
Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

author:Global Times Global Travel
Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

When it is warm and cold, come to a bowl of steaming soup, and feel the pores are stretched out. In China, Tang has a long and glorious history. The broth is rich, the stew is hearty, a lot of water and a long time of cooking make the soup mix a lot of taste and aroma ingredients, and it also has appetizers, main dishes, replenishment of water, degreasing and other effects, soup captures the stomach of most people. In fact, there are soups in every culture, and many countries have their representative soups, so let's explore them with me today!

Beef soup Vietnam Beef pho | Vietnam

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ anvietsydney

In Vietnamese tastes, the quality of the soup base determines the success or failure of the food. Blended into the culinary cultures of China and France, Vietnamese beef soup is refreshing and not tiresome. Vietnamese beef broth is made from a soup made of beef bone, and the beef bone soup has a strong and light flavor, smooth and not greasy. Broth, cinnamon, star anise, fennel and other warm spices simmer for several hours, seasoned with lemon and fish sauce before cooking, and when the beef bone broth is cooked, mix the mung bean sprouts well and blanch them. Beef fillets are the final step in soup making. Beef slices marinated with egg whites and corn starch are tender and juicy without ruining the clear texture of the beef broth. When the soup is made, the nine-layered pagoda leaves are shredded by hand and sprinkled into the bowl, and the beef bone hot soup can fully absorb the unique aroma of the spices.

These ingredients together produce a wonderful reaction, and all the delicious mysteries are hidden here. The lime has a strong sour taste and a light aroma, which can not only hang out the taste of the broth, but also will not steal the limelight of spices such as lemongrass and southern ginger. The hot beef is tender and melts in the mouth, the texture is tender and refreshing, and the mung bean sprouts that suck up the soup are fresh and sour, sweet and awaken the stomach, and the stimulated appetite is fully satisfied at this moment.

Borscht Ukrainian Borscht | Ukraine

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ chef_jelena

This borscht is not a borussia. Ukrainian borscht, also known as red cabbage soup, is widely spread in Russia, Poland and other Eastern European countries, and is a must-have dish for almost all Chinese and Western restaurants. The Ukrainian borscht name sounds very Chinese, but when you really taste it, you know that this guy has nothing to do with Chinese food.

Tender beet pieces and carrots swim in the bright red soup, the starch precipitated by potatoes thickens the concentration of the soup, the classic pairing of spinach beef is a must, and the cabbage maintains a crisp and refreshing taste and the aroma of vegetables. Before tasting the soup, add a large spoonful of cream, and the purple-red soup color immediately dissolves into the color of red lily. Borscht is bright in color and oil, rich in taste but not greasy, and moderately sweet and sour. In 2005, in commemoration of The classic dishes of Ukraine, the General Post Office of Ukraine issued a commemorative package with stamp designs of Ukrainian red cabbage soup and traditional ingredients of red cabbage soup.

Maasai Fish Soup French Bouillabaisse | France

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ joyfuljudging

What could be more enjoyable than sitting by the beach at dusk and sipping a Maasai fish soup made in white wine? Maasai fish soup, along with Cantonese soup and Thai sour and spicy soup, is known as the world's top three soups. Maasai fish soup is a culinary masterpiece stewed by fishermen, distilling the classic Mediterranean flavors into a synonym for the coastal city of Marseille. At least 3-5 types of marine fish are used to prepare this dish, accompanied by Mediterranean spices such as garlic, saffron, leeks, fennel, parsley and so on. The biggest feature of seafood is that it is fresh and sweet, and the fresh fish melts in the soup, oozing out a fresh smell and pure sweetness. The delicious smell lingers on the nose and spreads in a twist and turns, which is mouth-watering. Take a slice of toast, dip it in the soup, bite down, the soup bursts out in the pores of the bread, the fresh and sweet seafood and carbohydrates instantly merge in the mouth, and the Mediterranean flavor of spices rushes to the brain, which can not be forgotten for a long time.

Maasai fish soup has not only won the reputation of an international delicacy, but also has a place in the literary world, appearing in famous poems and prose. Vanity Fair author William Mekbius Thackeray has praised the pleasure of enjoying Marseille fish soup in Paris, Harry Potter author Joann Catherine Rowling has described the delicious taste of Marseille fish soup, and the Native French literary magnates have spared no expense in their own pen and ink.

