
Zhang Weiwei and Qiu Wenping: Now back in Xinjiang, the key word is "relax"

"To call xinjiang, which Chinese known to everyone, 'hell on earth', is simply a challenge to human intelligence and basic civilization."

"From a Marxist point of view, if real poverty cannot be solved, then religious poverty is naturally difficult to solve." In order to solve the root causes of the problem of violent terrorism, Xinjiang has taken a two-pronged approach from both material poverty and spiritual poverty. ”

"What can be done to prevent Western forces from infiltrating Xinjiang in new forms and creating new violent attacks?"

Zhang Weiwei's speech:

Xinjiang is a good place, more than 2,000 years ago, China's outstanding diplomat Zhang Qian traveled thousands of miles to the western region after several years. More than 1400 years ago, the high monk Xuanzang traveled to the Western Regions to learn the scriptures. In this long river of history, on the ancient Silk Road, many splendid civilizations between Eurasia have constantly collided and blended.

China has land borders with 14 countries, and Xinjiang accounts for 8 of them: Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Xinjiang also has the world's longest music suite "Twelve Mukam", which combines traditional music, literature and art, drama and dance, which is a must in the world. Xinjiang has the world's longest groundwater irrigation system Qaner wells, with a total length of about 5,000 kilometers, and there are more than 1,700 karez wells in Xinjiang, which is a world miracle. The world's largest area of original poplar forest is in Shaya County, Xinjiang, with an area of more than 3,800 square kilometers.

Xinjiang has the world's highest quality long-staple cotton, and the evil forces in the West want to smear it, but instead advertise Xinjiang's long-staple cotton. Xinjiang has completely eliminated extreme poverty today, and the United States is far from doing so. Xinjiang has not had violent terrorist incidents for four consecutive years, which is in stark contrast to the US counter-terrorism model, the more anti-terrorist, the more fearful.

Xinjiang attracted about 200 million tourists in 2019, the highest in history, Xinjiang also has the most modern high-speed rail, of which the Lanxin high-speed railway is the world's longest high-speed railway, with a total length of 1776 kilometers, traversing China's Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang three provinces, all the way to see the beautiful scenery.

However, over the past few years, Western countries led by the United States and Western media have tried their best to smear Xinjiang. They said: "Xinjiang is suppressing ethnic minorities, persecuting Muslims, forced sterilization, forced labor, etc.", portraying Xinjiang as a "hell on earth" and a "concentration camp", which is almost to the point of violating the minimum common sense of mankind, exposing their dark psychology and confusion in the face of China's rise. I have said this point many times in conversations with the Western media: You have messed up Iraq, you have messed up Afghanistan, you have messed up Syria, you have messed up Libya, and now you still want to mess up our Xinjiang, which is absolutely not allowed, and you absolutely cannot do it.

Looking at the various "color revolutions" planned by the United States around the world, it is generally the following three types of countries or regions that are the targets of the "color revolutions": the first is the big powers that may challenge the hegemonic status of the United States, such as China and Russia; the second is some key countries or key regions in geopolitics, such as Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, etc.; third, it is a resource-rich country and region, such as Iraq, Libya, Myanmar, and so on.

China's Xinjiang combines these three goals, and naturally becomes the top priority of their encirclement and suppression of China. What is the wishful thinking of the United States and other Western countries? As long as they disrupt Xinjiang, they can achieve three goals at the same time: one is to split and dismember China, interrupting the process of China's all-round rise; second, to occupy geopolitical advantages and control the core areas of the entire Central Asia; and third, to plunder Xinjiang's rich natural resources.

Two recent videos have been circulated that directly reveal the purpose of the United States in disrupting Xinjiang: One is a clip of a speech by Lawrence Wilkerson, a former director of the U.S. Secretary of State Powell's office and former U.S. Army Colonel, who gave a speech at the Ron-Paul College in the United States titled "American Imperial Strategy." He later did a lot of reflection and reflection on the US Middle East policy, and he said at the time: The United States has three main strategic objectives for stationing troops in Afghanistan, first, to control Afghanistan, and when putting pressure on China's military, it is most appropriate to use it in Afghanistan. Second, guard against Pakistan's nuclear weapons. Third, using the Xinjiang issue to disrupt China.

