
How many lions does Manjushri have? The distinction is simple, and you can do it

author:Snail watch journey to the west
How many lions does Manjushri have? The distinction is simple, and you can do it

(Snail Watch Journey to the West No. 5517)


Everyone always thinks that on the way to take the scriptures, only Sun Wukong has a relatively large contrast between before and after, but as everyone knows, there is a monster with a particularly large contrast on the way to take the scriptures, and this demon is the lion under the hands of Manjushri Bodhisattva.

On the way to the sutra, Manjushri Bodhisattva threw two lions, one was the lion essence of the Wuji Country, and the other was the green lion essence of the Lion Hump Ridge.

Because these two lions are both under the banner of Manjushri Bodhisattva, and they are both of the same species, and they also appear together on the way to learn the scriptures, it is reasonable for the public to confuse the two, so are these two lions really the same?

In fact, it is very simple to distinguish between these two lions.

First, let's look at the lion essence of the black chicken country.

This lion spirit came to the mortal world at the behest of Manjushri Bodhisattva in order to avenge Manjushri's great revenge for soaking in water for three days and three nights, and the bodhisattva's idea was simple: as long as he left the king of the Uchiha kingdom in a well for three years, he would be able to dissipate his breath.

The king enjoys the coolness in the well, but what about the state affairs of the black chicken country?

How many lions does Manjushri have? The distinction is simple, and you can do it

On this point, Manjushri Bodhisattva had long been prepared, the lion spirit is not a simple monster, more precisely, he can mention the world, as long as he uses his brain a little, the matter of the Wuji Kingdom is only a small problem, and it is true that during the time when the king was away, the Wuji Kingdom was still well taken care of by the yokai.

However, the lion spirit also has a particularly difficult experience, Manjushri Bodhisattva in order to make his heart like water, actually put him on the brisk, this word is not difficult to understand, simply put, is the eunuch, so that the lion spirit really can not do anything, can only focus on the handling of political affairs.

Let's look at the Leo Essence. The Green Lion Spirit was even more incredible, in a short period of time, he actually became the big brother of Rulai's uncle, and he rode the speed of the rocket like this, which really stunned many people in Lingshan.

Since the Green Lion Essence can become the big brother of the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle, it must have some outstanding skills, and the four words of the Heavenly Palace have laid this foundation, and the Green Lion Essence can swallow 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals at the South Heavenly Gate, which is enough to prove his strength.

The Green Lion Essence should belong to the "Martial Energy on ma Ding Qiankun", at this time he does not need mental labor, as long as the spell is strong enough, for him, there is no other superfluous introduction in the text.

How many lions does Manjushri have? The distinction is simple, and you can do it

Therefore, the best way to distinguish between these two lions is to see if there is that thing under their crotches, if not, it is the lion essence of the Black Chicken Country, but there is no systematic conclusion as to how many lions Manjushri Bodhisattva has, after all, the Bodhisattvas are all Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragons, which can be described as both literary and martial. Seeing this, have you found that you can do it yourself, and you can judge the difference between the two.

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