
The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special meeting to deploy and promote the current key work

author:Changzhou Intermediate Court
The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special meeting to deploy and promote the current key work

The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special meeting

Deploy and promote the current key work

Adhere to the "stable and accurate and strict competition"

For the overall development of the province and the whole country

Make more Contributions to Changzhou

The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special meeting to deploy and promote the current key work

On the afternoon of February 11, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special meeting to thoroughly implement the requirements of the central and provincial party committees and provincial governments on effectively doing a good job in the first quarter of the work and ensuring a good start to the whole year, conscientiously implementing the relevant work requirements of Wu Zhenglong, secretary of the provincial party committee, and Xu Kunlin, governor of the province, re-emphasizing the current key work, re-deploying and advancing, adhering to the principle of being steady and steady, and earnestly shouldering the major political responsibilities of overall epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, overall development and security, and making every effort to create a stable and healthy economic environment. The social environment and clean political environment of Guotai Min'an have made more Contributions to the overall development of the province and the whole country. Chen Jinhu, secretary of the municipal party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech, and Sheng Lei, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and acting mayor, and all leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government attended the meeting.

The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special meeting to deploy and promote the current key work
The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a special meeting to deploy and promote the current key work

Chen Jinhu pointed out that this year will usher in the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

It is necessary to take the word "stability" as the first word and go all out to shoulder the political responsibility for stabilizing economic and social development.

To implement the main tone and general requirements of seeking progress in stability, the great responsibility of "stability" must be shouldered, and the great responsibility of "progress" must be shouldered.

Economic development should be stable, we must adhere to the combination of goal-oriented, problem-oriented, and result-oriented, unswervingly implement the "532" development strategy, fully implement the deployment requirements of the city's industrial development conference, make good use of the implementation opinions and 30 policies to promote the high-quality development of the industry, accelerate the deep integration of science and technology and industry, continue to tackle the construction of projects, actively expand effective investment, fully tap consumption potential, continuously optimize the business environment, make every effort to maintain the stable and healthy operation of the economy, and strive to achieve better results.

Leading cadres at all levels should regard security and stability maintenance as a major political task at present, pay close attention to it, closely focus on key areas and key tasks, further consolidate responsibilities and refine measures, make great efforts to resolve prominent contradictions, eliminate hidden risks, and achieve zero ideological slackness, zero tolerance for risks, and zero mistakes in work. It is necessary to comprehensively carry out a large-scale investigation and rectification of social contradictions, risks, and hidden dangers, and create a good and harmonious social atmosphere.

It is necessary to take the word "quasi" as the head, and go all out to grasp the normalization of the whole chain to accurately prevent and control the epidemic.

All levels and departments should always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, adhere to the combination of normalized precision prevention and control of the whole chain and local emergency disposal, compact the "four-party responsibility", implement the "four early" measures, give full play to the role of the urban immune system, strictly guard the gate, control the source, strengthen the prevention and control of key links and places, strictly implement the requirements of wearing masks in public places, scanning codes and measuring temperature, strengthen cooperation in investigation and prevention, strengthen the prevention and control of personnel and key groups in medium- and high-risk areas, and put "external prevention input and internal prevention and rebound" Responsibilities and measures are implemented and detailed.

Education departments should meticulously do a good job in the work of opening schools, ensuring that personnel, equipment, facilities, materials, and plans are in place. The industrial and information technology department should strengthen the guidance and supervision of enterprise epidemic prevention and control.

Health and publicity departments should continue to increase the publicity of epidemic prevention and control knowledge and health education, and create a strong publicity atmosphere of full participation and group prevention and control. It is necessary to speed up vaccination and earnestly build a solid immune barrier.

It is necessary to take the word "strict" as the first word and go all out to do a good job in all aspects of safe production.

All levels and departments must always bear in mind the general requirements of "two not relaxing" and "being sure to achieve results", persist in not slackening the momentum, not reducing the intensity, and not lowering the standard, and deepen the "three-year stove" of special rectification of safe production with the tenacity that is always on the road.

It is necessary to highlight the risk management and control of high-risk industries, focus on key industries such as chemicals and dangerous chemicals, dust-related explosions, high-temperature melting, urban gas, transportation, building construction, and special equipment, focus on key areas such as high-rise buildings, stations, airports, chemical storage tank concentration areas, small catering restaurants, etc., focus on new formats and new fields such as escape room game venues and electrochemical energy storage, further increase safety supervision and hidden danger rectification, and ensure that safety hazards are rectified in a timely and efficient manner.

It is necessary to comprehensively promote the construction of the public safety system, the improvement of the "dangerous pollution and scattered low" clearance, and the creation of safe development cities, and make every effort to improve the level of intrinsic safety.

It is necessary to take the lead in "real" words and go all out to carry out the action of "tackling tough problems and resolving prominent problems in letters and visits."

All levels and departments should persistently regard the petitioning work as an important task of understanding the people's situation, concentrating the people's wisdom, safeguarding the people's interests, and rallying the people's will, pay special attention to the "initial letter and initial visit," and earnestly ensure that "if there is a letter, it must be restored, and if there is a visit, it must be answered."

It is necessary to smooth and broaden the channels for expressing the interests of the masses and safeguarding rights according to law, adhere to and innovate the "Fengqiao experience", actively take the initiative to investigate and resolve contradictions and disputes at the grass-roots level and at the source, and strive to resolve contradictions and disputes at the grass-roots level and in the bud.

It is necessary to "contend" for the first word and go all out to achieve a good start to economic development in the first quarter.

The Second Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Municipal Party Committee, as well as the City's Industrial Development Conference, the Municipal Party Committee Talent Work Conference, the Safety Development Promotion Conference, and the Community Work Conference, have made arrangements for this year's comprehensive work and key areas, and clarified the goals and tasks.

All levels and departments must show the spirit of "fighting," grasp the implementation one by one, and fulfill their commitments one by one. Strengthen the monitoring of economic operation, accurately judge the economic operation situation, and strive to solve the difficulties and problems faced in economic operation.

Leaders at all levels and departments of cities, counties (districts), towns (streets) should be fully mobilized, continue to visit enterprises in depth, effectively solve difficult pain points and blockages, promote direct and fast policies, protect legitimate rights and interests, boost development confidence, give full play to the role of the real economy as ballast stones, fixed stars, and top beams, and support the "stability" of the city's economic development with the "advancement" of enterprises.

It is necessary to speed up the early start, early construction, and early results of the major projects, key projects, and important carriers that have been scheduled, and implement "weekly inspections, monthly circulars, and quarterly inspections" for the projects scheduled for the "532" development strategy.

It is necessary to seize the opportunities for infrastructure investment by the central and provincial governments to appropriately advance, accelerate the pace of construction of major infrastructure such as the Changtai Railway and the Danjin-Hangzhou Expressway, and form a physical workload.

It is necessary to make every effort to do a good job in the work of "double strokes and double introduction", comprehensively promote the expansion of investment, promote consumption, and stabilize foreign trade, accelerate the promotion of industrial digitalization and digital industrialization, seize the opportunity for stable growth throughout the year, seize the initiative, and ensure a "good start" in the first quarter.

Chen Jinhu stressed

The upcoming municipal "two sessions" is an important meeting to implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Economic Work Conference, the Provincial Party Congress, the Provincial "Two Sessions" and the Municipal Party Congress. The principal responsible comrades of all sectors and units should take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics, unite and lead all deputies and committee members to concentrate their energies on running the congress well, and ensure that the "two sessions" will be held in a cohesive and united manner.

Source: Changzhou Release