
Do you dare to marry such a woman?

author:Shang Si Xiu Shan

The Ming Dynasty poet Wu Cilu had only one son, Wu Guoyan. Although this son was married, but in poor health, he wanted his father to have another son in order to pass on the lineage and have a successor. So he told his mother about this idea, and her mother told Wu Cilu.

Wu Cilu said: It is enough for a poor family to have a son, so why bother with more. ”

The son Wu Guoyan knew his body, so he and his mother secretly took out all their savings, sold their clothes and accessories, and bought a cheaper concubine for their father.

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

That's weird, right? The son bought a concubine for Lao Tzu, and there really is you, this kind of thing also happened in ancient times, and modern people can't do it anyway.

Although I bought back the concubine, but... But I actually bought a sick woman. This is also too embarrassing, it is really "cheap and no good goods"!

Wu Cilu's wife was very frustrated, so she asked the matchmaker to send the woman elsewhere and find a way to deal with it.

Only then did Wu Cilu know about this.

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

Everything was the best arranged

Wu Cilu said: "Since you have been mistaken by others, how can you mistake others again?" Moreover, this woman can have a chance to survive in our family, and once she walks out of our house, she must have no chance of survival! Sell her again, only to get ten gold, how can you bear to abandon her? ”

Just like some criminals in previous years, reselling counterfeit money, many people suffered from it, and at that time it was popular in the market, such a greeting, "Your counterfeit money is not spent." People's minds generally think that since I was deceived by you, why don't I cheat again?

But is this really the case? Of course not!

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

There is providence in the darkness

Wu Cilu's thinking is rare, and it is precisely because of this kind of righteous thought that Wu Cilu then told the buyer the truth, returned the money to the buyer, and took the sick woman back home.

But what no one could have imagined was that this sick and weak woman had gradually recovered her body since then!

Later, she gave birth to a boy for Wu Cilu.

What is this one thing? Where did the plot reversal come from? I think you should know the answer!

And there is not only one such thing in history.

Liu Tingshi of Jinan was a Northern Song Dynasty official.

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

Liu Tingshi was later appointed as a judge in Mizhou, and worked in partnership with Su Dongpo of Mizhou Zhizhou.

Before Liu Tingshi passed the entrance examination, he once had a marriage contract in his hometown, but he had not yet issued a dowry.

After Liu Tingshi passed the entrance examination, the woman had a disease that led to blindness in both eyes, and the woman's family made a living from farming, so she was very poor, so she did not dare to mention the marriage contract of that year.

Liu Tingshi has a status, not to mention that there is no dowry, the woman has become blind again, if it seems that how to say this marriage now is no play.

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

A promise of gold

Otherwise, look at the current male and female celebrities changing wives and changing husbands is like changing clothes, and it is also rumored that "promoting officials and getting rich and dying wives" is the three major fortunate things in life.

But Liu Tingshi did not think so, and he insisted on marrying this blind woman. The woman's family did not want to go, and wanted to use the blind girl's sister instead, which was also rejected by Liu Tingshi.

Liu Tingshi said: "I have promised this marriage contract in my heart for a long time, how can I live up to my original intention?" ”

You have not failed not only this woman, but also the man's broad heart, compassionate heart, and simple and sincere Heavenly Dao!

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

Compassion is the best state

After Liu Tingshi got married, she took good care of her wife, but unfortunately, after the marriage, her wife gave birth to several children and died within a few years.

Liu Tingshi served his wife's funeral in accordance with etiquette for more than a year. From then on, he never married.

The promise of this love is so strong.

This decision puzzled colleague Su Dongpo. Su Shi asked, "Sorrow is born of love, and love is born of color." Where does the king love come from life, and how can sorrow come from out? ”

Meaning: Sorrow comes from love, love comes from posture, where does your love come from in the face of a blind wife, and where does your sad promise come from?

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

Su Shi may never understand a Shandong man's release of family and career, after all, the growth environment is different, and from here it is not difficult to understand where the ritual sense of Shandong people prostrating to ancestors and worshipping elders during the Spring Festival comes from! It is a cultural inheritance rooted in the blood meridians.

Liu Tingshi saw Su Dongpo asking this question, so he said:

"All I know is that I lost my wife!" If love is born because of posture, and sorrow is born because of this love. When my posture is old and my love is relaxed, my sorrow is forgotten!

So can those who raise their sleeves to sell laughter, look at each other, and attract bees and butterflies be wives? ”

Su Shi listened deeply to it.

Do you dare to marry such a woman?

Good place in Lushan

Liu Tingshi later lived in seclusion in Lushan, eating fruits and vegetables and no longer eating. His eyes were bright and there was a purple light, although he was very old, he still flew back and forth on the steep mountain road, and his life was long...

The story is from "Song Shi Zhuo Xing Liu Ting style".

The ancients said, "Marry a wife and marry a virtuous person." He also said, "It is a treasure to have an ugly wife in the family." "You must know that these words are the most reasonable words!

The two historical stories are that they married a "sick wife", one blessed by his sick wife, and the other blessed by his sick wife. This explains the highest state of love - mutual fulfillment!

After reading these two stories in history, I hope we all have gained!