
Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

author:Lin xia LYNXIA

This article was first published in December 2020 and is now updated in January 2021

This is the fourth issue of the "Photography Novices Also Know" series of articles!

In this series, we've talked about lenses, memory cards, and UV mirrors before. Among them, lenses and memory cards are indispensable equipment in our shooting, and although UV lenses are not necessary, they are a measure that novices should know to protect lenses.

This time we will talk about a very common photographic accessory - tripod.

Why should we use a tripod? What parameters of a tripod need to be paid attention to? How do we buy a tripod that suits us? The answer is all in this article!

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >, Do I need a tripod? </h1>

Before we learn to pick a tripod, we should know if we need a tripod.

The most basic purpose of tripods is to provide a stable fulcrum for our cameras and lenses, and there are four main categories of reasons for the need for a stable fulcrum:

The first category is the need to share weight. If the camera and lens are large and heavy, then handheld shooting will be very hard, and the tripod can be used to share the weight and save energy. Scenes using telephoto lenses such as sports competitions and concerts can often be seen with tripods and monopods.

The second category is the need to shoot out of hand. Shooting away from hand is often due to insufficient manpower, for example, there are some "single combat" scenes that require the photographer to appear in person, which can only rely on a tripod to support the camera.

The third category is the need to fix the camera position. In video recordings, a tripod is often used to keep the frame stable. In still photography, some professional creative techniques such as panoramic filming, depth-of-field synthesis, and time synthesis require multiple photos taken in the same location or even at the same angle.

The fourth category is the need for stable exposure. Some landscape themes (e.g. Starry Galaxy, City Night) and some special effects (e.g. atomized water surface, cloud brushing) require slower shutter speeds. During exposure, the camera can't shake at all, so a tripod comes in handy. Remembering that someone asked me what kind of camera was suitable for night scenes, I said: "The camera on the tripod is suitable for night scenes..."

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

So beginners can ask themselves three questions before buying a tripod: Does the weight of the equipment make you feel strained? Is there often a case where the camera is out of hand or in a fixed position? Do you want to learn professional landscape photography, love to shoot some darker subjects such as starry sky and night scenes?

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," then you'll most likely need a tripod. On the other hand, if your camera is relatively light and does not leave your hand, usually just leisure travel, sweep the street, pat flowers, pets, food, friends, then the tripod may not be your necessity.

Then again, judging if you need it or not is not a tough question. If the budget is sufficient, you can buy it in advance and be prepared; if you are worried that it is an unnecessary expense, you can also wait, after all, logistics is so convenient now, you can get it quickly after placing an order.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > structure of two or three tripods</h1>

Regarding the structure of the tripod, novices only need to understand the four parts of leg, center colum, head and quick release plate (QR plate) in the introductory stage.

Most of the photographic tripods we see in our daily lives consist of three single tubes, a central axis and a gimbal, and the quick release plate can connect the gimbal to the camera. In addition, there are some tripods without a central axis and some video tripods with bipods on the market.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

However, it should be noted that although the tripod we say in our daily life looks like this, the tripod referred to in many sales occasions does not include the gimbal part above the red line! Most manufacturers have chosen to distinguish the tripod from the gimbal, the tripod has a tripod model, the gimbal has the gimbal model, and the two are separated.

Manufacturers do this because there are many kinds of gimbals, such as ball heads, three-dimensional heads, geared heads, hydraulic heads, cantilever heads and so on. These gimbals have different characteristics and are suitable for different equipment and occasions. Therefore, manufacturers will be tripod and gimbal separate production and sales, can be convenient for professionals to freely match according to their own needs.

Beginners generally can't go wrong when choosing a spherical gimbal. Spherical head is currently the most popular type of affordable head, convenient, flexible and small and portable.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

A wide variety of gimbals

Don't know which spherical gimbal to choose, don't worry, because the manufacturer has not forgotten the majority of amateurs, there are many "tripod suits" with good gimbals on the market. The product diagram of these sets usually contains a gimbal, and the product parameters will also mention what model the gimbal contained in this set is, and the models of some brands will also appear as "tripod model + gimbal model", we can pay more attention to observation. But if you see a tripod, there is no gimbal in the product diagram, and the product parameters do not mention that it contains a certain gimbal, then I am afraid you need to confirm with the seller again. If you really don't have a gimbal, you'll need to buy one separately to use the tripod properly.

