
Jiang Huai asked

Jiang Huai asked

◆ In August 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping went deep into Anhui to investigate and investigate, and took flood prevention and disaster relief and river control and lake management as one of the key points of the inspection. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Yugong moved mountains and Dayu ruled the water, the Chinese nation has been fighting natural disasters for thousands of years and accumulating valuable experience, and we will continue to fight." This fight is not against God, but to respect nature, conform to the laws of nature, actively respond to natural disasters, and live in harmony with nature. ”

◆ Anhui bears in mind the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, grasps the great protection and promotes the great governance, the "big" and "small" strategies work together for sustainable development, the "up" and "down" policies share the ecological costs, the "advance" and "retreat" policies share the peace and happiness, and the "standard" and "root" policies seek long-term governance

◆ Lead Jiang Jihuai to "make way" for migratory birds, "build roads" for fish, develop adaptive agriculture, and unfold a beautiful picture of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature"

◆ The Xin'anjiang model of the Anhui-Zhejiang water environment compensation pilot has become a major innovation in the mainland's ecological civilization system. The ecological compensation mechanism that originated from the practice of Xin'anJiang has expanded from the water environment to air, forests and wetlands, and from the Xin'an River to the Jiuzhou River, Dongjiang and other inter-provincial river basins, becoming a successful governance practice for the construction of China's ecological civilization

◆ Yu Yuneng, who used to fish in Chao Lake for a living, now has a new occupation: water protector, responsible for the salvage of cyanobacteria in Chao Lake, not only bid farewell to "water drifting", but also has a fixed income of more than 4,000 yuan per month

◆ From January to December 2021, the proportion of excellent water quality in the Anhui section of the Yangtze River Basin was 92.7%, reaching the best level since monitoring. Compared with the same period in 2020, the first occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in Chaohu Lake was delayed by 56 days, the number of occurrences decreased by 78.3%, and the cumulative area decreased by 84.4%.

Jiang Huai asked

More than 30 kilometers east of the Yangtze River and about 20 kilometers west of Chaohu Lake, the Double Jade artifacts excavated from the Lingjiatan site more than 5,000 years ago have become one of the image sources of the pattern on the back of medals for the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

On the banks of the Huai River, the 7,300-year-old ceramic sculpture of the human head excavated from the Shuangdun site shows a "mysterious smile" and reflects the dawn of civilization in the Huai River Basin.

Harnessing the water ecology and protecting the water environment is related to the well-being of the people, the future of the country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Making the water of the motherland cleaner, greener and more beautiful is a major event that General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, his investigation and investigation footprints have traveled to the north and south of the great river, up and down the great river.

Whoever governs the country well will rule the water well. From August 18 to 21, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected and investigated in Anhui, looking at the river and the lake.

In the Mengwa flood storage area, he talked about the way people and nature get along -- "Yugong moved mountains, Dayu ruled the water, the Chinese nation has fought against natural disasters for thousands of years, accumulated valuable experience, and we will continue to fight." This fight is not against God, but to respect nature, conform to the laws of nature, actively respond to natural disasters, and live in harmony with nature. ”

At the Chaohu Embankment, he talked about the coexistence and symbiosis of man and water - "After the flood recedes, it is necessary to prevent the phenomenon of water retreating and people entering the flood storage area." If we want to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature, we cannot compete with nature for development space. ”

In xuejiawa ecological park, he talked about the interrelationship between ecological protection and economic development - "Only by protecting the ecology well and giving full play to the ecological advantages can we achieve high-quality development." ”

These important speeches vividly reflect the great importance that General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches to "adhering to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature".

Open the map of Anhui, the Yangtze River lies in the Huai River and the Xin'an River, three large rivers, from south to north in the shape of "three"; the major water conservancy project of the Yinjiang River and Jihuai runs through the Watershed of Jianghuai and connects the Yangtze River and the Huai River, forming a "Feng" character.

The Yangtze River flows east, the Huai River chases dreams and anlan, Chao Lake polishes the business card... Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Anhui has kept in mind the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, grasped the great protection and promoted the great governance, the "big" and "small" policies have been used for sustainable development, the "up" and "down" policies have shared the ecological costs, the "advance" and "retreat" policies have shared the peace and happiness, and the "standard" and "fundamental" policies have been used to seek long-term governance.

