
Female journalists as models | The competition behind the glamorous life is cruel after the surge 25 years old

author:Al Jazeera
Female journalists as models | The competition behind the glamorous life is cruel after the surge 25 years old

Dancing to enliven the atmosphere is also one of the jobs of car models.

Text/Peninsula All-Media Reporter Zhong Wenting Photo/Big Joe

Asking how much money you can make as a model is like asking how much money you can make by opening a restaurant, depending on whether it is a breakfast stall selling fritters or a five-star hotel catering and accommodation. In every industry, there are low-level migrant workers and high-end talents, and the modeling industry is no exception.

Behind the price war

It's "psychological warfare."

What does "self-reporting expenses on the face" in the model recruitment notice mean? 4 people will choose 8 to 10 people to enter the shortlist, these 8 to 10 people will report their own labor fees, and customers will choose according to the cost performance. "Usually I don't want to change my body value easily, for example, my psychological price is a 500 yuan, even if I know that a peer will quote 400 yuan, I will not depreciate myself." Because I took this 400 yuan, it means that I will be in the category of 400 yuan in the future. Practitioners introduced.

Although tall and beautiful girls are a scarce resource, beautiful women who are models are never scarce. For many newcomers, even if they don't give money, they are eager to try to become models. Now it is normal to debut at the age of fifteen or sixteen, twenty-three years old is a senior model, and after twenty-five years old, even if you are the elder in the circle. "In the modeling industry, the replacement is so cruel and rapid." Practitioners confess.

In addition to the self-quote, more customers will directly inform the "fee range". For example, in the five-star hotel clothing conference, the cost range is 300 ~ 800 yuan, if the clothing wholesale market in the conference, the cost range will be reduced to 200 ~ 500 yuan, even if the participation is the same batch of models, the cost will also be different because of the overall grade of the performance and the customer budget. Is it $300 or $800 in the "fee range"? It depends on the pricing of the person, and the full beauty that the model can show on the stage is the standard for measuring the specific cost.

Of course, the simplest and most popular is to directly inform the cost. "The time and place of the interview and performance are as follows, and the cost is 500 yuan to connect the small window", customers who publish this kind of information are more direct, as long as the work is done well, the remuneration is the same.

Surely people will be present

Defending rights is hard

More than 400 models in the group of often have job postings, there are often activity time "crash" situation, which will have a question: a model just interviewed through the next Saturday pay 500 yuan activity, and there is next Saturday pay 600 yuan activity release, then the model can continue to interview the 600 yuan activity?

"Although there is no contract signed in black and white, this is the spirit of a conventional contract." According to practitioners, once the activity is determined, unless there is a natural disaster or man-made disaster, the model must be present. Once a "little cleverness" is exposed, the model's integrity will be marked with a question mark, and for a long time will make the agent or team leader afraid to use it again.

This is like the actor schedule, the difference is that the actor will have a more standardized contract signing, while the modeling industry basically relies on the convention of the industry rules to self-discipline. This constraint is more strict for the model, but there is basically no constraint on the intermediary company or the employer, and if the model encounters problems such as the cancellation of the activity or the arrears of the fee, it can only blame their bad luck and it is difficult to defend their rights.

In addition, the average person rarely experiences interviews, and models may experience them many times a month. The reporter summed up the experience in several interviews, from the costume matching to the stage performance to the customer psychology, although the model is eating youth rice, it is not as simple as just needing to be young and beautiful. The reporter also gradually grew up in frequent interviews, and after half a month, he finally passed the opportunity to participate in a large auto show.

Lipstick can be shared

Privacy cannot be mentioned

People are always curious about where girls gather, especially where there are many beautiful women. Although the model was a competitor when she interviewed, when she arrived at the event, everyone was a sister in the same camp. Especially for several consecutive days like a large car show, from morning to night rehearsal performances and meals together, this time everyone is like a cohesive group, no longer have the smoke of the sword during the interview, but there is a kind of mutual support for each other.

"My lipstick looks good to paint you a little" "Your eyeshadow looks good and I rub a little"... This friendship of sharing cosmetics and even sharing a bottle of water was quickly reached. The model who walks outside with the wind is actually a little sister who holds hands and goes to the toilet together. And the models may be more informal than the white-collar beauties sitting in the office, they can also eat high-end cocktail parties, and they can also eat box lunches on speakers.

Models huddle together backstage, even if they put on the same lipstick and drink water from a bottle, but some topics are not easily brought up, such as income and age. There are different lives under the stage, and the stories behind everyone's performance are well protected by the girls.