In my personal experience, most tripod products under $150 are sets that include a gimbal, and the set is usually accompanied by a spherical gimbal. Some of the more high-end and more expensive products are more likely to be "pure tripods" without gimbals.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > parameters of three or three tripods</h1>

Tripods have two important values, one is height and the other is weight.

The height should be divided into the maximum height and the storage height, and the weight should also be divided into load-bearing and self-weight. This information is usually indicated in the product listing or specifications.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Some basic information about a tripod is displayed.

The maximum height and load-bearing determine the discomfort when used, and the storage height and self-weight determine the discomfort when not in use.

The maximum height refers to the highest level that can be achieved after the tripod is unfolded, and the height of the user needs to be considered when purchasing. In general, the maximum height of the tripod should not be less than the height of the user minus about 20-30cm. That is to say, if you are 180cm tall, then the maximum height of your tripod is best not less than 150cm, and it is better to reach 160cm. Of course, if you say your screen can be flipped, or you don't mind bending over, you really don't care about this number.

Maximum load-bearing refers to the maximum weight that the tripod can bear, and you should consider your heaviest combination of equipment when purchasing. Not only the body and lens, but also the microphone, fill light, flash, filter system, shoulder strap, battery and other accessories. As for how much equipment you have, you can go to the official website to check, you can also weigh it yourself. In addition, the tripod can often be used for a long time, which is likely to accompany the continuous upgrading of equipment, so it is best to leave a wealthy load-bearing space. In addition, in harsh environments such as high winds, we may also hang extra heavy objects such as backpacks under the central axis to maintain its stability, which again requires that the weight of the tripod is not just as good as the weight of the equipment.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Hanging a bag under a tripod can add stability (and don't stain the bag) credit: Dan Carr-Shutter Muse

Storage height refers to the length of the tripod after correct storage, which is naturally the shorter the better, but it will be subject to the double constraints of the maximum height and the number of leg joints. The maximum height has just been said, and the number of leg segments refers to the fact that the legs of the tripod are divided into sections. Only when the maximum height is as short as possible and the number of leg joints is as large as possible, the tripod will be as short as possible. However, if the maximum height is too short, it will not be too comfortable to use, and the number of leg joints will also reduce the stability of the tripod, which means greater risk. Usually, we will choose a tripod of 3 or 4 sections, up to 5 sections, and will not consider products with more sections. Then the purchaser has to weigh between the storage height and the maximum height...

Self-weight, as the name suggests, refers to the weight of the tripod itself, and this is also the lighter the better. Although there are many factors that affect the self-weight, in the case of load bearing and maximum height limitation, the self-weight reduction is achieved by using thinner pipe diameters and lighter materials. It is not advisable to thin the leg tube, because this is the same as increasing the number of leg joints at the expense of the stability of the tripod, and we cannot ignore the risks faced by the equipment for the sake of the usual portability. Usually, the maximum pipe diameter of a standard tripod is best not less than 20mm, and it is better if it can reach 25mm or even more than 28mm. The real way to ensure stability and reduce self-weight is to make the tripod use a higher-end material - carbon fiber. Compared to most aluminum tripods on the market, carbon fiber tripods reliably reduce weight. Of course, this also means that you need to pay more money – most carbon fiber tripods on the market are close to a thousand yuan or more.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

There are intricate relationships between the parameters of a tripod

To sum up briefly

Tripod self-weight: the lighter the better, but heavy is to carry sink, not much harm

Maximum height: Tall people buy tall to use comfortably, short people can be at will

Storage height: the shorter the better, but the long is inconvenient to carry, not much harm

Product material: Carbon fiber is better, but also more expensive; aluminum alloy is cheaper, but heavier

Number of tripod sections: The more sections, the smaller the tripod is put away, but the more unstable it is when used, generally 3-5 sections are appropriate

The maximum pipe diameter: the thicker the more stable, but it will be correspondingly larger and heavier, generally not less than 20mm, can be more than 25mm better

Maximum load-bearing: The bigger the better, at least more than their own heaviest combination of equipment, but the weight-bearing is too large and the self-weight is generally not light

In general, the purchase of a tripod is to find a balance in the parameters. As for how to balance, that is a matter that varies from person to person. For example, in order to save money, some people would rather buy some sinking aluminum alloys and pursue "enough on the line"; some people are not tall, so they do not care much about the maximum height, and only want to store as small as possible; some people pay great attention to stability, so they only choose the tripod with the smallest number of leg tube joints and the largest diameter, and are not afraid of inconvenience to carry... In short, after everyone understands the relationship between the mutual influence and mutual checks and balances of various parameters, find a balance point of their own ideal.

