
The essence of marriage is the two words "responsibility"

author:Ye Heng

#婚姻修炼宝典 #

Some people say that "marriage is the graveyard of love"; some people say that "marriage is like a siege, people on the outside want to enter, people on the inside want to come out"; some people say that "marriage is the destination of love"...

So what exactly is marriage? In fact, it can be summed up in two words - responsibility. Marriage is not the same as love. Love is about feelings, the pursuit of romance and excitement; while marriage is about responsibility, the pursuit of stability and harmony. In order to obtain a happy marriage and family, both husband and wife must know how to quickly transition from the actual romantic stimulation of love to the responsibility of marriage. Any marriage that pursues romantic excitement every day after marriage is basically not very happy. Indicate that the psychology of both husband and wife or one of them is not mature.

But now many people are very disgusted when they talk about responsibility. Talk about responsibility and responsibility every day, then don't you want to be bored to death? In fact, whether a person is happy or not is determined by his three views. A person has a correct outlook on life, values, and worldview, and no matter what he does, he is happy. A person's outlook on life, values, and worldview is wrong, and even if he lives an imperial life, he will not be happy.

In the past, marriages paid attention to "the words of the parents", it seemed as if there was no freedom in marriage, but there were very few divorces. Because they have responsibilities and know how to take responsibility. Men and women marry not for personal enjoyment, but for the sake of inheriting incense, for the sake of honoring the ancestors, and for the sake of the family and the world.

The ancients thought about others all their lives and rarely thought of themselves. The ancients rarely called "I", but "yu" and "yu". "Giving" is to remind yourself to give, to give. "Yu" means that my body is left behind by my parents' body. Therefore, the "Filial Piety Sutra" says, "Parents who receive the skin of the body do not dare to be injured, and the beginning of filial piety is also." "Since my body belongs to my parents, to the family, and to the country, then marriage naturally follows fate." As long as marriage is beneficial to the family and the world, what is the gain of freedom or not? When a person only has parents, children, and a home country in his heart, and does not have himself, any kind of marriage is the best arrangement.

Look at the current marital situation. Now love marriages are very free, even a little too free. You can get married casually, you can divorce casually, and people are not happy. If there is a feeling, two people can make up together; if there is no feeling, they are divorced. Where is the responsibility?

And marriage is the foundation of the family, and the family is the cell of the state. If the marriage is stable, the country will be stable and united. The high divorce rate will inevitably affect the stability and unity of the country.

Therefore, marriage is definitely not a matter for two people, but a major event related to family harmony, national harmony, and world harmony.

The essence of marriage is the two words "responsibility"