
Comprehensive news: Eliminate the noise of sports politicization and promote human unity and fraternity - the Beijing Winter Olympics have been well received by people from many countries

author:Overseas network

Source: Xinhua Net

Beijing, 12 Feb (Xinhua) -- The various events of the Beijing Winter Olympics are underway, and the wonderful competitions have left a deep impression on the athletes and spectators. People from many countries said that sports should not be interfered with by political prejudices, and the successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics eliminated the noise of sports politicization, embodied the spirit of unity and fraternity of the Olympic Movement, and expressed the common desire of mankind to pursue peace.

The Olympics unite peoples

Atakán Araftagir, president of the Turkish Ski Association, said that at the Beijing Winter Olympics, athletes competed at the sports level, hugging and greeting after the game, which was a beautiful scene. Sport should focus on solidarity, friendship and should not be infested by political prejudices.

Pesalla, head of the French delegation to the Beijing Winter Olympics and president of the French Ice Sports Association, said that athletes from all over the world came to Beijing like reunited families to participate in a winter sports event with wide participation of all mankind. Sport has a very important impact on the future, and we hope that sports will become a link between peoples of all countries.

Former Hungarian President Schmitt Parr, a member of the International Olympic Committee, admired the slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Together for the Future", arguing that the Olympics were about peace rather than politics and that the Games brought athletes together. People are united and together for the future, and that is what matters most.

Egyptian Olympic Committee Secretary-General Sharif Erian said politicizing the Olympics was a Cold War mentality. The modern Olympic Games transcend the boundaries of nationality, color, ethnicity, religion, ideology, etc., and connect the whole world, and the international sports exchange represented by the Olympic Games has become a bridge of friendship between people and countries.

The politicization of sport runs counter to the spirit of the Olympic Charter

Huang Simian, vice president of the International Olympic Committee, said that politicizing the Olympic Games will not have any results, but will affect athletes who have worked hard for the Olympic Games for many years or even a lifetime. He said he believed the Olympics could build a bridge, not a wall.

In the view of Laura Cuchilia, an IOC member and former President of Costa Rica, sport can help bridge differences and uphold equality. The Olympics should not be a stage for political manipulation, and politicizing the Games would pose risks to this global sporting event.

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder wrote that the real victims of politicizing the Olympics were athletes who had been preparing for it for a long time. He noted that any attempt to use the Winter Olympics to put pressure on China would end in failure.

Zyuganov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, said that for centuries, sports have helped peoples to get closer to each other and live in harmony. The use of sport as a weapon of political pressure is contrary to the spirit of the Olympic Charter and unacceptable.

Hurshid Yunusov, executive director of the Winter Sports Association of Uzbekistan, believes that the politicization of sports and the Olympic Games is wrong and unacceptable, and the interests and rights of athletes should be put first.

The Beijing Winter Olympics embody mankind's desire for peace

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said sport should stay away from politics. The slogan "Together for the Future" reflects the aspirations of humanity for peace. The Beijing Winter Olympics fully follow the Olympic spirit.

Zimbabwe Olympic Committee President Tabani Gogne believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics are an opportunity to unite the world, and he opposes the politicization of the Olympic Games by some Western countries. Gogne said sport and politics should not be confused. Countries should focus on participating athletes to help them achieve good results in Beijing. Throwing up issues that are not related to sports will only have a negative impact on athletes.

Botswana Olympic Committee President Bossan Janigo said sporting events should not be a platform for manipulating political issues. He represented Botswana and African Olympic sports organizations in support of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Kazuaki Saienji, advisor to the Japan-China Friendship Association, and Hachigi Akira, director of the Japan-China Friendship Association, jointly wrote an article pointing out that the Olympic Games are a sports event of peace, friendship, and unity. People gather through sport across ethnic, national, political, religious and ideological differences and achieve the desire to live in peace through deepening friendship. The successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics is a victory for the Olympic spirit and for peace-loving people all over the world.

Kenyan international studies scholar Kavins Adehir wrote that sport can bridge the differences between different histories, civilizations and ideologies, and promote friendship between countries and unity among all mankind. Attempts to turn the Olympics into an arena of ideological and geopolitical competition run counter to the Olympic spirit and are unpopular. I wish the Beijing Winter Olympics a complete success and the Olympic spirit will surely triumph. (Participating reporters: Chen Hao, Hu Xiaoguang, Teng Junwei, Zhang Yuliang, Bai Lin, Lu Jinbo, Tang Ji, Xiao Yazhuo, Liu Yang, Wang Lili, Wang Feng, Shadati, Cai Guodong, Wu Dani, Fan Xiaolin)