The reporter has seen the model Li Li, whose son has gone to primary school, her monthly fitness and beauty expenses are over 10,000, and she still likes to play the little girl and then the performance of three or five hundred yuan; the reporter has also seen the model Xiaofeng who loves to make up smoky makeup, in fact, she has just turned 15 years old, and she has to go home to write "Winter Vacation Garden" after removing makeup. No matter who it is, everyone has a more common title, "dear" in previous years, and now "little sister". If I had to add an honorific title, it would be "this good-looking little sister".

Keep in shape

It's all about being "hungry"

Models work in front of the camera and take on a lot of clothing display tasks, so they are naturally demanding on their bodies.

The car show models gather at the convention center at 9 o'clock every morning, and the breakfast of the small wind is a small box of yogurt... After a busy morning, no one ate any more snacks, and no one even opened the Coke sent by the car dealer staff to drink.

Lunch is a meat-and-vegetable lunch with a rich box lunch with banana and orange juice drinks, and all car salespeople and the interpretation model have the same lunch, but the two long tables are in stark contrast: the sales staff will basically eat a meal, the model will eat the box lunch full and almost no decrease, and the staple food will not move. "That's my habit, and I don't feel guilty." Xiao Ling said to reporters lightly.

"So are you really not hungry when you get together?" In the face of the reporter's question, Xiaoling said the secret of weight loss: "Something with too heavy taste will raise my delicious threshold, and the more I eat, the more I want to eat, so I will take a shabu in boiled water, and things that have no taste will naturally not want to eat."

Controlling diet is almost every model's daily homework, and some models choose fitness aids. Behind the glamorous scenes in front of the camera on stage, years of controlling the diet is enough to make people collapse, which is why many entertainers quickly bless once they leave the spotlight: they have really been hungry for too long.

Food color, give up the pursuit of food this pleasure, model to do this is really worth it? The little wind was more relaxed: "You can't let a person spread everything good, this side has already looked at the infinite scenery, and the places that can't be seen over there must be a little shadow."

■ Reporter's Note Don't underestimate the beauty, which is not a "fierce character"

The question of what kind of person can become a model is like what kind of person can become an actor and become a writer, talent and hard work are indispensable, but not necessarily to learn this major. Just like many well-known writers are not graduates of Chinese department, many well-known actors are not studying acting, and the modeling industry is also like this.

Nowadays, the professional models who often receive performances in the performance circle, there are very few who study costume performances in college, they have studied finance, students, and accountants... It's one thing to study what major, it's another to see if your appearance and expressiveness can be recognized by the market. Many models entered the industry with the opportunity to walk on the road, were found by the people who "swept the street" of the performance company, received a business card, and since then, a tall girl has opened the door to a new world.

Model Xiaojing, a 20-year-old biology student in a sophomore college, entered the industry by participating in an online selection contest and has since been signed as a model by an agency.

Xiao Jing part-time as a tutor, an hour of course down, in addition to the share of the training institution, she got the hand of the lesson fee is 40 yuan, a day to catch 3 tutors work is only 120 yuan. Therefore, when Xiaojing first took on a 500 yuan performance, he resolutely joined the part-time model. Xiao Jing, who has been working for a year, has gradually become the leader, that is, after accumulating a certain customer network, he can lead a small team and pay other little sisters. Nowadays, Xiaojing not only uses the latest mobile phone, but also uses two - a WeChat account for student Xiaojing and a WeChat account for model Xiaojing. She kept switching in this two-sided life, but she was not so comfortable - this year's final exams began to hang up again, and if the credits were not enough, the teacher would talk to her again and even talk about repetition.

The situation of professional model Xiaozhi is also not so optimistic.

Xiao zhi's performance cost has not changed in ten years, and she has no relevant work experience when looking for a job again, and she feels as if she has no other skills than walking on stage to take pictures. The clerk who worked nine-to-five shifts didn't want to do it either, and the best wish she could still think of was to save some money to open a clothing store.

Indeed, many models will choose to open a clothing store after quitting, because of the perennial contact with the fashion industry, the vision of choosing clothes is unique and has its own clothing manufacturer resources, and then it is the living signboard of the store, doing models for many years, how to wear clothes is the most housekeeping skill.

Among the part-time models, there are very few people who can really work while modeling, the first reason is that the time of their own work does not allow frequent departures from the post to participate in interviews, rehearsals and performances, and many female models will gradually leave the industry after having another half, after all, not every man is willing to show his daughter-in-law, especially models often have underwear performances, swimwear performances and so on.

Generations of models change, and the back waves can't wait to pour in, and the front waves gradually withdraw from this colorful world, or retreat to the family, or hide in ordinary work.

So don't underestimate every good-looking girl around you, behind them may be hidden a cruel and romantic jianghu past, they are accustomed to fame and fortune but still naïve, they are free and transparent hidden in the city, but can maintain their figure and beauty all year round, which is not a cruel role?!

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