Zhang Weiwei and Qiu Wenping: Now back in Xinjiang, the key word is "relax"

Lawrence Wilkerson, director of the former U.S. Secretary of State Powell's office, excerpt from his 2018 speech: There are 20 million Uighurs in Xinjiang, China, and if the CIA can use them to destabilize China, the best thing to do is to create unrest and incite the Uighurs to disrupt China from within. (Video screenshot)

He also said that such a layout of the United States can not only provoke incidents in the Xinjiang region at any time, but also put pressure on the "Belt and Road" initiative that China is advancing. There is no doubt that the turmoil in Xinjiang is to contain China's development and rise, and the United States has actually planned it for a long time. Wilkerson's position was not particularly high, but he was directly involved in the planning of the two wars launched by the United States, the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq, and was a manipulator within the US military, so his speech exposed the true intentions of the US war strategy.

This is reminiscent of February 5, 2003, when U.S. Secretary of State Jerome Powell delivered a more than 70-minute speech at the United Nations Security Council to justify George W. Bush's war in Iraq, and he even took out a bottle of unidentified white substance in a test tube as evidence to condemn Iraq's biological and chemical weapons for causing great harm. Later, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the bottle may contain washing powder. Then later facts also proved that the so-called Iraqi biological and chemical weapons alleged by the United States were purely fictitious. Powell himself later admitted that the speech was a stain on his own life.

As the chief of staff, Wilkerson was involved in the collation of the material for Powell's speech at that time, and he later repented of his conscience and called this scandal the biggest mistake of his life. He confessed that my participation in the collation of that report was the lowest point of my professional life, that I had participated in a hoax against the American people, a hoax against the international community, a hoax against the UN Security Council. Later, he openly stood up against the US Middle East policy, the US invasion of Iraq destroyed the balance of the Persian Gulf for fifty years, and the current turmoil in the Middle East is the evil result of the US Middle East policy.

Another video is a 2015 speech by Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator, in an interview. In this interview, she frankly acknowledged the U.S. plan and means to disrupt Xinjiang, and she said that all of this has now been verified by many U.S. actions. She said that Xinjiang is China's main energy artery, and we want to gradually play the "gender card" and "race card" within China, saying that the ethnic minorities in Xinjiang do not have their own land, we want to help them, they are oppressed, saying that China is "slaughtering" them, "torturing" them. Then Edmonds said that the U.S. plan is to move the practices that the United States has already used in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iraq, and other places to Xinjiang, create various topics out of thin air, and take advantage of the void.

Then she made it clear that you're going to see elements like those that have appeared in Places like Ukraine, all coming up in Xinjiang, making Xinjiang the next "Taiwan" to contain China. She acknowledged that while the United States has been playing the human rights card, the truth is that she says we never care about the people, sorry, people are not in our interests unless people can be used to achieve our goals. She said these blunt words with a kind of laughter, which is probably also a natural outpouring of the cold-blooded mentality of Americans.

Edmonds also frankly admitted on the show that Chinese's claims about Xinjiang may be closer to the truth than Westerners' statements, but unfortunately 99% of (Western) people, even the New York Times, are inclined to report on Xinjiang, but the real situation is not like that. The Chinese government's claims are far more reliable than the New York Times's of listening to the Turks.

Then our Foreign Ministry spokesperson has played these two videos on different occasions, and pointed out that I don't know whether some people in the United States have slipped their mouths or whether they really have such a monologue in their hearts. However, these two videos are undoubtedly the evidence of their efforts to press Xinjiang step by step and to recruit them, and they are powerful evidence of the conspiracy of the US anti-China forces to concoct century lies by means of Xinjiang-related crimes, want to wreak havoc on Xinjiang, and "use Xinjiang to control China." In fact, this also interprets the words of then US Secretary of State Pompeo in April 2019, when he said: "We lie, we cheat, we steal, we have a course dedicated to teaching these, which is the glory of the United States' continuous exploration and progress." "That's what the Americans say and that's what they do.