In addition, there are also some tripods with additional functions such as reverse folding, inversion of the central axis, horizontal placement of the central axis, and deformation into a monopod. Since this is an article for newbies, these non-core contents will be skipped first, and those who want to know can check it for themselves

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > brand of quad and tripods</h1>

The specifications of the parameters given by the manufacturer are only of reference significance if they are true and accurate. Not to mention that in addition to the parameters, the tripod has many details that are not easy to measure numerically, which can affect its stability and reliability. Therefore, we must give priority to the products of large manufacturers to ensure the safety of our own equipment.

Below I will introduce some of the tripod brands that I have used or are more familiar with for your reference. Note, however, that a high brand awareness doesn't mean every product is perfect, and a brand I didn't mention doesn't mean it's not necessarily bad.

(This section does not deal with commercial promotion, and the author undertakes not to profit from the mention of a particular brand or product)

The most well-known tripod brand in the world should be Manfrotto. It is an Italian-based company specializing in accessories for cameras and lamps. Manfrotto's first tripod product dates back to 1974. In 1989, Manfrotto was acquired by vitec group in the UNITED Kingdom, helping vitec group to become the world's largest manufacturer of tripods today. Statistics for 2018 show that Vitec Group has a global tripod market share of more than 20%, ranking first in the world[2], making it a well-deserved tripod giant.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Italian tripod brand Manfrotto

Chinese companies also have a pivotal role in the global tripod market. Combined with a report released by QYResearch in 2019[3] and a report released by MarketStudyReport in 2020[4], the top ten Chinese companies with market share in the past two years include Benro (including its brand Mobil Mefoto), Fotopro, Sirui, Weifeng and LVG. According to my personal impression and the sales data of domestic e-commerce, Bainuo, Futubao and Sirui have a high degree of well-known in China, and the sales data is better, while Weifeng focuses on low-cost routes, and the presence of Huanyu is relatively low. In addition, there are still some relatively niche brands in China that claim to only do high-end boutiques, such as Ma Xiaolu and Laotu.

If none of the above brands can satisfy you, there are more high-end brands such as Really Right Stuff (RRS) and Gitzo on the market to consider. Among them, RRS has the world's leading tripod manufacturing process, which is called "the Mercedes of tripods" by many foreign photographers. However, RRS tripods are difficult to buy domestically, as the company has always insisted on "Made in the USA"—all of the brand's products are designed, manufactured, assembled, and shipped in Lehi, Utah, USA, and all raw materials, parts, and accessories (even soft bags for tripods) are sourced from U.S. companies. In contrast, Gitzo's sales are much larger and its sales channels are more convenient. Founded in 1917, the French company is one of the few century-old brands in tripod manufacturers. It was later also known as the British giant Vitec Group, so it was family with the aforementioned Manfrotto. However, unlike Manfrotto, Gitzo only designs and produces high-end products, so it has gained excellent reputation and become one of the representative brands of high-end tripods in the world.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Gitzo is a century-old brand in a tripod

If you are abroad, there are also some leading brands with a market share that can be found: Velbon Admiralty (Japan), Vanguard Jingjia (USA), Induro (US), SLIK (Japan), Oben (US), 3 Legged Thing (UK), FLM (Germany), Ravelli (US), Cullmann (Germany), etc

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the purchase of five or three tripods</h1>

Readers familiar with me should know that I generally do not publicly recommend the model of the tripod, because many parameters of the tripod will affect each other, check and balance each other, and the specific purchase strategy needs to be personalized according to the user's height, use, weight capacity, budget amount and consumption concept. For example, some people buy a tripod just for use in the studio, do not need to be portable, as long as it is stable enough to be high enough; but some people go out hiking all year round and are willing to pay double the price for a few hundred grams of light weight. So I'm really not good at giving you a link directly and saying this is the "best" tripod at that price point.

