
Daming Town, Huazhou District, Weinan City: People come early in the spring, and increase income "open the door"

author:Huashan Net

(Correspondent: An Yan Wu Xinru) The taste of the year is still surplus, and spring has arrived. The streets of Daming Town, Huazhou District, Weinan City, are slightly deserted, while the Duwan Village Processing Base is busy, and workers are working intensively on the side to string wires, assemble and ship goods.

Daming Town, Huazhou District, Weinan City: People come early in the spring, and increase income "open the door"

In the midst of the bustling spring light, Chen Lingxiang, secretary of the party branch of Duwan Village, went to the workers' homes with joy to pay their January wages.

"This time a total of 16 employees were paid 28,800 yuan, and we paid piecework to the processing base, working more, flexible time, and not affecting the care of the family." Last month, workers received a maximum of 3520 yuan, and the per capita wage could reach 1800 yuan. On the way to the home of worker Wang Siming, Chen Lingxiang introduced.

Daming Town, Huazhou District, Weinan City: People come early in the spring, and increase income "open the door"

"The factory is at the doorstep of the family, the peasants become workers, farming, taking care of the family, and making money." Thanks to the branch for the opportunity given to everyone, I received the 'opening red' sent by the branch today, encouraging me to work harder this year to raise the family income. Wang Siming, who got his salary, said happily.

Wang Siming is a poverty alleviation household in Duwan Village, and has been working here since the completion of the processing base in 2021.

Difficulty in finding employment and taking care of one's family was once a "dilemma" choice for many left-behind women who had the idea of going out to work, especially for the district.

"My lover works outside the home, and the family depends on me. After the village had a processing factory, I worked here, not only to take care of my home, but also to have income, and now I also manage to ensure that the quality of the product is qualified. Hou Weili, 51, said.

If the countryside is to be revitalized, the industry needs to go first. In 2021, based on the idea of strengthening the collective economy and mass prosperity, the party branch of Duwan Village actively promotes the "branch + industry", steadily advances in the same order of industrial prosperity and rural revitalization, and jointly develops the product processing industry with the Baolian Unit District Market Supervision Bureau and builds the Duwan Village Processing Base. Mainly for the enterprise to process electric blanket primary products, the existing plant area of the base is 150 square meters, 6 production operation countertops, one optometry table, mainly from the surrounding to absorb poverty alleviation labor and left-behind women, the existing employees 21 people, monthly processing products 13,000.

Daming Town, Huazhou District, Weinan City: People come early in the spring, and increase income "open the door"

Snowfall and cold winds could not stop the heat in the factory. Since the end of the holiday, the base has riveted up and down the "tiger energy", opened the post-holiday "acceleration", and struggled to sprint to the "opening red" of the first quarter.

Return to work in an orderly manner, plan with heart, strict discipline, and pay close attention to production. Daming Town has lived up to the spring light, taken positive actions, and used the majestic style of the tiger and the vigor of the tiger to promote the high-quality development of all work in an all-round way, strive to answer the answer sheet of composing the "Daming chapter", and greet the victory of the party's twenty national congresses with excellent results.