This reminds me of a precise positioning given to the United States by Financial Times columnist Martin Wolff: the United States is a rogue superpower that ignores international law. Facts have proven time and again that the So-called Xinjiang issue concocted by the United States is not concerned about the rights and interests of the Uighur people, otherwise they would not have fought against so many Islamic countries in the name of counter-terrorism after the 9/11 incident, resulting in the destruction of tens of millions of Muslim families and the separation of wives and children. Their aim is to deter China's growth and achieve its geopolitical and geoeconomic goals.

It is no wonder that when the UN Commission on Human Rights is discussing human rights and xinjiang, not a single Islamic country supports the anti-China proposals of the United States and other Western countries. After all, the paper cannot contain the fire, and the brilliant achievements made by Xinjiang in the fight against terrorism and modernization have won the hearts of the people of Xinjiang, the hearts of the people of the whole Chinese, and the praise of people of insight in the international community.

In fact, the United States and other Western countries have smeared Xinjiang to the point that almost all people with a slight conscience and common sense judgment ability think that how the West can be stupid enough to fabricate such crude and stupid rumors, and to call xinjiang, which Chinese everyone knows, a hell on earth, is simply a challenge to human intelligence and basic civilization, which in itself also shows the credibility of the entire Propaganda machine in the West, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely bankrupt, and today's signs of bankruptcy are everywhere.

Finally, we must point out once again that China is not Iraq, Nor Afghanistan or Syria, and the international evil forces that are trying to disrupt Xinjiang can only humiliate themselves in the end.

Qiu Wenping's speech:

I grew up in Xinjiang, and because I have been doing research on Xinjiang issues, I have a lot of feelings. I have just returned from Xinjiang, and I have been going back many times a year for the past few years, and I have a deep feeling that the difference between now and before is that I feel relaxed and safe. In the first five years, everyone went to Xinjiang with a very deep feeling, a deep fear. Friends in Xinjiang told me that you are worried about housing prices in Shanghai, we are worried about life in Xinjiang, what do you want a house for? As a result, the entire economic and social development has suffered serious setbacks. After two years of going back, I deeply feel relaxed, because the night market has all been restored, and people have begun to go out to eat, drink and have fun, which is the real human right. Your right to live, your right to be free, your right to live without threats, as an individual.

The second is the large-scale transformation of Xinjiang's society. Now when I go home, I see that all of them are new buildings, new streets, new facilities, and new culture, and it is modernization and a sign that the entire people of Xinjiang have entered a new stage of our socialist construction and entered a moderately prosperous society. It's actually a huge change.

Why did such tremendous social change and ideological emancipation occur in Xinjiang? We must mention the Marxist concept of ethnicity and religion and China's system of national autonomy. Many people do not realize that our socialism in China is essentially aimed at liberating the oppressed poor people, and that China's border and poor areas, young and old, are the key areas of concern to our country. China's system of regional ethnic autonomy and ethnic preferential treatment is a system that other countries do not have, and the central government's financial transfer payments, border subsidies, ethnic cadres (training), poverty alleviation projects, college entrance examination bonus points, inner high school classes (inland Xinjiang high school classes), a series of policy designs for ethnic minority areas, in fact, other countries do not have. In particular, our central leadership has put forward that we are a "pluralistic and integrated" nationality. There is a very good analogy in Xinjiang, saying that the various ethnic groups hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds, and unite like brothers and sisters. This family-style concept is the confucian wisdom of our traditional Chinese.

Why did Xinjiang have so many violent terrorist problems before? First of all, we look at the problem from our own perspective, with the reform and opening up of our concepts have a lot of differences, resulting in the consequences of "peacocks flying southeast". A large number of young people have left Xinjiang, and the fact that we have not clearly and unambiguously cleaned up the ethnic separatists after the founding of the People's Republic of China has caused very serious consequences.

