
Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

author:Bright Net

Recently, the Beijing traffic police reported a traffic violation: previously, some netizens reported that in The Fourth Road of the Huanghuacheng Reservoir, a car drove on the yellow line for a long time when crossing the curve. After receiving the report, the police immediately launched a verification, and on August 10, it was confirmed that the vehicle was illegal, and the driver Zhang Moumou was fined 100 yuan and the driver's license was deducted 3 points.

Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

What are the penalties for violating the injunction signs and prohibition marking instructions? How to distinguish the road traffic markings? The People's Network has sorted it out and studied together.


The Road Traffic Safety Law stipulates that motor vehicles and non-motorized vehicles shall be passed on the right side.

Traffic signals include traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic markings, and traffic police commands.

If the driver of a motor vehicle violates the provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations on road traffic, he shall be given a warning or a fine of between 20 and 200.

The demerit points for road traffic safety violations stipulate that if a motor vehicle driver drives a motor vehicle in violation of the prohibition sign or the prohibition marking instruction, 3 points are deducted at a time.

Important Reminder

How to distinguish these several road traffic markings

1. White solid line and dotted line. Usually the marking lines on the road are mostly white, of which the role of the white dotted line is to separate the lanes traveling in the same direction, and can be crossed and changed lanes, while the white solid line is not allowed to cross the line, often as an extension of the white dotted line before the intersection, or separate the parking area on the side of the road.

Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

2. Yellow single and double solid lines. Solid yellow lines are used to distinguish lanes in different directions, generally painted in the middle of the road, with two kinds of double yellow lines and single yellow lines. Regardless of whether it is a single yellow line or a double yellow line, it is forbidden for vehicles to cross, press the line, overtake or make a U-turn. On the road, the double yellow line should be regarded as a wall, such as overtaking, turning, U-turn and other behaviors are absolutely prohibited.

Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?
Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

3. Yellow dotted line. The yellow dotted line is used to distinguish lanes in different directions, usually set on a narrower road surface. When the yellow dotted line, the vehicle can overtake or make a U-turn across the line, but it must be safe.

Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

4. Yellow dotted solid line. The yellow dotted solid line side prohibits vehicles from crossing the line, and the dashed side allows vehicles to temporarily cross the line.

Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

5. Diversion line. Diversion lines are prohibited lines on roads, and they appear at intersections, ramps or U-turns to guide vehicles to drive according to the prescribed routes. However, many drivers mistakenly believe that this is a parking area, and the ground covered by the diversion line cannot be pressed or crossed at will, let alone parked in the area.

Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

6. Crosswalks, mesh lines. When the front motor vehicle stops and waits in line or drives slowly, parking is prohibited in the crosswalk and mesh line area, if the distance in front is not enough when queuing, the rear car should wait outside the crosswalk or grid line, and must not stop under the line.

Case says traffic safety: how to distinguish these several road traffic markings?

In these cases, no points are deducted for pressing the line

1. In case of emergency circumstances, there will be no penalty for the realization of detours. The emergency here usually refers to the situation that if there is an accident or failure of the vehicle in front, if it cannot be passed for a long time and there is a vehicle violation or parking lane on the side of the road, the rear car has to press the line to bypass.

2, traffic police command down the line will not be punished. According to the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law, vehicles and pedestrians, everyone should follow the traffic signals, if there is a traffic police on-site command, then everyone must follow the traffic police command.

3. Pre-special vehicles perform tasks, and the line avoidance will not be punished. According to the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law and the Fire Protection Law, if there is a traffic violation such as running a red light compaction line because of giving way to a fire truck or a special vehicle, it is not a deliberate violation. (Comprehensive Beijing traffic police, Xinhua net, etc.)

Source: People's Daily News