
Mr. Jin Chong and Mr. Jin's decisive battle

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Different from ordinary military works and film and television works that blindly pursue visual effects, the armageddon in the liberation war in the eyes of experts can more truthfully and accurately reflect the most critical factors that determine the outcome of the war.

Mr. Jin Chong and Mr. Jin's decisive battle

Triptych Edition of Showdown

Decisive battle is not only a duel at the military level, first of all, the accumulation of various forces on both sides for a long time, reaching the level of qualitative change and sometimes violent clashes, the success or failure of victory or defeat lies in peacetime preparations, such preparations include military, economic, political and other aspects, and it is undoubtedly shallow to simply regard the decisive battle as a simple military duel.

When the emperors of successive dynasties became famous and became heroes, it was not only the military generals who could enter the eyes of the emperors. Liu Bang listed Xiao He as a first-class meritorious man, so that a group of martial artists sighed more and more, and later thought that when he was sleepy and tired on the battlefield, he was exhausted and almost starved to death, and xiao He Baba sent grain, which reminded him of his goodness, the knife was sheathed, and the arrow was returned to the bag. After zhu Yuanzhang's legendary story on the battlefield, the reward for merit and deeds was also Li Shanchang as the first.

It can be seen that the decisive battle is about logistics and supply, and it is about the economy.

Mr. Jin Chong and Mr. Jin's decisive battle

Mr. Kim's work has a great impact

Taking modern times as an example, at the beginning of the Liberation War, the disparity between the forces between the Kuomintang and the Communists was too great, but Chiang Kai-shek was a stinky chess basket, and first of all, he messed up the economic chess piece, the legal tender did not work, and the gold coupons were put on, causing prices to soar, and the people did not have a good life, and made a mess. On the other hand, the Communists first carried out land reform and always stood among the masses of the people. The great man said that the people, and only the people, are the driving force for history to advance. The slogan of the northeast's land reform is: "The poor people turn themselves over and join the army in separate fields." This has the level of propaganda and public opinion, but it is propaganda put into practical action, and it is a political war and is also based on economic development. I have seen many writings describing our military's military operations, but few have analyzed works that reflect the economic development of the Liberated Areas. If you think about it, the masters of the economy within the Communist Party are like clouds. Leaving aside the subsequent situation, to say that in the northeast battlefield at that time, we were more interested in the miraculous effects of Lin Zong's tactics such as "three three systems," "four slow and one fast," and "one point and two sides" on the battlefield; in fact, the people's army of more than one million people also relied on strong logistical support, but we seemed to have consciously or unconsciously ignored the power of Gao Gang, Chen Yun, Peng Zhen, and other talents outside the battlefield at that time. Our historical research should fill this gap.

More important than the decisive battle is the duel of the strategic thinking of the leaders of the two sides. Grasp the overall situation, rational analysis, scientific judgment, determination and courage. This point is discussed in a comprehensive and informative manner in Mr. Jin Chongji's book "Decisive Battle", and if you are interested, you can read it.