
Chinese football is back in the dark: Shuai's ambitions have not been paid, and the dream of technological reform is difficult to realize

author:Sardinian Sports

Finally, Chinese fans still wait for the news of Stojkovic's dismissal, the technical flow master bid farewell to the Chinese arena, people who like him are very painful, the Chinese Super League will lose another offensive football master, the league will lose a shining point, R&F football will no longer have charm, and people who dislike him are very happy, R&F finally no longer have to worry about defensive problems, the hat of the worst defensive team in the Chinese Super League finally has the opportunity to take off, indeed, Shuai has brought valuable experience to R&F for more than four years, and his departure, It cannot be said that R&F has failed, but it is also an opportunity for R&F to seek transformation.

But for Chinese football, the deep understanding of control and forward, Si Shuai has undoubtedly benefited China a lot, especially the fans can't stand the brainless big feet and back transmission of the national football team, as Si Shuai said, he can go anywhere to earn money, but he wants to help Chinese football, and this ending is the sadness of the whole Chinese football.

Chinese football is back in the dark: Shuai's ambitions have not been paid, and the dream of technological reform is difficult to realize

Many R&F fans really do not understand, their own team field was scored by the opponent, the three points in hand were taken away, the results began to decline year by year, why there are so many people like Si Shuai, for their own team, because they are linked to the results, the feelings for Si Shuai will definitely be affected by the league, and for other fans, the love for Si Shuai is simple, because no matter what the results of Fuli, this is not what other team fans care about, what they love is that Si Shuai let a group of Chinese players who will only work roughly, like the European and American strong teams, to control the ball. The attack is flowing, so that some of the gorgeous that can only be found in J League teams has appeared in the Chinese Super League, And Shuai is not only a football coach, he is also a football artist, is there a right or wrong art? There is no right or wrong in art, only likes and dislikes.

So, you measure Si Shuai in terms of performance, he is not qualified, but from the perspective of football, Si Shuai gives us perfect enjoyment, more than one fan has expressed his sigh, rather the team is relegated, rather than lose, but also to play a beautiful football like Si Shuai, Chinese football can not wait to absorb the energy of Si Shuai, Fuli also can not afford such results, and the last master similar to Si Shuai, the ending is also desolate, Ze man's offensive football is famous in the world, there are countless people who love Ze Man's theory, But in the face of professional football results, this is undoubtedly a dead end, the beauty of football and the results of the combination of the best team, very few, so Barcelona's good memory will be more valuable.

Chinese football is back in the dark: Shuai's ambitions have not been paid, and the dream of technological reform is difficult to realize

Before Shuai, Schmidt let Guoan feel the sweetness of advanced ideas, but also hurried away, he and Shuai, are the leaders of advanced football concepts, and students are Chinese football, under their hands, fear of moving forward is unacceptable, and in their eyes, the selection standards of Chinese football need to be reshaped, just like Shuai's mentor Wenger said, more and more excellent players, blocked out by physical fitness, even if they are very talented, but still not accepted and recognized, this is also the case in China There is always a market for tall and strong players than thin players, messi cannot have a future in China, but if the tactics of Shuai Si shuai are implemented throughout the league, those players with good skills, who are aware of the position and have a big picture view, will usher in the dawn, and China will no longer worry about no technical players.

And all this, with the departure of Schmidt and Si Shuai, seems out of reach, in China, Li Xiaopeng and Wang Baoshan such anti-conservative coaches are still the mainstream, even foreign coaches such as Cannavaro and Pereira are also based on the idea of defending the team, in fact, not because they are not willing to progress, but they are also very practical, Chinese players are difficult to accept advanced things, fully understand that it takes a long time, this is not allowed by the club and the results, so it took more than four years for Si Shuai to let this concept land, Players with technical offensive play such as Lu Lin, Li Tixiang and Tang Miao will converge on Fuli.

Chinese football is back in the dark: Shuai's ambitions have not been paid, and the dream of technological reform is difficult to realize

Si Shuai said that his departure is a loss to Chinese football, and after he turned away, many people have begun to miss him, And Shuai's failure is the failure of Chinese football to accept advanced concepts, which proves that Chinese football still has no living space for technical play, lagging behind the international football world for more than ten years of interception and defense, or that the negative playing style of domestic players and foreign aid is still difficult to shake.

But Si Shuai is not without treasure, under the flick of his football banner, the Chinese coach has begun to awaken, Li Tie is the best representative, he is not only familiar with the defense and intensive defense, the pass control play is also extremely respected, especially in Wuhan, even the national team, Li Tie is requiring the players to dare to move forward, go more on the ground, this is a great progress, and with Li Tie fully into the national team, Si Shuai's voice will surely re-ring, technical football will take root in China, wish Si Shuai all the way.

Chinese football is back in the dark: Shuai's ambitions have not been paid, and the dream of technological reform is difficult to realize

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