However, here I still decided to cite some of the high-selling or more famous models in various price points and brands below, so that novices can once again be familiar with the previously introduced shopping essentials and teach people to fish. note! I'm just taking them as an example, not that they are the best tripods at this price, let alone the tripod that is most suitable for you, you must carefully study their load-bearing, maximum height, storage height and a series of other products to buy your most satisfactory products.

(This article does not involve commercial promotion, and the author promises not to profit from the mention of a particular brand or product)

The Serif E1005A/A1005 is the most popular model of Serray, and it is said that it has sold more than 60,000 pieces on Tmall. (Here is a brief explanation, A1005 is sold on Tmall, E1005A is sold in Jingdong, Jingdong is a small Taobao model, including the gimbal to lose a good loss, the difference is not big, so we see them both as the same here.) Si Rui's design strategy for this product should be low price + portable. In order to reduce the price, this camera uses aluminum alloy material, although the weight has reached more than 1.4KG, but the price has also entered within 400 yuan. For portability, this tripod features a 5-section leg design with a maximum height of less than 1.5 meters, but only 35.5cm.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

SIRUI tripod E1005A+G12 with gimbal

The Bainuo AF18+ takes a different design strategy. The same is a four-hundred-yuan class tripod, the same aluminum alloy material and 25mm maximum pipe diameter, Bainuo adopts a 4-section leg and a maximum height of 1.6 meters design, theoretically more stable, more comfortable working height. However, the price is a 30% increase in weight (1.9KG of self-weight) and a 70% increase in storage length (60cm after storage), which is equivalent to sacrificing the portability and flexibility of storage for the comfort and safety of work. By comparing the two, you should understand why I think buying a tripod is a very personal decision.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

The Benro tripod AF18+ includes gimbal

As for the model of portability, we have to mention Futubao's "Air One". The storage height of this tripod is almost the same as that of the first Sharp E1005A, but the price has almost doubled. The reason for such a high price is because the legs of this tripod are made of carbon fiber, coupled with the combination of 1 to reduce the maximum height and reduce the maximum diameter, its own weight is only 0.81KG, which is 56% of the weight of the first model and 42% of the second model, so it is named "Air No. 1". The allure of weight loss is often enormous – although this tripod has a maximum height of only 1.3 meters, it is one of Futubao's most well-known and best-selling products.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Fotopro x aircross 1C Air One with gimbal

If you need a carbon fiber tripod of normal height, its price will usually be close to 1,000 yuan or more. The following is one of the Manfrotto Befree Advanced series, with carbon fiber, 4 legs, a maximum height of 1.5 meters, only 41cm long and 1.25KG when stored. In addition to the paper parameters, this tripod adopts an artificial ergonomic design, and there are functions such as Easy Link in the details, and the overall workmanship is very good. In addition, this tripod is manufactured in Italy, so the price is relatively high.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Manfrotto MKBFRTC4-BH Befree Advanced

In the above explanation, I briefly introduced the conversion and balance between the parameters of the tripod, as well as some factors that affect the pricing, and you can continue to analyze with some other products.

But for most beginners, I don't recommend doing too much analysis or feeling too entangled in order to buy a tripod, because in the final analysis, the tripod is just a thing that supports the camera, with very basic functions, so I myself think that beginners are not worth spending a lot of energy on its purchase, as long as you don't buy a particularly heavy go hiking or buy a light studio, there are one or two models that probably meet expectations.

Of course, if you have enough money, you can still start with high-end products such as Home Credit, but as for the difference between taking photos with a five-thousand-dollar tripod and a five-hundred-dollar tripod, I don't know... Is it about the difference between listening to a song with a five-thousand-dollar headset and a five-hundred-dollar headset? (I said Orz blindly, I don't understand HiFi hahaha) said no difference is not, but said there is a difference but a little bit of not specific ...

