
It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

author:The evil god of film and television
It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

What kind of horror elements in the movie can make people's backs chill the most?

Is it a bloody scene of violence? Or eerie thriller shots?

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

As an old driver who has read countless films, the evil prince feels that the most terrifying thing is not those CG composite pictures, but the sentence that appears unexpectedly at the beginning or end of the film -

"Based on true events".

Life is often more absurd than movies, and the creepiest thing is always the unfathomable humanity.

Akira Kurosawa made an immortal masterpiece, Rashomon, which shows the beginning and end of a samurai murder through the description of multiple character perspectives.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

After the parties glorify their testimony and erase the information against them, no one knows what the truth of the matter is.

This is the horror of the evil of human nature.

The movie I want to talk about today has the same magic.

Based on a true case in Argentina in 2014, it tells the story of two seemingly unrelated cases that are ultimately involved because of their inextricable relationships.

At first, the case was confusing, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false. After stripping away the cocoon again and again, the protagonist finally sees the truth of the facts.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

When the cruel facts are placed in front of him, how should the protagonist choose?

It can be said that this is the most "terrifying" movie that evil lords have seen in 2020 .

Binding offences

Family crimes

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

A woman with blood stained on her clothes appears in the camera, lying unaccounted for in the hospital, with shackles on her hands.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Her name is Gradie, she is a live-in nanny, and her employer is the alicia family.

Now, Glady is accused of murdering her newborn child.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

The picture flashed back, the narrow walkway, and a woman came out of the bathroom, and there were still dappled blood stains on the ground and walls.

This woman is Glady. This restroom was the place where Glady killed his child at that time.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Did Glady really deliberately kill his newborn child? Could there be other reasons?

She didn't seem to be in good spirits, so the lawyer asked her to meet a psychiatrist.

Step into Glady's heart and maybe find the answer.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

The psychiatrist asked about Glady's incomparably tragic origins.

A lonely little girl who grew up alone in the forest, and after her father remarried, Glady's position in the family was like a maid.

Laundry, cleaning, cooking, all the housework is taken care of by herself.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Regarding Glady's case, there is still a question: Who is the father of the dead child?

Employer Alicia was challenged in Glady's case.

Prosecutors believe that some of the things Alicia had said to Glady indirectly led to Glady's killing of her own child.

Alicia once said to Grati that there was no extra room in the house to accommodate her soon-to-be-born child.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

The speaker has no intention, the listener intends.

Glady, who originally had an intellectual disability, is likely to choose to kill his newborn child without knowing what to do with him.

Alicia was furious.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

She said she was not ashamed. Glady also had an unexpected pregnancy before, and gave birth to a child, named Santi.

Alicia loves little Santi as if she were her own child.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

But Glady in court was still silent.

Appeared to acquiesce in the prosecution's complaint against Alicia.

Glady's case is just the tip of the iceberg of Alicia's troubles.

What irritated Alicia even more was the case of her son Daniel.

This is the case told at the other end of the story.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Alicia's son, accused of trespassing, carrying a gun without permission, and sexually assaulting a woman.

The person who sued Daniel was none other than his wife, Marcila.

The two are now separated, and before that, Marcila had repeatedly sued her husband, Daniel.

These two events shattered Alicia's otherwise peaceful old age.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

In court, Daniel burst into tears.

He said his wife had repeatedly accused him of making up charges 23 times, and that it had been more than a year since Marcila had prevented him from seeing her son, Martin, and that Marcila often used work reasons to cheat with colleagues and wear green hats.

Heinously, Marcila beat him and even bought drugs for him to use, and whenever he wanted to quit, Marcila would give him more drugs...

Eventually, he became an incapacitated, depraved addict.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

So, is everything Daniel saying is the truth?

Anyway, all this seemed to Alicia's eyes like a conspiracy of her daughter-in-law Marcila. No matter what his son said, she would choose to believe it all.

The next thing she had to do was to help her son get rid of his sins, no matter what means he took.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

In the second trial, Marciela's testimony and Daniel's were two completely different versions.

Marcila accused Daniel of never going out to work again because of the failure of the motorcycle shop business.

After the birth of her son, Martin, she had to work three jobs to support the family. After being infected with drugs, Daniel even abused her for no reason, and also wrongfully accused her of cheating with her colleagues.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

After experiencing many domestic violence, Marciela finally figured out and decided to leave him and live alone with her son. Daniel could always find them and pestered them.

This time, Daniel threatened Marciela with a gun, demanding that her son be taken away and even raping her.

Speaking of this, the sneer on Marciela's original face instantly turned into tears.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

This passage is like the satirical humanity of Rashomon, where people only say things that are good for them.

So, who of these two people is telling the truth?

In order to buy a lawyer, Alicia sold her house and spent a lot of money to get the DNA test report at that time.

