
After applying for a postgraduate degree, can the academic qualification be upgraded to a postgraduate degree?

author:Working postgraduate students

Postgraduate students are a form of postgraduate education approved by the Ministry of Education, and after registration, they can study while working, which is very suitable for working people to promote their academic degrees. So, after applying for an on-the-job graduate school, will the academic qualification be upgraded to a postgraduate degree? This is determined by the certificate obtained.

If you can get a postgraduate diploma after graduation, you can get a postgraduate degree, and if you only get a master's degree certificate and do not have an academic certificate, you cannot improve your academic qualifications.

After applying for a postgraduate degree, can the academic qualification be upgraded to a postgraduate degree?
There are a variety of ways for working graduate students to apply for the examination, and each application method obtains a different certificate.

Part-time postgraduate students (postgraduate qualifications available)

Certificates obtained: Postgraduate Diploma, Master's Degree Certificate

Registration Process:

1) Online registration: online pre-registration in September, online formal registration in October; (Consultation before registration)

2) On-site confirmation: After the success of the online report, the on-site confirmation is generally carried out in November every year;

3) Participate in the unified examination: after successful registration, participate in the preliminary examination of the national unified examination held in December, and the examination process and score line are the same as those of full-time graduate students;

4) Re-examination examination: After passing the initial examination, you need to participate in the re-examination organized by the institution, which is generally from March to April of the following year;

5) Admission: After passing the initial examination and the re-examination, the institution selects the best candidates for admission, issues the admission notice, and the students enter the school to study;

6) Obtain a certificate: After completing the credits and passing the thesis defense, the institution will issue a postgraduate degree certificate and a master's degree certificate.

Equivalent academic strength (postgraduate degree not available)

Certificate obtained: Master's degree certificate

1) Submit registration: If you meet the college degree or above, you can submit the application materials, and after the school has passed the review, you can be exempted from the entrance examination;

2) Course study: enter the seminar and study the postgraduate level course;

3) Final examination: After the completion of the course of the seminar, you need to participate in the final examination organized by the institution, and the examination will be issued by the institution;

4) Shen Shuo registration: After passing the final examination, students who meet the undergraduate degree for 3 years can participate in the Shen Shuo exam, generally online registration in March of each year;

5) Shen Shuo Examination: The Shen Shuo Unified Examination is held in May every year, only two subjects, foreign languages and comprehensive subjects; a full score of 100 points, each subject can be passed by 60, there are multiple re-examination opportunities within 4 years; the examination pass rate is high.

6) Obtain a certificate: After passing the master's examination and thesis defense, you can obtain a master's degree certificate.

Master of Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education (postgraduate degree not available)

Certificate obtained: Master's degree certificate abroad

1) Application: Submit application materials to the intended institution;

2) Institutional assessment: do not need to participate in the national unified examination, in the form of data review or interview + written examination;

3) Enter the school to study: generally in the domestic class, some colleges and universities need to study abroad in the later stage, the specific school arrangements shall prevail;

4) Thesis defense: After the course is over, some schools have thesis defense requirements, and some schools do not have thesis requirements, and can directly graduate;

5) Obtain a certificate: After graduation, obtain an international master's degree certificate issued by a foreign institution. If the certificate can be certified in the middle of the service, the effect after certification is equivalent to the domestic double certificate.

Through the introduction of the above on-the-job research application method, part-time graduate students can obtain graduate degrees, but the examination difficulty is also relatively large, and the enrollment institutions are relatively small, which is suitable for students with a better learning foundation to register. And through the same academic strength to apply for the master's degree, you can not use the exam, 985/211 colleges and universities can also be smoothly and easily enrolled!

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