Having said that, I would like to add two more suggestions:

For normal-size tripods, it is not recommended to purchase products under three hundred yuan. I know that there are a large number of tripods on Taobao, but I have also witnessed many times that others use such tripods and break or tip over, causing the camera to be damaged. According to the current process and cost, it is difficult to design a tripod with safe and reasonable standards, and it is difficult to only mark the price of one or two hundred yuan. In addition, a camera of thousands of yuan is placed on a tripod of a hundred pieces, and it is not safe to think about it...

For price-sensitive beginners, domestic brands can be prioritized. It is undeniable that foreign big brands have many high-end and exquisite professional products, but within the price of thousands of yuan, domestic brands such as Bainuo, Futubao, and Sirui often have higher cost performance. Therefore, although sometimes foreign big names will sell some low-priced products, it is recommended not to blindly place orders.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > six, other new tripods</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1</h1>

The desktop tripod is actually a miniature version of the tripod, because the height is particularly short, so it will generally be used on the desktop, hence the name. Sometimes they are also called mini tripods or portable tripods.

Limited by the shooting height, the use of the desktop tripod is relatively limited, generally used to shoot small items such as food and still life on the desktop, and can barely be brought to shoot the stars and other shooting height is not particularly important scenery subjects. But if you want to use it to shoot scenes such as people interviews, it's a bit uncomfortable.

Desktop tripods are generally a little cheaper than normal-size traditional tripods, most products are between 100-400 yuan, but some products exceed 1,000 yuan. However, the reason why people choose to buy a desktop tripod is often not the price, but the ultra-small size and weight - the overall weight of many desktop tripods does not exceed one pound, and the storage height is as high as a bottle of normal mineral water. Because of this, some places that are inconvenient to carry large tripods can also see such products (remember to comply with relevant laws and venue regulations).

Buying a mini tripod can still focus on the previous parameters, like The product is only the weight of a carton of milk (253g), or carbon fiber, but the load is only 3KG, and there is no shaft, the leg can not be retracted, so the maximum use height is only 19.3cm.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Benro SC05K Mini Mini Professional Carbon Fiber Desktop Tripod

Futubao, a product of the same price, weighs more than three times the weight of the above (780g), and is made of aluminum alloy, but has a load-bearing capacity of 8KG, and the maximum height after unfolding the leg and the central shaft can reach 44.5cm.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Fotopro M-4S Macro MINI Portable Tripod

The above are two products with different design strategies, so (again nagging), it is difficult for tripods to directly compare cost performance, really depending on their own use.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

This Manfrotto's PIXI EVO has a high value, and I have it myself, but the stability is really average

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2</h1>

Octopus tripods and desktop tripods have a lot in common, such as shorter working heights and better portability. The main difference is that the legs are flexible, so they can be twisted into any form, adapted to multiple scenes, and support a variety of ideas.

Due to the different materials, the price of an octopus tripod will be cheaper than a table tripod, usually within two hundred yuan.

In the era of national VLOG, many video bloggers also use octopus tripods as selfie controllers.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Credit: Phil Ryan, nytimes

When it comes to the brand of octopus tripod, it is necessary to mention JOBY. Since the introduction of octopus tripods in 2006, Zubi is probably the world's first octopus tripod producer, and it has always regarded octopus tripods as its business center, making it one of the most famous octopus tripod brands in the world. You don't have to worry about it only selling this and not making money, it now belongs to the British VITEC Group, and the previously mentioned Manfrotto, Home Credit are brother brands...

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Octopus tripod of Zeusby JOBY

The model of the Zoby tripod is particularly simple, and the model is load-bearing. For example, 1K is 1 kg of load-bearing, 3K is 3 kg of load-bearing, and 500 is 500-gram of load-bearing. Its only drawback is that it is expensive... 3K sells for about 400 yuan, and 5K can even reach 900 yuan (but I also admire the technology of making octopus bear five kilograms). So if you have a lot of money and want to buy an octopus to play, then Zebi is the most professional and reliable choice for the biggest card. But if you are more sensitive to price, then in fact, the products of domestic brands are also worth considering.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

JOBY Multifunctional Octopus Tripod Gimbal Set 3K

Among the domestic brands, I bought an octopus from Fotopro and Ulanzi in 2018 and Ulanzi respectively. Now of the two, I subjectively feel that the MT-11 of the excellent basket is more worthy of recommendation, because of the higher load-bearing and the creative multi-functional gimbal (the mobile phone and the ann camera do not need other accessories). The brand link before this article did not mention the excellent basket because it is the main VLOG accessory, and it is not a tripod brand.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

ulanzi MT-11 multifunctional portable octopus tripod

In addition, because the foot tube of the octopus is a flexible material, its reliability is bound to be worse than that of a traditional tripod. Therefore, I recommend that you:

Don't test the weight-bearing limits of octopus, just stop there. If the equipment is very heavy and expensive, it is better to buy Zeus than to be more assured.