A big reason for the prevalence of religious extremism is poverty and population explosion in Xinjiang. The northern and southern frontiers are divided into two parts, in fact, together with the Altay region and the Ili region, it is divided into four parts, most of which are Uyghurs. The population has increased by nearly 10.5 million from 2.2 million in the early days of the people's republic of China to 12.7 million now. It is conceivable that its population carrying capacity is very limited, and the population explosion has led to a very difficult survival. Without more construction, the problem will come, and other religious forces will compete for the people's hearts, so the Bachu violent terrorist case in Xinjiang has continued until the very serious "7.5" incident, and the violent terror continues continuously.

Zhang Weiwei and Qiu Wenping: Now back in Xinjiang, the key word is "relax"

On July 6, 2009, several burned cars were parked on Beiwan Street in Urumqi. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Since the "7.5" incident, we have found that the only way to solve the problem of violent terrorism is to truly carry out comprehensive, systematic, and systematic engineering two-pronged governance.

"Religion is the opium of the people", this sentence is mentioned by Marx in the Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law, he said: "Religious poverty is an expression of real poverty, but also a kind of resistance to real poverty." Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the soul of the heartless world, just as it is the spirit of the spirit in the state of no spirit, it is the opium of the people. So this sentence is very important, many people only read the last sentence, did not see that religious poverty comes from the actual poverty, we speak from the perspective of materialist Marxism, if the actual poverty can not be solved, then religious poverty is naturally difficult to solve. Actual poverty is divided into material poverty and spiritual poverty, and solving one of them alone will not help to solve the model of religious belief.

Therefore, in order to solve the root causes of the problem of violent terrorism in Xinjiang, we have taken a two-pronged approach from both material poverty and spiritual poverty. In terms of economy, nineteen provinces and cities aid Xinjiang, poverty projects and aid projects, the central government's financial transfer payments, this is very powerful. So I feel very profoundly that the whole of Xinjiang has undergone earth-shaking changes, the entire people of Xinjiang have completely stepped from a pre-modern society to our modern society, and the most fundamental thing has subverted the most ignorant and backward aspect of religious extremism.

Therefore, at the cultural level, it is necessary to run an education and training center. Previously, the level of education in Xinjiang was very low, religious extremists were wrapped up in the public, you were not allowed to go to school, especially discrimination and persecution of women was heinous. In a socialist system, how is it possible not to let women go out to work? Therefore, we carry out large-scale education and training centers and strong popularization of education at the cultural level. In the past two years, we have seen a very good atmosphere for the development of Xinjiang, and after the rotation training, everyone knows what is wrong and what is right, and the whole human heart is completely restored. So I deeply realized that it is a concept of real human rights that people relax and live their lives, not a concept based on fear all the time.

Of course, this must be mentioned that the strong organization, discipline, and mass work of our Chinese Communist Party have enabled China to solve religious extremism in a unique way. For example, in the case of the "Petitioning huiju" (petitioning people's feelings, benefiting the people's livelihood, and gathering people's feelings), everyone can understand that its purpose is to let everyone eat and live and work together, which is a large-scale "marriage" activity, and party members and cadres from all over Xinjiang must go to southern Xinjiang (grassroots) to "get married." After marrying the "family", we must eat, live and work together, have a deep understanding of each other's needs, help him solve problems, and carry out ideological and cultural education, and then we can truly reflect our national unity.

Judging from the thorough practice in Xinjiang, our system is very good, and it fully embodies the spirit of our Marxist practice and a kind of commitment to the people in solving problems.

Roundtable discussion

Host: In fact, Xinjiang has gone through a difficult time in the past, but now we can feel the beauty of Xinjiang more and more, and we can feel the goodness of Xinjiang. Just now, Teacher Qiu said in his speech that he now feels particularly relaxed when he returns to Xinjiang, which is a key word. Two years ago, I went to Xinjiang with Teacher Zhang to study and study, what was your feeling about that trip?

