
20 billion yuan market rise! Is "script killing" really a good business?


In recent years, new entertainment activities represented by "script killing" and "secret room" are emerging in the market and have become the first choice for young people's entertainment activities.

On March 1 this year, the Interim Regulations on the Management of The Killing Content of Secret Room Scripts will be officially implemented in Shanghai. Shanghai is also the first city in the country to officially bring the Secret Room script into management. What is the current situation of the script killing market in Shanghai?

Shanghai: Script killing stores rapidly expanding, with strong demand, ticket prices can be sold to 500 yuan

In a script killing store in Shanghai's Putuo District, the reporter saw that on weekday afternoon, there were still many players playing script killing. They sat in a circle, holding their own scripts, discussing them lively, relying on communication and logical reasoning to find answers. The person in charge told reporters that even on weekdays, their private rooms are almost fully booked, especially during the Spring Festival, which is even more difficult to find.

20 billion yuan market rise! Is "script killing" really a good business?
20 billion yuan market rise! Is "script killing" really a good business?

Yang Wenhui, founder of a script killing store in Shanghai: We were originally 10 rooms, and now the demand of players is too large, and some scenes have been added, expanded to 16 rooms, and the reservation can be booked more than a month in advance. In January, all the grades during the Spring Festival in February were fully booked.

During the interview, the reporter found that the players of script killing and secret room are mainly young people who like logical reasoning, role playing and fresh experience, and many of them can play 2 to 3 script killings a week.

In addition to desktop script killing, in the past year, immersive script killing has also begun to rise in the market. Usually such a script killing store covers a large area and exquisite set, and many cast members guide players to play games through deductive techniques, but the unit price of this immersive script killing is about 500 yuan per person, which is 3 times the unit price of the desktop script killing.

Wang Yu, head of an immersive art reasoning theater in Shanghai: This is a scene in one of our scripts, with hundreds of special effects of lighting points, including cement cave setting, cement trees, and a 6-meter-long dragon body, with a total cost of about millions.

Shanghai launched the country's first new regulation on the killing of secret room scripts to set limits on minors

The data shows that the scale of China's script killing market in 2020 has reached 11.74 billion yuan, and it is expected that by 2022, the market size of China's script killing industry will increase to 23.89 billion yuan, and the rapidly developing emerging industries have also had many problems while bringing consumption.

20 billion yuan market rise! Is "script killing" really a good business?

With the expansion of consumer scale, script killing stores have also mushroomed, and the data shows that there are more than 10,000 board game-related enterprises nationwide, and 5957 new registrations have been added in 2021 alone, the most in the past decade, an increase of 85% year-on-year.

Qian Xiang, director of a script killing store in Shanghai: I have been in the industry for more than two years, when we only had one store, and in the past two years, there have been nearly 50 stores in the country.

Meng Yuyang is the head of a script killing store in Shanghai, and when the reporter met him, he was discussing the design of the new script and the scene with the studio staff. He told reporters that the script killing industry is developing very fast, the threshold is relatively low, and as the competition in the same industry becomes more and more fierce, they need to constantly innovate content to attract more consumers. In addition, the rapid development of the script has also emerged many problems that need to be solved.

Meng Yuyang, founder of a script killing culture communication co., LTD. in Shanghai: The threshold for opening a store is relatively low, and you can buy a few scripts to decorate. Some of the content may involve content that is not suitable for minors to participate in, and there is a risk of piracy, and if the store does not have the so-called filing or all the qualifications, it may be difficult to prosecute and protect the rights.

20 billion yuan market rise! Is "script killing" really a good business?

In the interview, many players also told reporters that they did encounter some scary experiences when they played the secret room script killing.

Shanghai script to kill players: it is not quite acceptable that there are "ghosts" suddenly chased out, I think it is best to do grading, so that different players can challenge different levels.

The reporter learned that the "Interim Regulations on the Management of the Killing Content of the Secret Room Script" issued by Shanghai this time requires the business unit to strictly self-examine the content of the script, the scenes set, the costumes and props provided, etc., and to file the content of the script, set prompts for products that are not suitable for minors to participate, and must not allow minors to enter.

Li Binghua, director of the Market Management Department of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism: Hoping to improve the awareness of practitioners and enhance the screening and identification ability of operators, this official document specifically emphasizes the need to improve the protection mechanism for minors. The main purpose is to help the development of the industry in a more orderly, more standardized and healthier way, while stabilizing the investment expectations and management expectations of the industry.

Source: CCTV news client