Today, on the Yangtze River, from indiscriminate fishing to "ten years of fishing ban"; on the banks of the Huai River, from people fighting for land to people retreating into the water; on the side of Chao Lake, cyanobacteria treatment is in full swing... Jianghuai asked for thousands of years, and today's answer is: to achieve the virtuous circle of "the people protect the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River benefits the people", and to reproduce the beautiful scenery of "a river of clear water flowing eastward" at an early date.

Jiang Huai asked

Left: Profile photo of Xue Jiawa in Ma'anshan; Right: Xue Jiawa taken on August 15, 2020 (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Junxi)

Jiang Huai asked

Above: Chao Lake taken on August 2, 2017 (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Duan/Photo); Bottom: Scenery of Chao Lake taken on September 11, 2021 (Photo by Wang Shibao)

Jiang Huai asked

Above: Anhui Tongling Riverside Pier taken on November 14, 2013 (Zhan Jun/Photo); Bottom: A corner of Anhui Tongling Binjiang Ecological Park taken on May 5, 2019 (Gao Xiaobing/Photo)

Jiang Huai asked

Above: On the Hengjiang River, one of the headwaters of the Xin'an River, sand washing sewage is discharged directly into the river after sand mining, resulting in poor water quality (taken on January 5, 2008). Below: Xin'an Jiangshan Water Gallery (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Han Xiaoyu/ November 15, 2019)

Jiang Huai asked

Above: A view of a polluted river in Hefei, on April 28, 2008. Below: Sunken green space project for rainwater treatment in the early stage of the Nanmihe River in Yaohai District, Hefei City, taken on November 12, 2021. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Xie Chen)

Ming "big" and "small" strategies for sustainable development

To do a good job in great protection and promote great governance, Anhui insists on not making small calculations and calculating small accounts, but focusing on the overall situation, looking to the future, and focusing on the sustainable development of the Chinese nation to calculate big accounts and long-term accounts.

Zheng Zhajie, secretary of the Anhui Provincial CPC Committee, said that Anhui has firmly established the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, grasped the ecological environment governance and ecological barrier construction of "three mountains, three rivers and two lakes", implemented an upgraded version of the prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution, and implemented the "ten-year ban on fishing" on the Yangtze River. Coordinate the governance of the grass and sand system of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes, and lakes, and strengthen the construction of ecological civilization in the whole province, in the whole process, and in all directions.

Zhang Minghao, who lives on the Yangtze River in Tongling City, Anhui Province, is a volunteer for the conservation of aquatic life in the Yangtze River, and the finless porpoise is his most concerned about the aquatic life of the Yangtze River.

"A few years ago, I went to the place where the finless porpoise often went to watch, and I didn't see it very often. In 2021, you can see finless porpoises every day. "Every time I see these cute little guys swimming in the Yangtze River, Zhang Minghao will take photos or videos and send them to the circle of friends."

"Nowadays, the water is clearer and there are more fish, and there are naturally more finless porpoises." Zhang Minghao said.

The Yangtze River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, was once one of the seven most biodiverse rivers in the world. However, due to long-term overfishing and water pollution, its biological integrity index once reached the "no fish" level.

Once upon a time, as a natural harbor on the east bank of the Yangtze River, the land of Xuejiawa in Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, was occupied by illegal docks, scattered polluting enterprises, etc., and more than 200 fishing boats gathered around. "There is no river along the river, and everywhere is dirty and chaotic" is the true portrayal of Xue Jiawa at that time.

Today, Xuejiawa Ecological Park, lush grass and trees, blue waves, not far from the Yangtze River waterway ships, melodious whistle, tourists are enjoying the scenery.

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Video "Xue Jiawa's Change"

"Ma'anshan is a city because of steel, and a city is prosperous because of steel." Zhang Yuefeng, secretary of the Ma'anshan Municipal Party Committee, said that as a resource-based city, the steel industry has brought prosperity to Ma'anshan while also bringing some outstanding ecological and environmental problems. Thinking bitterly, Ma'anshan does not make small calculations and small accounts, adheres to the problem-oriented, pays attention to source governance and system governance, and comprehensively promotes the high-level protection of the ecological environment and the high-quality development of the industry.

On the one hand, it has invested funds to rectify 719 scattered polluting enterprises, demolished 153 illegal docks, closed and withdrawn 32 mines, and completed the investigation, monitoring and traceability of 4823 sewage outlets into the main tributaries of the Yangtze River, solving a large number of environmental problems that have been wanted to be solved for many years but have not been solved. On the other hand, we will accelerate the construction of a national industrial cluster of advanced structural materials led by the steel industry, and a major provincial emerging industrial cluster marked by intelligent equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, and green food will settle in Ma'anshan, and embark on a green and high-quality development path.