Zhang Weiwei: When we went to Xinjiang at that time, because we had heard all kinds of legends before, including terrorism, we still had palpitations. But after that, the local (people) who accompanied us repeatedly told us that there was no problem with where you went, you would go out on your own at night, without any problems, we really went out every night, and it felt like a very safe place. The biggest change is the sense of security. That's why 200 million people will visit Xinjiang in 2019 to travel, because of this sense of security. Like Teacher Qiu said that he had experienced insecurity before, and then to safety, this impression was even more profound.

Host: Yes, at 11 o'clock in the evening, in the streets of Kashgar, we still saw old people walking with children, very relaxed, and we could also see that the colorful clothes worn by women were very beautiful, which was not the case in previous years. In the past period of time, Xinjiang has completed a very huge period of change, how did it do it?

Zhang Weiwei: I always say "Xinjiang model" and "China model", which are characterized by comprehensive policies and treatment of both symptoms and root causes. It's all about international comparisons. A comparison shows that Western countries have always done a good job of counter-terrorism, and they also have problems in their own countries and even more problems abroad. For example, the United Kingdom engages in DDP (Disconnection and Detachment) organization, but it is a headache, a foot pain, it does not grasp the fundamental problem.

We clearly feel that poverty is a major source of terrorism. We actually solve it from the roots, so Xinjiang residents have to learn one or two crafts, and after training, they will return to society and find a job. This solves the problem of "roots" to a considerable extent.

But after a period of training, training, and even (after a period of time in) prison, the British thugs are unemployed, and finally they live in despair, and they are once again brainwashed by terrorist ideas and continue to commit crimes. Their repeat crime rate is very, very high.

Zhang Weiwei and Qiu Wenping: Now back in Xinjiang, the key word is "relax"

Female trainees graduated from the Xinjiang Education and Training Center: Some people outside the country talk nonsense all day long (see watermark for the source of the picture)

Qiu Wenping: Yes, what is more central is a feature and advantage of the Chinese system. Why did we communists succeed? It is the mass work that has been done very solidly, the ideological propaganda work that has been done very well, and the grass-roots villages have been penetrated deeply. When the grassroots party organizations are built on the most basic cells, they can convey the ethics of the state, the ideology and our spirit of modernity to every cell, which is completely different. Since the 1980s, The 20 years in Xinjiang have been basically ideologically chaotic, especially involving violent terrorism and a kind of religious extremism. In recent years, nineteen provinces and cities across the country have come to the aid of Xinjiang, and the propaganda and ideology of the masses can deliver "potion" to every cell, and the disease of religious extremism can be cured.

Host: We have a Xinjiang aid cadre Ni Ming from The Jing'an District of Shanghai, you went to Xinjiang in 2013?

Ni Ming: On August 25, 2013, he went to Xinjiang to work as a vice principal of the Bachu County Vocational Skills Training School in Xinjiang.

Host: There were some violent terrorist incidents in Xinjiang at that time in 2013, so when you went to Bachu County, what kind of atmosphere was it?

Ni Ming: Actually, before I went, because Bachu had already happened "4.23" (violent terrorist incident). We embarked on the journey after the (violent) incident. But after arriving at the locality, on November 16 of that year, in the same place, the mob carried out a second terrorist attack.

To say not to be afraid is false, in the three years from 2013 to 2016, when we only had to be outside the heart was suspended in mid-air, and we had to see the six ways and listen to the eight directions. Because you didn't know which place was going to pop up, you were really nervous.

Host: In the course of xinjiang's six years of aiding Xinjiang, what kind of work did you mainly do?

Ni Ming: In the first three years, I mainly conducted vocational education for local students in vocational schools, and played a certain role in guiding. In the next three years, I still signed up to help Xinjiang because I developed a deep affection for Xinjiang. I think the motherland has developed very well, but our children in Xinjiang have not received a good education, and as an educator, I should do my own modest efforts for the education of Bachu County in Xinjiang, so I actually had such a mentality to sign up.

