
Reveal Simmons to the Nets details: Loyalty to KD Watch! Durant played an important role in the deal

On February 12, Beijing time, after the Nets and the 76ers reached a blockbuster deal, the famous Ramona revealed the details of Simmons' visit to the Nets. It is worth mentioning that Durant is also involved in the entire deal negotiations, and Simmons expressed his excitement to Durant that he wants to join.

Reveal Simmons to the Nets details: Loyalty to KD Watch! Durant played an important role in the deal
Reveal Simmons to the Nets details: Loyalty to KD Watch! Durant played an important role in the deal

Ramona wrote: "Within 90 minutes of the trade deadline, Simmons spoke with the Nets executives (Durant was also present), but Simmons didn't say much, but the Nets could hear the emotion in his words because he thanked them for trading for him and believed him. ”

Reveal Simmons to the Nets details: Loyalty to KD Watch! Durant played an important role in the deal

"Simmons wanted to leave Philadelphia so badly that he did everything he could to force himself out of the 76ers, so he was so happy with the news that he even spoke to Durant and told him he was excited to join the Nets."

Reveal Simmons to the Nets details: Loyalty to KD Watch! Durant played an important role in the deal

Simmons was ecstatic about joining the Nets, and Max said the Nets and all the Nets players would do everything they could to support Simmons. At present, it is not yet certain when Simmons will be able to play, and it will take time to find out through team training. ”

Reveal Simmons to the Nets details: Loyalty to KD Watch! Durant played an important role in the deal

Interestingly, The famous Ramona also specifically mentioned Durant's important role in the deal: "Throughout the deal negotiations, Durant spent the whole day "squatting" in the conference room with the team's executives. Durant clearly plays a very influential role in the Nets' organization, and needless to say, he was also involved in the team's decision to let James Harden go. ”

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