
commend! commend! commend!

author:Hanzhong investment promotion

February 7

The city's "double strokes and double introduction" and work style capacity building annual mobilization meeting was held

At the meeting, commendations were made

2021 annual investment promotion, national health review

Expand effective investment and key project construction, scientific and technological innovation

"Four changes, one demolition, one pass and one landing"

and other key work outstanding performance

Advanced collectives and outstanding individuals

The list of commendations is as follows

Decision on commending advanced collectives and individuals in the creation of cities


commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!

Decision on commending advanced collectives and individuals in 2021 for attracting investment and investment, expanding effective investment and key projects, and pro-business and enterprise assistance

commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!

About the 2021 annual pollution prevention and control battle

And promote the "5 + 1" three-year action assessment of water management briefing

commend! commend! commend!
commend! commend! commend!

(Released by Hanzhong)