Host: After six years of aid to Xinjiang, what changes have taken place in your relevant fields of work?

Ni Ming: The biggest change is the attendance rate of students. In 2013, I asked the party secretary of the Bachu County Education Bureau, and the attendance rate of students was 20% to 30%. I was so surprised and couldn't believe it. Later, when I went to vocational school, this number was real. At that time, the number of students enrolled in vocational schools was about 2,200, but only 150 students actually attended the school.

Host: What are so many students who have not arrived at school doing?

Ni Ming: It may be influenced by extreme religious ideas, or it is to help parents do farm work at home and not come to school to study. After six years of aid to Xinjiang, the attendance rate of students has reached 99%. So how do we do it?

First, the Party's overall leadership over education. We have built party organizations in various townships and towns, so that party organizations can be extended to the forefront, to do the work of parents and students in the homes of students, and to let students come to schools to attend classes.

Second, our mainland implements nine-year compulsory education, but in Xinjiang it is 15 years of free education, and children aged 4 to 18 are free of charge, so parents have no worries. And if the college students studying in Xinjiang have a one-year sunshine bursary. If they are college students studying outside (to) the mainland, the aid fund for Xinjiang has a subsidy of 6,000 yuan per year. So the state has given adequate guarantees.

Third, from the perspective of aiding Xinjiang, the school conditions were poor when we went, and in the past three years, we have completed the construction and expansion of 38 schools and the procurement of instruments and equipment for 85 schools.

Zhang Weiwei: Our cadres who aided Xinjiang have played a very good role, from skills training, writing education, basic knowledge education and other comprehensive policies, and really solved the problem.

Qiu Wenping: Yes. In fact, there are two points, the first is the enrollment rate. In fact, many people in southern Xinjiang are ideologically confused, and even after being influenced by religious extremism, they stop reading, and the initial means of religious extremism is not to let you read. So that's an important point. In terms of education in our country, there were serious problems in the history textbooks of primary and secondary schools that used to speak Uyghur, and many things propagated national separatism and religious extremism, and the serious political problems that appeared in the teaching materials were a concentrated outbreak of various ideological contradictions at home and abroad. There are not only domestic factors, but also foreign factors. But now it's all been solved and it's all good.

Moderator: Teacher Qiu especially talked about the issue of women's employment. We invited another guest on the spot, she is a female entrepreneur, Ren Changyan. Mr. Ren won the title of "National Advanced Individual in Poverty Alleviation", and she has been doing enterprise counterpart cooperation work in Xinjiang for many years. Where is your business in Xinjiang?

Ren Changyan: In 2010, I began to participate in Shanghai's counterpart's assistance to Xinjiang's industries, and so far it is the eleventh year. Ten years ago, we built three modern factories in the local area, one in Zepu County, Kashgar, southern Xinjiang, and two factories in Shache County, Kashgar.

Host: How many female employees are currently employed in your factory?

Ren Changyan: At present, our female employees account for 60% to 70%, and more and more women are employed. In the beginning, women may be around 20%.

When we first arrived in 2010, it was still difficult to recruit workers. Because many of us give priority to hiring local relatively poor households, now called Lika poor households, in the past they were mainly engaged in agricultural work, had no employment experience, and did not have employment conditions. Especially in terms of concepts, there may be some differences. Not only can't recruit workers, but after a week of work, he may not come after taking a salary.

At the beginning, the recruited people taught them to start from the simplest work, slowly familiarize themselves with the production line process, and then to some technical and management (skills). Slowly, they felt more and more that their abilities had improved, which was completely different from before, especially some changes in their mental outlook.

A large part of our newly arrived employees can't even speak Mandarin well, it is very difficult to communicate, they have never done it in various positions, they don't know how to do it, and their eyes are very confused. The conditions in the homes of some employees are still relatively difficult, especially if the family income of poor households with a record card is less than 4,000 yuan a year, and it is difficult to maintain a basic life.

