
Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

author:Jinmeng Su Xin Guoxue reading essay


How long has it been? You stubbornly go

Pull out love words and make life

Grains of sand, scraping lyrical parts

This is your secret

The sunlight outside the window fell to the ground

Knowing what he shouted hoarsely

You start to want to go along with the poetry

Dig inside the body, dig out the strips

The fountain gushes, all the way to eternal life

I said something you probably can't

Understand, I want to say: I want to go

You just go and don't have to leave anything behind

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Alternative Songs

It may rain again in a moment

Although there is still sunshine

Instinctive lyrical image

The crickets will sing

Autumn wind cuts

He was not lonely. It's just that

lonely. Here and there

It is a cement city

His problem is


He can't be this

Part of the city

Can't even be

One does not go

People who cry out in pain

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Listen to songs in the morning

It seems that persuading you not to enter me is already there

Impossible. All right

Come on, I put myself

All for you

You really want me to remember

Things that should be remembered.

For the sake of purity, it will be

First, bear the dirt

Day and night

Are you going to fall in love with me? Million

Don't be overly sad

My heartstrings can't stand it

Violent tease

A forty-year-old man

The flesh has long since withered away

You just touch it again


Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

I just like to write blindly

Go to the bathroom after emptying yourself

I decided I wanted to write a poem

To describe the kind in the body

The feeling of emptiness

A poem must come from the body

Out, this is written

The process of coming out is like peeing

They must be true to what they think

The thoughts that flowed out

He didn't even care about the poets

The ability to withstand it

Actually, they never have

All have a kind of self-generation

The courage to kill yourself...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

A Song of Sorrow

The air was filled with lovers

The smell of hugs, the smell of kisses

You're an old man in a portrait

Leaves, just by the wind


The meaning of summer is for you

But it needs to be naked

And as much as possible

More nudity

Used to cool down

Spying on your heart at all times

Poetic, much the time

Torture, so you will

Constantly tortured

Sadness, maybe just sadness

It doesn't matter if you come or not

It doesn't matter if you go or not

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

I'm good

When it comes to these four words

I don't know why, it is

Can't hold back tears

It fell

Forty years. You are sincere

I didn't think about people

Will get the same response

You've always liked to talk to the wind

The world insults you and scolds you

Care because you love them

I never thought about giving up and living

I never wanted to let you guys either

Unforgettable, you won't

Sadness is for him

True deep love

Because of his good nature...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Here you go

So many thoughts arise from the wind

End at the inner zombie

Where to start is bound to be

Where it ends

Don't try to persuade me anything anymore

Knowledge of the world

Even I'm better than you

Know more

Too close to the essence of softness

Will cry. This is one of a kind

Humanity protects itself

And soothing instincts

Oh, and whether I really should go

Say something you don't want to say

More words

From today to tomorrow...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills



Being alive is not too much

Easy thing, too

Easy, similar to love

You have to adapt to parting

Youth has gone a long way

One's intentions

It can't stop it from sinking

It is also full of tiredness

Complaining: You are a block

Stubborn stones

Actually, behind these

Stubbornness is for

Close to the truth of the facts

I don't want you guys

To give up on me...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Listen to "True Love Invincible"

I was full of sea breeze blowing

"Don't be alarmed or awakened

My dear, let herself be willing..."

Come, you can build your home in

On the sea, let the azure be for you

The bitterness of that salt water left me

Digest slowly

It's just that I want to tell you a lot

Vast ocean, really

Not necessarily safe

The buoyancy of the sea water could not be held up

Your bulky body...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

The sun is out

The sun is out, this earth

That makes me feel safe

Hidden stuff

Just came out

The leaves are green in the sun

Makes people feel cute and use

Its green doesn't stop

Give me infusions

The sadness of the tiger's eyes is there

Not far away, want to devour you

Thankfully they are sunshine


The lamp in the body will slowly

Darken down, so let's go

Sunlight charges it

And learn to be with yourself

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Give a tree of small flowers

You stood on the branches and gently called me like

Calling out to one who was wandering outside

Too long too long a lover

Little by little, we got closer. From white

Gave a road that can lead to spring

The road, let love slowly surface to the tip of the heart

I'm no longer who I am. I am you

Drink an empty cup, it's your face

A shy smile is the wind at the tip of your brow

There are also some that have not yet been born

Interpret the emotions to you, may you

Can meet...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

June night

In June, it was returned to the people of western Anhui

You will meet me and the grass tip

More and more dew on the leaves

The rainy season is coming. Like one

Leave the woman, how careful you are

They couldn't keep the warmth in her heart

Everything you pass through is short-lived

Existence, dwelling in the soul of the amorphous

There's nothing left that hasn't been bitten by you

Whether you're overpainting or lightly painting

Understatement, can not prevent what is in

Grow up or die inside your body...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

The darkness of the night

Extinguishing a lamp is like extinguishing a person

Love. The little beast with a sad heart

Slowly awakened by a love song

Forgive me, my heart has rained

Like a nail! At the fingertips full of calls

Some clues have long been put down in the wind

The moonlight couldn't find you hiding in the house either

shadow. It doesn't matter when scales

At the climax, you will surely appear on your own

It's just that when dawn is still far away, I

There are only two options: either play

Singing, or remaining silent until death...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Night is coming

Close yourself and you can still hear one

The sound of rolling, let me believe

There is as much light as there is darkness

I was held tightly by the darkness, don't

Worry for me. Moonlight will definitely

Spread your face to my world

Some time has sprung up to memory

I have nothing to lose, and I can't compare

One light, bear more

How much you can have, you should first leave it

Not mentioned. Dry sat in the middle of the darkness

You should light me up with the eyes of a girl...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Darkness is approaching

How simple I want to reject them

Get love. It's just that I'm complete

Lost the power to run it well

The youth on the face was peeled off layer by layer

Day after day, time passes

Hurry, like a hungry lion swooping in

I suddenly wanted an old man, in

Running hard in the wind, a piece already

The stone will wake up and speak to you

Maybe the sorrow will be found all at once

Me, they'll ask me what I'm asking for

You may never know...

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

It's overcast again

Some things are really hard to foresee

The sky is overcast again, and I want to use it

Dialects keep talking

There was a wind blowing. A little bit slight

Wet, a teenager was there

I grew old in self-talk

Deeper down, you're more

Fits bel canto, whatever you want

Sing or not sing

It's all notes

The fallen leaves of life have long since fallen

In this world, a heart

It's a person's address

Tell me what the hell you live in


Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills

Xiaoshan, also known as fifty strings, an old man in Anhui, likes to seduce his sister, good beauty, good yellow wine, good poetry books

Fifty Strings June 10 Poems/Hills