Portuguese potato kale soup Portuguese Caldo verde | Portugal

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ nyportuguese

Potato kale soup is a thick soup often used in Portugal to accompany meals, but the simple ingredients bring out the nutrition and taste of each element to the extreme. Today's potato kale soup has become the culinary star of everything from high-end cafes to country kitchens, entering halls and kitchens.

Cook the oil over low heat, throw the shredded onion into the pot and stir-fry until soft, then add potatoes to stir-fry, the soft and refreshing bottom of the pot immediately becomes fragrant and mellow, then add purple cabbage and stir-fry well, add water and simmer slowly. The supporting role in the salad became the protagonist of the cabbage soup. Because purple cabbage is used as the main material, the soup taste is more sweet and less bitter. Kale soup tastes salty and sour, light and delicious, can supplement the various vitamins needed by the human body, and has the effect of beauty and beauty. Throughout its long history, this potato kale soup has spawned many versions. One of the most popular is the smoked sausage kale soup, which is salty and turns into an undercurrent that gushes between the refreshing soups, enriching the layers of the soup, and at this time with a glass of wine, it is the ultimate enjoyment.

Broom soup Algeria Chorba frik | Algeria

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Source: ins @ kederecettes

Chorba, also known as "broom soup", is an Algerian delicacy. During Ramadan, this soup is served at the table of every Tunisian family. Housewives have been boiling soup since the early hours of the morning, and the aroma wafts through the streets. "Broom soup" is also called "red soup" because of the tomato added, and the soup is red. The red soup makes people feel warm when they look at it, and the sweetness of vegetables, the deliciousness of gravy, the sweetness of tomatoes and the fragrance of lemons play a symphony under the rich and warm red.

The traditional broom soup is made with tomatoes, meat, chickpeas and an ancient grain called frik. This green ancient grain is a regular on the tables of Mediterranean and Arab countries, similar to milled wheat. Green is particularly prominent when cooking, and the bright colors break the shackles of traditional thinking, not only giving people a visual impact, but also adding weight and nutrition to this North African soup. The tender green grain absorbs the essence of tomatoes and spices, is nutritious and easy to digest, and is the best choice for the stomach and intestines that do not stick to rice water for a day during Ramadan.

Cream Shrimp Chowder Peru Chupe de camarones | Peru

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Source: ins @ quepayrestaurante

Cream shrimp chowder is a specialty of Arequipa. Arequipa is a historic city surrounded by towering volcanoes, and at night the temperature plummets in the mountains, so it's perfect to nestle in a warm home with a bowl of heart-warming chowder soup. Cream shrimp chowder is eclectic, with hundreds of ingredients, and each has its own flavor.

This dish is simple and convenient, with a rich milky aroma. Light cream and tomatoes flavored with herbs and garlic provide a rich foundation for this shrimp chowder main course recipe. The addition of cream gives the broth a sweet and salty balance and smooths the fatty texture of the broth. The shrimp head overflows with shrimp yellow during cooking, increasing the concentration of the soup and also stimulating the taste of sweet corn. A creamy chowder soup of cream, shrimp, corn, potatoes and onions is poured over the rice and the warmth rises in the cold night.

Cold vegetable soup Spanish Gazpacho | Spain

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ alexandra.sarigianni

Spanish cold vegetable soup is a cooling tool for hot summer days, refreshing and slightly sour, healthy and pleasant, and it will make you feel as if you are in the mountains and coasts of Andalusia! The most classic Spanish cold vegetable soup contains a variety of raw vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, etc., but also added dry bread and olive oil, the calorie is not high, the feeling of fullness is very strong, is a girl's summer weight loss must Oh!

The combination of cold and soup, the combination of these two words really makes people feel a little contradictory. However, when the cold soup leaves the refrigerator and is served on the plate, it is a feast of sweetness colliding with the rich, crunchy and dense taste. The classic Spanish cold soup is rich in ingredients and is based on red tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. Red tomatoes are highly hydrated, making cold soups that reduce the burden on the stomach, cucumbers provide a crispy taste, bell peppers emit a unique aroma after grilling, and are mixed with a rich cold soup, and the wonderful nuances between hot and cold, raw and cooked are addictive. The simple, colorful Spanish cold vegetable soup will not only bring you a cool taste, but also add a refreshing mood to your mood.