In November 2021, the General Office of the State Council issued a circular praising the 48 typical experiences and practices found in the Eighth General Inspection of the State Council, among which "Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, comprehensively promoted the high-level protection of the ecological environment and the high-quality development of the industry".

Not only Ma'anshan, Tongling promoted the protection of the shoreline of the Yangtze River and lake, and completed 180 port shoreline improvement projects on both sides of the Yangtze River; Wuhu insisted on cleaning up one place and restoring one green place to the main stream of the Yangtze River; Chizhou set up 1105 environmental supervisors to promote the rectification of the sewage outlet of the Yangtze River; Anqing promoted the rectification of the ecological and environmental problems of the Finless Porpoise Nature Reserve, making "Smiling Angel" an "ecological business card"... The development ideas of all parts of Anhui focus on the overall situation and look to the future.

In 2021, Anhui Province completed the directory of sewage discharges, rectification plans and "one mouth, one policy" of the main inflow of the Yangtze River, monitoring a total of 2901 discharges and 4077 traceable discharges; and conducting an investigation of nearly 14,000 square kilometers of 160 first- and second-level tributaries of the Yangtze River, finding 23,430 discharges, monitoring outlets 10,368, and all traceable sources.

At the same time, Anhui Province has listed the construction of a beautiful Yangtze River (Anhui) Economic Belt with clean water and green industry as the "No. 1 project" for the construction of ecological civilization, delineated three ecological defense lines along the river of 1 km, 5 km and 15 km, and promoted measures such as banning new construction, reducing stocks, and closing pollution sources to protect the clear water of a river. According to data from the Department of Ecology and Environment of Anhui Province, from January to December 2021, the proportion of excellent water quality sections in the Anhui section of the Yangtze River Basin was 92.7%, reaching the best level since monitoring.

For the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of future generations.

2021 is the beginning of the "ten-year ban on fishing" on the Yangtze River. Through improving the law enforcement supervision network, Anhui has carried out in-depth special rectification actions to crack down on illegal fishing, continued to implement the resettlement guarantee work for retired fishermen, and maintained the overall stability of the management order of the ban on fishing. "The 'ten-year ban on fishing' on the Yangtze River has made an overall good start." Wang Lin, director of the Fisheries and Fisheries Administration Bureau of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Anhui Province, said.

At the Smart Fishery Command Center in Daguan District, Anqing City, the staff can perform real-time visual control of the prohibited waters with the click of the mouse. This is equivalent to installing a "clairvoyance" for fishery supervision, and once illegal fishing is found, law enforcement personnel can deal with it through the intercom system for the first time. "In contrast, in the past, manual patrol management, law enforcement efficiency was low." From "human patrol" to "technical patrol", He Guangsheng, captain of the fishery administration law enforcement brigade in Daguan District, was full of emotions.

The ten-year ban on fishing seems to have lost immediate benefits, but it can win 2 to 3 generations of breeding time for Yangtze River fish, alleviate the dilemma of "fishless river", and bring hope to the protection of many species such as the Yangtze River finless porpoise. "It's not a small account, it's a big account. From a historical point of view, the 'ten-year ban on fishing' will play an important role in the protection of the Yangtze River ecosystem. Jiang Zeqiu, director of the Fisheries and Fisheries Administration Office of the Anqing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said.

Wang Qingxian, governor of Anhui Province, said that in 2022, Anhui will implement a new round of beautiful Yangtze River (Anhui) Economic Belt upgrading project. Comprehensively carry out the construction of "four corridors and two screens", accelerate the construction progress of the "cabbage heart" project in Ma'anshan, the new round of comprehensive treatment of Chao Lake, and the Luogang Central Park in Hefei, and promote the construction of the natural protected area system and the protection and restoration of wetlands.

Ming "up" and "down" policy to share the ecological cost

The upstream and downstream of a large river are ecological communities, which must share ecological costs and share ecological dividends. Anhui adheres to the above and downstream "drinking one river water together" water management consciousness, breaks through the restrictions of administrative divisions, and draws a blueprint for the administrative division of river basin governance.

