
Mouth cannon "stand up"? Kishi Nobuo hyped up "the mainland's armed forces to encircle Taiwan," and then asked Taiwan to "defend itself."

author:Taiwan Strait Net


Mouth cannon "stand up"? Kishi Nobuo hyped up "the mainland's armed forces to encircle Taiwan," and then asked Taiwan to "defend itself."

Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi.

Taiwan's "Central News Agency" quoted the British "Financial Times" on the 2nd as saying that Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi openly clamored that the international community is more concerned about "Taiwan's survival" and falsely claimed that the Chinese mainland's expanding military strength is "enveloping Taiwan." However, he later said that Japan had no intention of establishing "direct military relations" with Taiwan and "believed that Taipei had the ability to defend itself."

Kishi claimed that Japan's strong message was that peace in the Taiwan Strait could be guaranteed only at the request of the international community. He publicly boasted that "the international community needs to pay more attention to Taiwan's survival, rather than sitting idly by and watching Chinese mainland a direct military conflict with Taiwan." ”

However, despite the rhetoric of "supporting Taiwan" and much disappointing to the "pro-independence factions" on the island, Kishi nobuo then said that Japan had no intention of establishing "direct military relations" with Taiwan, that it would maintain the status quo, and that the two sides would not conclude so-called formal "diplomatic relations." Regarding the widening gap in military strength between the two sides of the strait year by year, he said that he "believes that Taipei has the ability to defend itself."

For Kishi Nobuo's hype remarks, Taiwanese netizens have left comments criticizing "Think about the good things done in 1945!" And the face says! "Do you still think Taiwan is a Japanese colony?" "When you are a little brother of the United States, you want to take Back Taiwan as a colony!"

Kishi Nobuo, the younger brother of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has good relations with Taiwan's political circles, and before he took office, he caused people in the green camp on the island to laugh at himself, calling him "quite friendly of Taiwan." Recently, Kishi Nobuo has also repeatedly made malicious speculation on the Issue of the Taiwan Strait.

On April 17, Kishi nobuo visited Japan's closest island to Taiwan, Yonaguni Island, and afterwards posted on social media a photo of him standing on the shore looking in the direction of Taiwan, leaving room for the "independence faction" on the island to imagine. According to Taiwan's "Economic Daily News" quoted by Japan's Fuji News Network, when he attended a seminar of the ruling party a few days after his inspection, he shouted that if Taiwan is "redwashed," the situation may change drastically, and Japan needs to be prepared for it. Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian denounced that "this kind of remark is completely out of the ordinary and extremely irresponsible." ”

In an interview with the Nihon Keizai Shimbun in May, Kishi was asked whether he would envisage "something going on in Taiwan" (there is an emergency), and when adjusting the guidelines for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation, he said that the situation in Taiwan should be actively regarded as a Japanese issue, and that japan and the United States must continue to consult. On June 24, In an interview with Bloomberg, Kishi again trumpeted that Taiwan's security and stability are "directly linked" to Japan, and he called for Japan to closely "monitor" Chinese mainland relations with Taiwan and military activities Chinese mainland.

In addition, Japan's 2021 defense white paper for the first time decoupled "Taiwan" from the "China" chapter and placed it in a new chapter on "Sino-US Relations", while representing Taiwan in gray as well as other countries in the chart. Taiwan's "China Times" held that in addition to being fueled by the United States, this should also be caused by the "efforts" of kishi Nobuo of the "pro-Taiwan faction."

Since the beginning of this year, the top level of the Japanese government has successively publicly declared that the security of the Taiwan region affects Japan, and has frequently pointed fingers at the Taiwan issue, which has made the people in the green camp on the island quite excited.

For Japan's frequent actions, Taiwan's "China Times" once published an opinion article pointing out that "Taiwan does not need to overreact." Since then, Japan's expression of concern for the security of the Taiwan Strait has become the new normal, and there will be subtle changes in the US and Japanese security systems, although these will not structurally change the security environment in East Asia, but the Taiwan Strait as a "proxy war field" situation has been further advanced, how can Taiwan not be cautious?

In another article signed by Wang Kunyi, chairman of the Taiwan Institute for International Strategy, The China Times pointed out that the Japanese government has recently begun to adopt a policy of "strategic clarity" in the area around the Taiwan Strait, which has gradually escalated the crisis in East Asia. The excessive emphasis placed by the United States and Japan on the hostility of cross-strait relations and security in the Taiwan Strait is a curse rather than a blessing for Taiwan. Pessimistic people have gradually smelled the breath of war, and "optimistic" people are not necessarily "optimistic".

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian clearly pointed out at a regular press conference on July 29 that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. China's national reunification and national rejuvenation are unstoppable. No one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of Chinese people to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. Any attempt to create "two Chinas" and "one in one" is a praying mantis arm as a car and is doomed to failure.

Zhao Lijian stressed: The Taiwan issue involves the political foundation of Sino-US relations and Sino-Japanese relations. Both the US side and the Japanese side have the responsibility and obligation to abide by the principles of relevant bilateral political documents with China and the solemn commitments made to the Chinese side on the Taiwan issue, and stop sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces. (