Up to now, like our employee Nurzadai, she is now from an ordinary employee, to a laboratory inspector, an inspector, and now to the position of team leader management, and her annual income is more than 30,000. In the past, the conditions were relatively poor, and now the rich people have bought a safe house, and they can have money to add a sofa and coffee table to the family, and buy some toys and school supplies for the children. Now to train children to enter a good university, a lot has changed.

Zhang Weiwei and Qiu Wenping: Now back in Xinjiang, the key word is "relax"

Workers make garments in siyuan poverty alleviation industrial park in Buzak Township, Hotan County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang (Source: Xinhuanet)

Zhang Weiwei: We play a game of chess in the whole country, one side has difficulties, and the eight parties come to support, which is very important. Nineteen provinces and cities, in various fields, there are education, enterprises, business docking, counterpart help, I think this is unique to the Chinese model, the Western model does not have. What kind of three companies are you over there? What products are produced?

Ren Changyan: Three enterprises, one of us in Zepu, mainly FD freeze-dried (vacuum freeze-dried food), this production line is also the first in southern Xinjiang. Bachu County is now in the last season of the melon, this season if you can not sell the fresh fruit in time will rot, we process it into FD freeze-dried dried fruit, without any preservatives, easy to store, there is a one-year shelf life. To meet the needs of market consumption at the same time extend the industrial chain, employment can solve a lot.

The other two factories are in Shache County, one factory mainly for the deep processing of local walnuts, badan wood, nuts, and the other factory is the deep processing of quinoa, energy bars, meal replacement powder and so on. In southern Xinjiang for ten years, we have insisted on developing industries and driving employment, while also adhering to the cultivation of local talents and building endogenous power.

Host: Over the past few years, we have seen some Western countries wantonly smear and distort Xinjiang, completely ignoring the changes, development and progress that have taken place in Xinjiang. What do you want to achieve step by step? What is the significance of playing the "Xinjiang card"?

Qiu Wenping: First of all, the problem of eating. Americans used to say that if the living standards of China's 1.4 billion people were the same as ours, the earth would be eaten, which means that you had better eat grass. In addition, the issue of imperial hegemony, which is the forefront of the imperial struggle for hegemony, is just a good tipping point, so in the past few years Tibet, in the past two years began to engage in Xinjiang, Xinjiang can not move and then to Taiwan, so it is very busy.

Moderator: Okay. We will next leave the opportunity to ask questions to our audience on the spot, and if there is anything else we want to discuss about Xinjiang, raise your hand and tell me. Come, welcome to this one.

Qiu Xiangyu: Hello two teachers, my name is Qiu Xiangyu, I am an employee of an enterprise. Thank you.

The audience asked questions

Audience: I watched "Majestic Tianshan", a Xinjiang anti-terrorism documentary, and there was a young violent element that impressed me, and when he was asked why he wanted to participate in the violent attack, he said: "I watched the violent video for three days, and I followed them to cut people, for no reason." This sentence still makes me feel very afraid. What I would like to ask is, what do we have to do now to prevent Western forces from infiltrating Xinjiang in a new form and brainwashing our local young people to create new violent attacks?

Zhang Weiwei: I personally feel that our situation is much better now, through appropriate methods of education, in the past, although it was said to be bilingual education, in fact, Chinese has been more or less ignored. The other is to lay the basic foundation and the bottom line of being a person, which should be known gradually from an early age, so that he can prevent propaganda that exceeds the bottom line. But this is always a problem, people are easily fooled, especially in the modern Internet world, so this is a non-stop educational process. I am still very confident that we have institutional advantages and the ability to solve all kinds of problems.

