
Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films

author:Film Dictionary

1. "Black Gold"

Black Gold, directed by Jean-Jacques Arnold and starring Antonio Banderas, Taha Raheem and Freida Pinto, is a must-see film about oil and war in the Middle East. When oil is found under the barren desert, war ensues. I still don't make spoilers, let you experience the ups and downs of the plot for yourself.

Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films
Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films
Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films

2. Lawrence of Arabia

Lawrence of Arabia, directed by David Lane and starring Peter Otto, Alec Kenneth and others. A legend, a poignant story, I can't help but give you spoilers, stop...

Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films
Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films
Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films

3. "Queen of the Desert"

Queen of the Desert, directed by Werner Herzog and starring Nicole Kidman, James Franco, Robert Pattinson, and Demienne Lewis, outlines how high your ambitions are and how far you go. At the same time tell us that if you want a people to accept you, first of all you have to stand in their position...

Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films
Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films
Deserts, Oil, Politics, War – An Introduction to Several Desert War Films

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