Peanut Soup West African Groundnut soup | West Africa

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ frieda_empty_the_pantry

In recent years, West African peanut soup has spread around the world in wildfire. An ideal dish made from chicken, Scottish red pepper, peanuts or peanut butter, this delicious West African soup is a magical combination of sweet, salty and spicy. Peanut soup moisturizes the lungs, has a therapeutic effect, and the price is cheap, suitable for all ages.

Peanut soup is simple in ingredients, but the cooking method is very elaborate. Peanut rice with boiling boiling foam after fading red clothes, add water to the casserole Chinese boiling, until the peanuts are cooked thoroughly, at this time the peanuts are divided into two, floating surface, peanuts crispy rotten, melted in the mouth, the soup color is milky white. Fish or chicken are then dipped in a thick peanut soup, with spicy Nigerian spices, nuts, slightly salty meat and spicy peppers stimulate each other, not greasy or greasy, attracting people's appetite. Usually eaten at lunch or dinner. In Nigeria, peanut soup is often eaten with carbohydrates such as rice. If you can't accept peanut soup with meat, vegetarian peanut soup will not disappoint you. Nigerian-style bitter vegetables and green leafy vegetables are full of vegetable aroma, sweet and refreshing, nourishing and moisturizing the lungs.

Red braised beef chowder Georgia Kharcho Georgia

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ junkitat

Although Georgia has a small land area, it has developed a completely different gastronomic system from the surrounding Russian, Turkish and Iranian cuisines, and the stews they make through various compound seasoning methods are almost the ultimate in "stewing". Beef chowder (Kharcho) is one of the examples. Beef chowder is a very traditional Georgian home-cooked soup made by simmering beef brisket, rice, cherry plum sauce, crushed walnuts and more than 20 spices for two hours, then seasoned with chopped fresh parsley.

Braised beef soup is stewed with beef and tomatoes, somewhat similar to borscht. Unlike Ukrainian soup, various spices are added to the soup, and the flavor layers are richer. The combination of Khmeli suneli (a mixture of Five Georgian Spices) and coriander gives off a special fragrance that perfectly removes the fishy smell without destroying the texture of the meat. When you enter, the meat is fragrant with a sweet cherry plum sauce and a faint but endless walnut flavor. In addition, a small amount of rice is usually added to the red braised beef soup, which is also a characteristic of Georgian soup.

Harira Morocco Harira | Morocco

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ ausouk

Moroccan cuisine is unique among African countries, containing the essence of Arabic cuisine, Spanish cuisine, Berber cuisine, exquisite ingredients, rich dishes, Khalila soup is the peak of Moroccan soup. The ingredients, spices and condiments are perfectly matched, and the Khalila soup is delicate and colorful, and it is admirable from taste to appearance.

During Ramadan, when the sun goes down, many Moroccans boil a bowl of hot Khalila soup for the night. Cinnamon, ginger and pepper add warmth to the sweet and sour tomato soup, and once these seasonings have been well mixed with the tomato broth, dip into the chickpeas. The hard chickpeas are soft and not melted when boiled at high temperatures, and when they are introduced, they gently open the soft and tough skin and feel the taste of the bean blossoms blooming on the tip of the tongue, which is more flavorful than the mung bean soup. After cooking, a slice or two of lemon on the side of the bowl is also a classic match. Lemon peel is rich in aromatic volatile ingredients, which can not only stimulate the flavor of food, but also relieve the heat and appetize the spleen.

Tripe soup Mexican Menudo | Mexico

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ jefetacobar

Soup can also dissolve the wine? You heard that right. This extremely fragrant red soup is a hangover artifact for Mexicans and a favorite of Mexicans to entertain guests. Don't look at it as unremarkable, the taste is quite strong! Such an experience of awakening the taste buds, no matter how addictive you drank the day before, how bad the hangover was in the morning, a bowl of belly, guaranteed to make you awake, energetic, and full of vitality.

Full of tripe stewed in a spicy broth made with red pepper, lemon juice, oregano and shallots for several hours, still soft and tender, paired with a thick soup that is spicy and sour. Before eating, squeeze in a little lime juice, lime acid is even more stimulating to the spicy taste buds, that share of the hearty, let people breathe straight to the addiction!

Shrimp stew | Moqueca de camarão, Brazil | Brazil

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ bertolazzi

When it comes to Brazilian cuisine, the first thing most people think of is Brazilian barbecue, Brazilian cuisine is more than barbecue! To say that the taste of Brazilian cuisine is the most special, the first recommended Barilla's rich shrimp stew. Shrimp are cooked in a handmade pot made of black mud and mangrove sap and then brought to the table in an authentic container, where palm oil and tomatoes dye coconut soup a warm orange-red color, which is undoubtedly the best treat for the stomach in the hot weather of Brazil.

Brazilian-style shrimp stew is a delicacy made from boiled thick soup with delicious shrimp and coconut. Can be eaten with rice or as a snack. The red prawns are cooked with tomatoes, and the steaming soup is filled with onions, coriander, garlic, chili peppers, lime juice, coconut juice, and a little cream. After the prawns are cooked with a heavy and strong smell of condiments, the smooth and tender teeth, the soup is sweet and salty, and the rich and sour lemon juice is flavored, not to mention how delicious!

Sodo Chicken Soup Indonesian Soto ayam | Indonesia

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ tresianawati

All over Indonesia there are sodos with their own flavors: Medan city has Medan sodo, Jakarta has Bada Vissodore, Kalimantan has Banjar Sodo and so on. In this spicy Indonesian dish, turmeric is a natural spice that brings out a fresh and spicy taste in the rich chicken soup, making the soup taste wonderful and delicious.

Fresh turmeric, star anise, fennel, cinnamon, lemongrass and lime leaves and other spices combined together, emitting a deep aroma and flavor, chicken in the spice under the impetus, the meat is overflowing, high temperature stew did not take away the tenderness of the chicken, but slightly chewy, spicy sauce into the taste, the more you eat the more flavorful, the more you want to eat, even the bones are overflowing. Sodo chicken soup with white rice is the most classic way to eat, white flower rice soaked in the yellow brilliant chicken soup, sucked enough chicken fat and soup juice, strong and into the taste, a bite down, umami overflowing, with a strong Southeast Asian cuisine style.

Tom yum goong in Thailand | Thailand

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ vinnard_d

In Thai, "Tom Yin" means "sour and spicy" and "Gong" means "shrimp". The colours of Tom Yin Gong soup are as colorful as the spices on the streets of Thailand, and they are an expression of the locals' love of life. Sour, sweet, salty, spicy, all kinds of flavors in a small bowl of soup bowls, tomato-colored red soup with a few strands of coconut milk milk milk, tender lemon slices and pale yellow clams matched, the soup pot is fragrant, revealing the Thai flavor of the spicy!

Mixed with Thai lemon, lemongrass, pepper and shrimp, the crystal clear shrimp will soon turn slightly reddened at high temperatures, and the meat will become more tender and white as the temperature rises. The thick shrimp juice is tightly wrapped in it, and people can't help but want to take a bite. The delicate aroma of lemon and the slightly sour taste are mouth-watering, and the fiery heat of the peppers makes the appetite reach its peak. A bowl of hot Tom Yin Gong soup went down, and the whole person warmed up.

Palm Fruit Soup Nigeria Banga | Nigeria

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

Image source: ins @ noleyskitchen

Unlike other soups in Nigeria, palm fruit soup has a unique taste and balanced nutrition, making it a classic dish for ethnic minorities in the Urhobo region. Cook the palm kernels until soft and gently beat in a mortar, add water to filter and extract the nut essence. Fresh fish, beef or dried seafood are put into the soup made of palm fruit extract, and in a few moments, in the sound of bubbling, the dried seafood rises up, and a thin layer of fat floats to the surface. Add a little beetroot and special spices to flavor and freshen, the indescribable basil leaf fragrance and peppery spicy taste, from the moment it comes out of the pot, it awakens every nerve in the brain!

When you smell the soup, the aroma of the thick broth comes to your nose. Taste a piece of beef, the meat is soft and mellow, fat but not greasy, scoop a bowl of soup, spicy and fresh, endless aftertaste. Palm fruit-boiled soups add an exotic touch to Nigerian specialty soups. The soup made from palm oil is not as sticky and thick as animal oil, and the light taste is accompanied by chili peppers and fragrant leaves, and the oil is not greasy and fragrant.

Fifteen kinds of "national soup" are hungry in the world

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