Qiu Wenping: Our Chinese system has an advantage, political leaders do not look at problems according to four years like Westerners, we at least look at the problem according to ten, twenty, thirty years, so for the Xinjiang issue, called "cultural run Xinjiang, long-term merit", the word "run" in culture run Xinjiang, is infiltrated, not a day or two things, as long as the road is right, the system is right, the way is right, the following is a long-term problem.

Audience: At present, in the local population structure, the fertility rate of the Han population has been declining in recent years, and the aging of the Han population (problem) is more serious. At the same time, however, there is great potential for the growth of the minority population, and the age structure of the population is relatively young. If this trend continues, will it produce a major change in this demographic structure in the future?

Qiu Wenping: First of all, from the perspective of economic development, the sanctions imposed by the United States in the past two years have led to very difficulties for Xinjiang enterprises, and all kinds of enterprises have been seriously affected, coupled with the control of the epidemic, Xinjiang people are indeed losing.

This time we went to [Xinjiang] and talked specifically with Minister Tian Wen, minister of the Propaganda Department of Xinjiang, about this issue, and she said that we are very confident. She said that now that we are in a difficult period, we will do a good job in infrastructure and services. She said that we believe that economic development is regular, and social development also has its own laws. When you have done everything well, "nesting" can attract "phoenix". She said secondly, we have so many provinces in the country to support, we are not isolated. Many people have problems with the concept of Xinjiang, it is not a frontier, in fact, today look at the "Belt and Road" initiative, Xinjiang is the core and hub of the entire Central Asian region, if the enterprise from the perspective of long-term layout, Xinjiang must become the core area of Central Asia, the population in all aspects is not a problem at all.

Zhang Weiwei and Qiu Wenping: Now back in Xinjiang, the key word is "relax"

Students of urban and rural boarding primary schools in Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang, take a group photo during extracurricular activities (Source: Xinhua net)

Zhang Weiwei: There is a saying in Xinjiang that "there are still children of the corps and the corps", especially in the 1950s, some of them went directly to Xinjiang after the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the entire army was converted to civilians. How many generations have built Xinjiang to this level today. Today, even if you go from Shanghai to Xinjiang, you will feel that that place is very good, very suitable for life, suitable for entrepreneurship, and it is really not easy for our corps to do a good job in infrastructure.

Audience: From the perspective of international law and international organization platforms, how to protect relevant Chinese enterprises and products that have been sanctioned for the so-called "forced use of labor", and how to counter Western-related illegal activities through the perspective of international law and international organization platforms?

Zhang Weiwei: Now we often talk with the Americans in the public opinion struggle, they say that according to the system of this rule, you cannot violate the existing rules and systems, and we say that we only recognize the institutional arrangement of the United Nations as the center, which is very different. Many of the sets of norms in the United Nations are built Chinese, including the Charter of the United Nations. There are a lot of principles in this that we can make full use of, and we have a lot of room to use in them.

But I think what's more important is Chinese ourselves, how we can contribute to international law and international organizations after the rise of China today, after the rise of Xinjiang. Why can they engage in BCI (Swiss Good Cotton Development Association) and why can't we set up our own organization? China is the world's largest textile market, Xinjiang cotton quality is so good, can we create a standard? This standard has since become the standard of the world.

We can establish some new international organizations, and even their headquarters can be located in Xinjiang. I saw the U.S. Senate pass a bill that says that all U.S. companies that use products from Xinjiang should clearly tell us that there is no forced labor here, and that it is actually going to break the Xinjiang industrial chain. Later, our online netizens were very wise, saying that we registered all our rare earth enterprises in Xinjiang, and rare earths could stop exporting immediately.

In fact, through our efforts, research, and wisdom, we can defeat the Western use of rules and the use of international organizations to encircle and suppress us, and we can deal with the two hands of counter-revolution with the two hands of revolution, and we must be creative, not completely framed by the existing system, because often the provisions of the law are lagging behind, and often the existing laws are to protect the existing vested interests in a certain sense. Therefore, we must have the spirit of innovation, China itself can launch a lot of its own things, we are already doing "Belt and Road" related funds, etc., we are all doing.

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