internal control mechanisms, strictly following legally prescribed authority, rules, and procedures, exercising powers to supervise, inspect, review, investigate, and dispose of sanctions. We should vigorously carry out training and training of troops, and constantly enhance our actual combat skills and ability to perform our duties. Strictly strengthen management and supervision, and resolutely prevent "black under the lights." Cohesion stimulates vitality, gives full play to the role of party committees and trade unions of organs, and constantly enhances the sense of belonging and honor of discipline inspection and supervision cadres.

The plenary session called for closer unity around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the strong leadership of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and the Municipal Party Committee, we should know the heavy burden, immerse ourselves in hard work, keep firmly in mind the mission, move forward courageously, greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 14th Provincial Party Congress with outstanding achievements, and escort the construction of a new Dingxi socialist modernization that the people are satisfied with!

Source 丨Dingxi Daily - February 12, 2022 edition

Weiyuan integrity

Editor/Zhang Peng

Review/Liu Haijun

@ Weiyuan Integrity

Don't forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission