
2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

author:Jiangxia Think Tank
2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

At present, the overall situation of Ningbo's economic operation is good, but there are still many unstable and uncertain factors, in the 2022 that has arrived, how can Ningbo enterprises muster up all their energy and go all out to start a good situation?

8 Jiangxiahui entrepreneurs have said that they should anchor the goal of striving for excellence and not slackening their efforts, constantly open up a new realm of doing solid work, walking in the forefront, and bravely standing at the head of the tide, and continue to enhance the competitiveness and influence of enterprises.

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

Chairman of Beifa Group Qiu Zhiming

"One pen, one chain and one platform" drives the high-quality development of the cultural and creative industry, meets the people's good life, and helps common prosperity.

Beifa Group will continue to actively play the leading role in the industry, "with the big belt small, with the strong to support the weak", facing the new demand for consumption upgrading, gathering the cultural and creative industry supply chain, creating a new model of ecological closed-loop, and creating a new engine for the development of the "Wenqi Valley" industry. Practice the integration of the two industries and the integration of the two industries, empower the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry with cultural creativity, and redefine the "one pen" with the whole chain of smile curves such as design and development, manufacturing supply, and brand marketing with digital empowerment. Build a digital supply chain network marketing platform, guided by the user value proposition, through the construction of a digital marketing platform for people, goods and fields interaction, open up online and offline, connect at home and abroad, provide thousands of people and thousands of solutions for all ends of the cultural and creative industry chain supply chain, make high-standard products, practice high-quality development, meet the diversified pursuits of consumers, let consumers enjoy a better life, and at the same time achieve high-quality development of the industry, and present the 20th Party.

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

Zhou Fang, Chairman of Xinzhi Biotech

2022 will be a key year in the history of The development of Xinzhi Biology, and it will also be a milestone year. Xinzhi Bio will adhere to the tone of steady progress, goal-oriented, adhere to the integrity of the surprise, innovation and change. Continue to focus on market demand, on the basis of ningbo and Hangzhou research institutes, strengthen the construction of a market-driven R & D system and team; accelerate the expansion to the enterprise market, strengthen the construction of marketing service teams, accelerate the serialization and pertinence of enterprise products, and continue to optimize the sales and service model; comprehensively promote lean production and digital management, further enhance the level of fine management of enterprises; take the national "specialization and specialization" as the background, seize the historical development opportunities of the capital market, optimize governance, and strive to make breakthroughs in the capital market. Ultimately, realize the leapfrog development of enterprises; continue to practice the concept of "taken from the society, used in the society", participate in public welfare activities such as poor college students' assistance, support for young scholars, and awards for outstanding scientific research papers, support the development of the industry, support young scholars, and give back to the society.

In 2022, Xinzhi Bio will adhere to the new heart, work hard, and strive to achieve the goal of high-quality development, and finally wish everyone a dragon leap in 2022, everything is prosperous!

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

Zhang Lin, Chairman of Ningshui Group

Use the pointer to draw the development mark, use the scale to measure the pace of reform, consolidate the brand strength with its own innovation and development trajectory, polish the "Ningbo" time-honored signboard in the inheritance and innovation, and spread the positive energy of China's own brands.

Ningshui Group will continue to play the role of the "head goose" of the water meter industry, actively practice the integration of the two, advocate the promotion and application of new technologies, new products, new models and new standards in the whole industry, and fully implement the transformation and upgrading from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing" through smart water construction, digital transformation, multi-faceted upgrading of the industry and key core technology innovation. Driven by customer demand, strengthen the research and development and innovation of water metering products and core technologies of the water industry Internet of Things, continue to make efforts to upgrade products; empower digital development, exert new momentum of big data analysis and software platforms, provide customers with more diversified and personalized value-added services and solutions; take the standard as the guide, continue to enhance the competitiveness and industry influence of enterprises, and push "Ningbo Brand" and "Ningbo Intelligent Manufacturing" to the world, welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Party.

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

Yuan Junjie, President of Hongda Group

In 2022, we will still face a series of changes and challenges brought about by the spread of the global new crown epidemic, as a foreign trade enterprise with a history of 30 years, we are willing to work together with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry to continuously adapt to the new trade environment through innovative business models, adjust market layout, and strive to find opportunities in danger and achieve greater development. In 2022, we will usher in the 20th National Congress of the Party, and at the same time, it is also the year of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Our Hongda Company, in this year of special significance, we will be more full of spirit and more lofty posture to quickly raise the whip, pragmatic and enterprising, and constantly refresh performance, rejuvenate new vitality.