Originating from Xiuning County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, the Xin'an River is the largest inbound river in Zhejiang Province, providing more than 60% of the water inflow into The Qiandao Lake, an important water source in Hangzhou, and is an important ecological barrier in Anhui, Zhejiang and even the Yangtze River Delta region. In 2010, cyanobacteria on the surface of some lakes in Qiandao Lake increased abnormally, and hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage flowed into the lake from the Xin'an River during the flood season. Protection is imminent.

In 2012, the first inter-provincial ecological compensation mechanism pilot in China was launched in the Xin'anJiang River Basin, and a compensation standard system was established in accordance with the principle of "who benefits and who compensates, who protects and who receives". Anhui and Zhejiang provinces agreed that the annual water quality standards would be met, and Zhejiang would allocate 100 million yuan to Anhui, and vice versa, Anhui would allocate 100 million yuan to Zhejiang. Driven by the ecological compensation mechanism, the enthusiasm and initiative of the people of Xin'anjiang to protect the green waters and green mountains have been mobilized.

Ten years later, the Xin'an River has become one of the rivers with the best water quality in the country, and the water quality of Qiandao Lake has remained stable and excellent. In January 2022, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the 2021 Excellent Cases of Beautiful Rivers, Lakes and Beautiful Bays, and the Huangshan section of the Xin'an River became one of the 9 excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes. Sun Yong, mayor of Huangshan City, said that the Xin'an River has become a "river of peace of mind", and Huangshan will explore new roads and write a new chapter in promoting the construction of the Xin'anJiang-Qiandao Lake Ecological Protection Compensation Pilot Zone.

The search for ecological compensation continues. Focusing on the goal of a lake of clean water entering the Yangtze River and moistening the downstream of the fresh air, Hefei and Lu'an strictly implement the ecological compensation agreement of the six Dabie Mountains. In 2021, Hefei allocated 40 million yuan of compensation funds in place, actively promoted the prevention and control of water pollution in cross-border rivers such as the Chu River, and carried out joint inspection and joint monitoring of water bodies in the outbound section of luoguan gate with Lu'an City every month, and incorporated the section into the construction system of automatic water stations in Hefei. From January to October 2021, the average water quality of the national examination section of the three rivers of Fengle River, Hangbu River and Chu River reached the standard.

Nowadays, the clean water of The Xin'an River is "flowing" into the blue waves of the rivers of beautiful China - the ecological compensation mechanism that originated in the practice of the Xin'an River has expanded from the water environment to air, forests and wetlands, and from the Xin'an River to multiple inter-provincial river basins, becoming a successful governance practice for the construction of ecological civilization on the mainland.

From the Xin'an River to the north, it is the Bengbu Gate Water Conservancy Hub. Looking away from the banks of the Huai River, the Bengbu Gate with its 40-hole temperance gate is like a giant dragon lying on top of the sparkling waters, guarding the great river.

Up and down the hub, the four provinces of Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shandong in the Huai River Basin have "ruled one river together", forming a relatively complete emergency response and systematic governance system in disaster prevention and mitigation, water conservancy facilities, pollution prevention and control, etc., so that the "most difficult river to treat" of the Huai River has gradually become a tranquility. From flood control, disaster prevention and mitigation, to all-round water environment governance, water ecological protection and compensation, and water resource utilization, the goal of harnessing the HuaiHe River is becoming more comprehensive with economic and social development.

Upstream, the dredging and expansion of new reservoirs and existing reservoirs and interconnection and mutual adjustment to further improve the flood storage capacity; in the middle reaches, the adjustment and construction of the flood storage area, the relocation of residents in the HuaiHe River flood storage area and the Huaigantan area to ensure that the flood storage area can be used safely and effectively; downstream, the construction of the second phase of the seawater channel project began to consolidate and enhance the downstream flood outlet...

Liu Dongshun, secretary of the party group and director of the Huaihe River Water Conservancy Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources, said that in the future, the Huaihe River Conservancy Committee will promote the construction of the national water network while building a safe and reliable flood prevention and disaster reduction system in the Huaihe River Basin, and build a water resource allocation system with free allocation; give full play to the role of the river and lake chief system as a platform, strengthen the protection and control of water-related ecological space, and build a green and healthy river and lake ecological system; promote the construction of the digital twin Huaihe River, build a smart river basin management system with the function of "four pre-orders", and comprehensively improve the modernization ability and level of water governance in the river basin.