When doing difficult postures (such as upside down, lateral support, etc.), there should be insurance measures (such as fastening a rope).

Try not to choose the three-no-octopus and the ultra-low-price octopus of about ten yuan that is included in the package, even if you don't buy Zebi, it is best to find a decent brand.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > tips for the safe use of seven and three tripods</h1>

1. When the camera is still mounted on a tripod, do not move the tripod at will

Although I often see people running around carrying a tripod with a camera, I have to remind everyone that this is an explicit prohibition in many camera manuals. Just because you don't roll over once or twice doesn't mean you don't have risks.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

This is mentioned in the canon camera manual

2. Priority is given to extending the thicker leg at the top, and if the height is not high, extend the thinner leg at the bottom, and finally the central axis

It is true that raising the central axis is less time-consuming and laborious than extending three legs, but the stability of the tripod will also be greatly reduced (theoretically). Therefore, the central axis should be the next strategy when the height is really not enough. In addition, the legs should also give priority to protruding from the thicker legs at the top, rather than the thinner legs at the bottom.

Photography novices also need to know about tripods | 2021 New Edition I. Do I Need a Tripod? Second, the structure of the tripod three, the parameters of the tripod four, the brand of the tripod five, the purchase of the tripod six, other new tripods 1. Desktop tripod 2. Octopus tripod seven, tripod safety tips reference

Prioritize the unfolding of the thick leg credit: Darlene Hilderandt, Digital Photo Mentor

3. In windy weather, the camera strap needs to be handled well, which can be removed or fixed

The camera doesn't use the shoulder strap when it's on a tripod, but because it's too cumbersome to remove it, many people choose to leave it alone. But in windy weather, it may flutter with the wind like a carp flag. In this case, the probability of it bringing the camera down is not zero, and even if you think your camera is very heavy and will not turn over, the pull that is imperceptible to the naked eye will affect the success rate of your slow-door exposure or time-lapse photography.

4. The three legs should be spread out and clamped as tightly as possible, but be careful not to affect pedestrian traffic

All three legs should be extended as far outward as possible to a stable and stuck place, but be careful not to affect pedestrian traffic. Tripod legs are usually black and are easily visible in low-light places. If a pedestrian kicks the footpipe, it may cause the tripod to tip over, and the safety of the pedestrian will also be threatened. Because of this, many crowded places (such as squares) have rules that do not allow the use of tripods. If there may be pedestrians passing by at your filming location but there is no such rule, do everything possible to make the footing of the tripod as visible as possible.

5. Manage your quick release plate...

Probably every beginner photographer will experience a tragic case of going out with a tripod and finding no quick loading board. The quick release plate is a cookie pack of things that connect the camera and the gimbal. When using a tripod, you must first install it on the bottom of the camera before the camera can be fixed to the gimbal (it may sound a bit abstract, but it will be immediately clear when you see the actual tripod). There are usually two ways to solve the problem of forgetting to bring the quick loading board, one is to spend money to buy a lot of quick loading plates, to ensure that there is one under each fuselage, and then there is at least one in the photography bag (some exaggeration, but I have really seen) The other is to develop a good habit of putting the quick loading board back on the gimbal every time you use the tripod

I wish you all a happy tripod purchase &amp; use!

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > reference</h1>

^Manfrotto. (n.d.). Who is Manfrotto.

^Yuan Jingrong. (2019). It is estimated that in 2025, the global photography tripod industry will exceed 2.46 million. QYResearch.

^QYR. (2019).2019-2025 Global and Chinese Photography Tripod Market Status and Future Development Trend.

^GlobalInfoResearch. (2020). Global Tripod (Photography) Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025.

^RRS. (n.d.). About Us.reallyrightstuff.