
#Hangzhou Headlines # In order to build a subway for the owners of hangzhou community, there are 3450 households in the community with 500,000 yuan per household, which can raise more than 1.7 billion funds

author:Brandy Eric

#杭州头条 #

For the price

The owners of Hangzhou Community are preparing to build a subway

There are a total of 3450 households in the community

500,000 yuan per household can raise more than 1.7 billion funds

The owners figured it out

House prices rose after the subway was connected

The money paid is earned back minute by minute

It's really brain-opening

Too hard to spell just

Subways can't be built with money

#Gold Powder Community#

#我要上 Headlines #

#Hangzhou Headlines # In order to build a subway for the owners of hangzhou community, there are 3450 households in the community with 500,000 yuan per household, which can raise more than 1.7 billion funds