Jiang Huai asked

Anhui Chizhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge (taken on April 1, 2019) Photo by Guo Shining/This magazine

Ming "advance" and "retreat" strategies to share ann lan happy industry

Respecting nature and conforming to the laws of nature, Anhui adheres to the principle of "water entering and retreating", leading Jiangjihuai to "make way" for migratory birds and "building roads" for fish, restoring the ecological function of water, developing adaptive agriculture, and a beautiful picture of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature" has slowly unfolded.

Vigorously plant water-loving willows and take the road of willow weaving industry; plan and build BaozhuangWei to achieve "water entering and retreating"; satellite and radar monitoring systems provide a reliable basis for scientific decision-making on flood control... Walking along the banks of Funan County and Yingshang County in Fuyang City, Anhui Province, a pastoral beauty of "waterfowl floating on the water, fish and shrimp swimming in the water, lotus roots under the water, and cattle and sheep walking on the shore" comes into view.

Also in the water, only to get people and water symbiosis.

The population density of the Huai River Basin is more than 4 times higher than the national average, the contradiction between people and water for land is prominent, and the human-occupied waterway aggravates the water disaster of the Huai River. In recent years, Anhui has carried out the safety construction of the Huaihe River flood storage area in an orderly manner, and resolved the contradiction between the safe residence of the masses and the flood storage. After review by the Huaihe River Water Conservancy Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources, since 2020, Huainan, Fuyang, Chuzhou, Lu'an and other places have carried out the relocation of residents in the Huaihe River flood storage area, and moved more than 110,000 people in the "water pocket" to safe areas.

In the implementation of the Project of Diverting Rivers and Jihuai, in order not to disturb the habitat of migratory birds, Anhui has made great adjustments to the original design plan - the waterway will be moved west away from the concentrated distribution area of birds; the dredging of the lake channel will be used to fill in the wetland protection barrier on the east side of the channel; the water-resistant evergreen plants will be laid to reduce the noise of boating; and the water level of Caizi Lake will be reduced during the winter migratory bird period to ensure the maintenance of the dew time of the grass beach wetland and the wetland area will not be reduced.

At the same time, in order to ensure the exchange of fish migration, river and lake fish germplasm resources, the project construction party also invested more than 160 million yuan to build 4 new and restore 1 "fishing facility" to help fish migrate and reproduce.

When people retreat, they also benefit from the people's livelihood.

In the Yangtze River, Wuhu ShiliJiangwan Park at night, on the one hand, is the "Moon Surge River", on the other hand, the glittering lights, thousands of lights, 10.4 kilometers of riverside ecological landscape belt let tourists linger. The "production shoreline" that used to be full of small docks, small shipyards and small yards has turned gorgeously to the "ecological shoreline". Like Xuejiawa in Ma'anshan, from "dirty and messy" to "face value", Wuhu is also a typical representative of the successful treatment of water ecology, allowing the people to share the fruits of great protection and benefiting the city in the great protection.

In the Huai River, jingshan Gorge, known as one of the "Little Three Gorges of the Huai River", many local swimmers have come to meet to conduct outdoor swimming training in triathlon in safe waters, and the scene of people "looking at the water and sighing" due to water pollution in the 1980s and 1990s is gone. These "iron men" are not only surrounded by ripples of clear water, but also trails planted with pomegranates, pines, camphor trees, and willow trees, which together outline the posture of this water paradise.

Anlan should be more happy and is becoming the consensus of the area along the Huai. In accordance with the principle of "suitable water is water, suitable for animal husbandry, and suitable for fishing is fishing", the agricultural industrial structure along the Huaihuai area has been adjusted and adaptive agriculture has been developed.

"Weaving baskets and baskets, supporting the family", this is a well-known saying in Funan County. In each flood, crops in the local flood storage area are drowned, but wicker in the water grows freely. Previously, willow weaving was not developed as a local industry. With the change of thinking of industrial restructuring, wicker has become a "gold bar" for getting rich. Nowadays, as the largest willow weaving export base in China, Funan County has developed nearly 300 willow wood processing enterprises, and its products sell well in more than 120 countries and regions around the world, known as the "Capital of Chinese Willow Weaving".

"Deep water fish, shallow water lotus, beachhead depressions planted willows, duck white goose water upstream". Not only in Funan but also along the Huaihuai region, aquatic vegetables, high-quality rice, water-tolerant willow, characteristic waterfowl, healthy aquatic products and other industries have been developed according to their own characteristics and local conditions. "Our county mainly focuses on aquaculture, waterfowl breeding, and aquatic vegetables 'three-water industry'," Zhang Yinjun, secretary of the Yingshang County Party Committee of Fuyang City, told reporters, adding that the county has explored a new road of development that revitalizes the county with water and enriches the people with water.