But this report confirmed the crimes of his son Daniel.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

But Alicia still doesn't want to believe that her son is at fault, and she doesn't believe that his son will do something that violates the law by taking drugs.

There is a saying in Rashomon that man is only willing to believe "facts" that are good for him.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Even if the naked truth is presented to oneself.

Alicia, blinded by her mother's love, chooses to believe what she wants to believe.

On this day, Alicia went to Glady's last trial.

Glady was convicted of intentional homicide and served 18 years in prison.

Glady, who had been silent, opened his mouth in court.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Glady said she really couldn't remember how her child died.

Her life was meaningless, she was a waste, but she wanted to ask Alicia to adopt her child, Santie.

She also wanted to apologize to Alicia. In court, everyone said Alicia was at fault.

But she thinks Alicia shouldn't be questioned. Alicia was very kind to her, just like a loved one, and so was To Santi.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

These calm words brought tears to everyone present.

The image of the heroine Alicia is also gradually enriched in Glady's confession.

Alicia had bought evidence of her son's murder and blamed all the blame on her daughter-in-law, Marcila.

Everyone thought she was a delicate egoist, but they didn't expect that in Glady's mind, Alicia was such an image.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Although Alicia is kind, is her "kindness" completely righteous?

She can teach the mentally handicapped Grati to read, speak, and live in all kinds of common sense; she treats Sandy as her own and raises her with all her heart.

Alicia's "gentle kindness" also allowed her son to commit wrongdoing. Alicia's spoiled love makes Daniel a scumbag.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Due to insufficient evidence, Daniel's case could only be dropped.

Daniel was soon released on bail. But as soon as he was free, he ran to Alicia to be a demon.

Previously, Alicia sold the house to raise money in order to save her son, and now Daniel even wants to share in the soup of this money.

Alicia froze, she was silent. Am I really doing something wrong?

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Sandy, who hadn't seen his mother for a long time, clamored to find Glady.

Alicia then takes Santi to the prison to see Grati. On this day, Glady tells Alicia a big secret.

The father of the child turned out to be Daniel.

That day, she tried to stop Daniel from stealing money from her home, only to be raped. Daniel also threatens not to tell her about it or he will kill her and Santi.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

The poor woman, who also kept apologizing to Alicia, said:

"Because she was pregnant with Daniel's child in her belly, and now that the child is dead, she can only 'pay' alicia, the only child, Santi."

Two seemingly unrelated cases in the film are finally linked.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

It turns out that the source of all the tragedy is Alicia's son Daniel.

The emotional density of the protagonist in the film is also concentrated in this section. Alicia couldn't fool herself anymore: her son had done nothing wrong, and her son would reform.

Alicia finally broke out, and she broke down and cried at the home she was about to move away from.

He turned out to be the biggest "accomplice" in these two tragic cases.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Fortunately, it's not too late.

Alicia went to see Marcila and handed her the DNA identification report. She also hopes that Marcila will continue to appeal and send her son to prison for "discipline.".

She used the last bit of strength to her son.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Alicia took the initiative to cut off contact with her son. She also helped Grati appeal, asking for a reduction in her sentence.

After doing all this, Alicia finally gained a long-lost peace in her heart.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

It was a calm afternoon, and Alicia was making chocolate cake with Santi, and her mood was gradually clearing.

She knew it was hard, but that was what she was supposed to do as a mother.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

The end of the story is that the evil lord likes it, calmly but without losing the temperature.

Say goodbye to alicia, who is in a pile of broken things, and lead Santi to Martin's birthday party. Marcila and Alicia shook hands. The two who have reached a reconciliation look at each other and smile, and there is still hope for a new life in their eyes.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

"Bound Crimes" is based on true events. The director seems to have filmed 99 minutes of bland "parents are short", but he can make the audience unable to calm down for a long time after watching it.

In particular, the emotional density is concentrated in the last 20 minutes. The two cases are brought together, and the protagonist also completes the "transformation".

As the audience follows Alicia's journey, they will find that her image is unusually full.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

The three sad female characters in the film, Marciela, Alicia, and Glady, are also the true epitome of many women in society.

Whether it is Marciela who was kidnapped by "love", repeatedly subjected to domestic violence, or almost died at the hands of her husband, or Glady, who did not ask her about it since she was a child, but asked her to be a cow and a horse for the whole family when she grew up,

It was in these two cases that she gradually examined her Alicia.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

Women from different social classes seem to be filled with the same pain.

The film does not have a pretentious and tragic perspective, and the whole process is from the perspective of a third party. It's rare.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year

They erupted in concealment, which also aroused deep sympathy from the audience.

Human nature may be full of sin, but there will always be someone who is as brave as Alicia to stand up to and overcome her own nature.

It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year
It's not bloody or violent, but it's the most "scary" movie I've seen this year