
The Chinese team has made repeated breakthroughs and strived to create history

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

On the evening of February 11, in the men's steel frame snowmobile competition at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Chinese athlete Yan Wengang won the bronze medal with a time of 4 minutes 01.77 seconds, which was the first medal won by the Chinese team in the steel frame snowmobile event.

Yan Wengang made history, and Chinese athletes once again left a heavy footprint in the Winter Olympics. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, China's ice and snow achieved breakthroughs in many events, and the frequency of "creating history" in this Winter Olympics was pushed to a new height - Xu Mengtao, Jia Zongyang, Qi Guangpu, three four elders of the Winter Olympics joined forces to win the silver medal in the freestyle skiing aerial skills mixed team; Gu Ailing, who won the gold medal in the freestyle ski women's big jump with 1620 that had never been tried before; Su Yiming, who won the silver medal in the men's slope obstacle course skills of snowboarding with a score of 88.70 points...

The Chinese team has made repeated breakthroughs and strived to create history

Photo by Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 11, 2022 China's Yan Wengang won the bronze medal in the men's steel frame bobsleigh competition at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics held at the National Bobsleigh Center.

In addition, although some athletes did not win medals, they filled the gap in the history of China's Winter Olympics participation, creating history in the way future generations explored the way. China's Xu Mingfu successfully completed the race, filling the Olympic results gap in the men's downhill event for China; Zhao Jiawen finished 43rd in the Nordic biathlon, filling the gap in the Chinese team's Olympic results in the event; the Chinese duo Huang Yebo/Peng Junyue ranked 17th in the men's double bobsleigh, which was the first Winter Olympic result of the Chinese team in the event...

Creating history is gratifying, which has refreshed the height of China's ice and snow; filling in the blanks, people look forward to it, which has accumulated experience for China's ice and snow.

This creation and filling is no accident. Before the Beijing Winter Olympics, "strong ice and weak snow" has always been a problem facing China's ice and snow. When China successfully bid for the Winter Olympics in 2015, various snow sports national teams began to be formed, and cross-border cross-border material selection work was carried out simultaneously. The promotion of the short board action has laid the foundation for China's ice and snow energy to continue to make history at the Beijing Winter Olympics. It can be seen that the history of this Winter Olympic Games is mostly concentrated in snow sports that have never been participated in by Chinese athletes before, and today's achievements are the reward for the efforts made by Chinese sports to make up for the "snow weak" pattern.

To see the achievements that have created history, we must also see the difficulties behind the achievements. For example, Yan Wengang, who won the bronze medal, did not practice a steel frame snowmobile before, he started out as a long jumper, and even when he went to the playground, he never rode a roller coaster. In December 2016, Yan Wengang was selected into the China Steel Frame Snowmobile Training Team with his excellent explosiveness and physical fitness. With physical conditions and achievements is not inevitable, Yan Wengang has obviously a much greater difficulty to overcome, he has to overcome fear, overcome unfamiliarity with the project, and endure the injuries and illnesses of a brand new project. From joining the training team at the age of 19 to standing on the podium of the Winter Olympics at the age of 25, Yan Wengang's success was not achieved overnight, it stemmed from day after day of training and struggle.

Regarding competitive sports, which is more important, talent and effort, no one can say clearly, but the consensus is that talent without hard work must be difficult to cash in. Everyone saw Gu Ailing's jump to the sky, and winning the championship with her never done 1620 reversal may be her talent, but it should not be ignored that her successful attempts are inseparable from her daily training. Before going to Beijing to participate in the Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing went to Chengdu for 5 days of special training, and the person in charge of the ski resort introduced that Gu Ailing had basically no rest time for 5 hours since she came at 10:30 in the morning, and she did not even have time to eat halfway. Gu Ailing is a genius girl, but no successful genius girl gives up the struggle lightly.

Winning a medal is a story that makes history, but it is also a story that shows the strength of struggle. Because of the struggle, so can get a medal halfway out of the house, because of the struggle, so can cash in the talent of the final turnaround.

Watching the Winter Olympics, watching a lively mood is pleasant, and the learned quality makes people shake their spirits. Standing in the historical trend of major changes unprecedented in a hundred years, the Beijing Winter Olympics have enlightened that great dreams are not waiting to be shouted, but spelled out. Through struggle, everyone has the opportunity to write a wonderful chapter of life and better to the future!