Clearly define the policy of "standard" and "root" and seek long-term governance

Ecological priority, green development, Anhui adhere to the source of pollution control, promote systematic governance, with both symptoms and root causes to seek long-term governance.

"He Zeng has a pen, and the scenery becomes a poem of its own." The poet Lu You described the Eight Hundred Mile Chao Lake in this way. However, in the summer when the cyanobacteria broke out on a large scale, the shoals of 20 to 30 meters along the coast of Chao Lake were covered with cyanobacteria, and the water surface was like a layer of green paint. "When the wind blows, the smell wafts over, and I don't dare to open the window." Coastal residents reminisce.

The problem is in the lake, the roots are on the shore. Anhui has set up a special watershed management agency to uniformly exercise the responsibility of comprehensive management of the Chaohu Lake basin; to control 52 rivers and tributaries of the Nanmi River and Zhaohe River; to implement the "landscape project" of the river basin, and vigorously promote the comprehensive management of Chao Lake from "Jiulong water control" to "joint control of water", from "rule of one lake" to "watershed governance", and from "pollution prevention" to "ecological restoration".

Hefei city has determined the water control strategy of "governing the lake first, controlling the river first, and controlling the source of pollution first", and the comprehensive treatment of Chao Lake has completed a total investment of 39 billion yuan, implemented the ecological protection and restoration project of Huanchao Lake, promoted the construction of the "Ten Wetlands" around Chao Lake, and highlighted the two major functions of wetland flood storage and ecological protection.

"Upstream water flows through the 'fish mouth', entering the river on the left and entering the core wetland on the right." Ma Jia, director of the Water Environment Project Governance Division of Hefei Key Engineering Construction Administration, said that there are currently 10 wetlands with a total area of 100 square kilometers along Chao Lake, which are playing a filter and stabilizer function for the water entering Chao Lake.

Along the lake, 5 algae-water separation stations were built, with a processing capacity of 18,000 tons / day; 3 cyanobacteria deep well treatment plants were built, with a processing capacity of 286,000 tons / day...... Yin Ming, deputy director of the Supervision and Assessment Department of the Chaohu Lake Administration Bureau in Anhui Province, said that the local government is launching a general attack on cyanobacteria through smart monitoring, emergency salvage and other means. Compared with the same period in 2020, the first occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in Chaohu Lake in 2021 was delayed by 56 days, the number of occurrences decreased by 78.3%, and the cumulative area decreased by 84.4%.

The improvement of the governance level of Chao Lake and Chao Lake has also "updated" the urban temperament of Hefei, the "city with lakes", and upgraded the people's livelihood experience of Hefei people.

In the past two years, the people living by Chao Lake have deeply felt the changes in this eight-hundred-mile lake.

Yu Yuneng, who used to make a living from fishing in Chao Lake, now has a new career: a water protector, responsible for the salvage of cyanobacteria in Chao Lake, not only bidding farewell to "floating on the water", but also having a fixed income of more than 4,000 yuan per month.

"Bird giant panda" Oriental white stork, "world's smallest duck" cotton, "red-legged lady" black-winged long-legged sandpiper... Compared with previous years, the number and species of migratory birds that came to the wetlands along the Chao Lake coast in the winter of 2021 broke a new high, and the total number of birds recorded alone reached more than 300 species. "The increasing number of migratory birds shows that the ecological environment of Chao Lake is continuing to improve." Hefei photography enthusiast Qian Maosong said.

Good ecology, in exchange for a rich ecological dividend. According to the "Hefei "14th Five-Year Plan" Forestry and Garden Development Plan", the local government will focus on building a number of wetland eco-tourism demonstration sites, cultivate and develop ecological, characteristic and high-end tourism projects, and promote the development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism around Chao Lake.

Eight hundred miles of Chao Lake is shining. To the north, the Huai River is an lan; to the south, the Yangtze River is mighty.

Published in Lookout, No. 6-7, 2022

Video "Xue Jiawa's Change"

Director system: Feng Yingbing, Liu Jing

Producer: Shi Xiangzhou

Coordinator: Yang Lin

Text: Chen Shangying, Jiang Gang, Ma Shurui

Video: Zhang Ziyun, Jin Jian

Source: "Lookout"