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

Chairman of Weicheng Technology Wen Lijun

In the new year, Weicheng Technology will focus on the brand positioning of intelligent security protection experts, vigorously strengthen industry-university-research cooperation and scientific and technological empowerment, adhere to the promotion of brand competitiveness with scientific and technological innovation, build a standardized, systematic, platform-based and intelligent intelligent manufacturing fence security protection digital twin software and hardware product system, provide physical isolation, security protection, authority management, cable management overall solutions, solve customers' industrial security pain points, and help the high-quality development of China's manufacturing 2025 and 5G new infrastructure. At the same time, we will also actively play the leading position in the subdivision industry, strengthen upstream and downstream cooperation and sharing, create an industrial safety ecosystem, respond to the call of the State Council's "National Standardization Development Outline", continue to host or participate in the formulation of national standards and industry standards, and lead the continuous progress of the industry while establishing a professional brand image.

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

President of Global Tradecom Chen Jianxu

In the past year, due to the global epidemic, the world has brought great challenges and uncertainties. But of all the uncertainties, one thing is certain, and that is the digital transformation that all industries are facing. Enterprise digitalization has become the key to the survival of enterprises, and it is also an important core competitiveness of enterprises in the future.

The normalization of the global epidemic and the cessation of global exhibitions, the digital marketing of enterprises has become the just need for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises to develop overseas markets and the basis for future survival, Ningbo foreign trade enterprises should accelerate the digital marketing layout and transformation, through online marketing to expand new markets, to obtain new customers is imminent!

As a digital marketing service provider for the global market of export enterprises, Global TradeCom has been deeply engaged in digital marketing for more than ten years, opening up the international market through Internet channels for export enterprises, and obtaining overseas customers and orders. Next, we will deeply serve Ningbo foreign trade enterprises, launch the "100 enterprises 100 billion" plan, plan to serve more than 10,000 export enterprises in Ningbo in the next three years for digital marketing, achieve the growth of 100 billion export performance, and help the Ningbo Municipal Government put forward the foreign trade 2025 double trillion plan!

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

Li Zhaohui, chairman of Ningbo Jiuzhu Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism industry is a sunrise industry, especially rural cultural tourism, the state has taken rural revitalization as a long-term sustainable national policy, in this macro era background, the construction of beautiful villages, the rise of rural industries, means that rural cultural tourism will usher in a new period of opportunity for spurt development, especially the common prosperity of the strategic goal of the proposal, but also make the countryside in the future, will make the city more yearning.

Jiuzhu Cultural Tourism will be committed to lighting up the countryside with art and changing the countryside with cultural creativity for a long time. With the help of the design and creation of homestays in idle and empty houses in rural areas and the cultural and creative upgrading of traditional agricultural products, we will excavate, inherit and refine, create and disseminate rural culture. Let the tourism and rural products of China's rural areas in the new era find their roots and souls, and form a cultural attraction to the outside world and cultural self-confidence in the interior.

The upcoming year of 2021 is the second year under the impact of the new crown epidemic, and in the past two years, the epidemic has brought a lot of uncertain impacts to the cultural tourism industry, but we believe that with the arrival of the new year, the dark clouds will always pass and the sunrise will surely be revealed. The cultural tourism industry is bound to usher in a long spring!

2022 | Jiangxiahui entrepreneur's message: Work in practice, walk in the forefront, and stand at the head of the tide

Ding Haihuan, General Manager of Haineng Fisheries

In 2022, the development of the marine industry ushered in a new era of opportunity, and Ningbo is striving to build a global ocean center city. Marine biological breeding, healthy breeding, and deep processing of marine products are important directions for the development of marine fisheries to high quality, deepening and scale.

Marine energy fisheries are accelerating to adapt to the new situation and new requirements and change new development ideas. On the one hand, in cooperation with Shanghai Ocean University and other research and development institutions, we will continue to promote the momentum of scientific and technological innovation, develop marine fisheries based on grouper, do a good job in deep processing, and provide consumers with green and healthy delicious marine products; on the other hand, strengthen the combination with the rural revitalization strategy, continue to enhance brand management capabilities, build grouper theme ecological parks, and create a fishery brand with Ningbo characteristics.

In the New Year, Haineng Fishery specially launched tiger spot, dragon pod, East Star Spot and other high-quality grouper quality gift boxes, the implementation of fresh refrigeration, cold chain speed to reach home, pay tribute to the happiness of Ningbo tens of millions of families!

Welcome to your tasting! Happy New Year to all, with fish (Yu) every year!