
How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way
How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way

The military trumpet is loud.

Since entering December, at 8:15 a.m. every day, the loud wake-up horn sounded on time in a certain camp of the Armed Police Corps Headquarters. A trumpeter finished blowing the trumpet and carefully wiped his beloved military trumpet. At this time, the trainees of the trumpeter training had already lined up in the playground and were ready to start the day's training. Over the past few days, a certain detachment of the Armed Police Corps Has strictly organized the training of trumpeters, and the loud sound of military trumpets has reverberated in the camp...

The training was based on the standard of "accurate sense of music, good lung capacity, and strong sense of hardship", and the detachment selected 12 soldiers with certain knowledge of music theory from the grass-roots squadrons to participate in the one-month training. The training content has set up a total of courses such as the basics of trumpet music, military music and the history of trumpet trumpet, and trumpet blowing, aiming to enable each trainee to play 21 kinds of military trumpet scores in 3 categories such as work and rest, action and ceremony, and the instructor is two trainees who "graduated" from the training class of the commander of the corps.

"When I first touched the military trumpet, I had enough strength to blow one or two sounds, and it was not difficult to make a sound later, but the problems of shortness of breath and sound loss were still headaches." Warrior Xiao Luo said. In the face of difficulties, the trumpeters got up early every day, moved their mouths, familiarized themselves with their mouth shapes, dressed up, and faced the sacred military trumpet with a strict military appearance.

From the wake-up number, the opening number to the lights-out number, 11 nodes, high-intensity practice, so that many trumpeters have sore cheeks and swollen mouths, but they are not afraid of the cold, not afraid of difficulties, always maintain a firm attitude, hard training, strict requirements, practice in front of the mirror, correct each other, team evaluation practice...

It is said that the second life of a soldier is a steel gun, but for the trumpeter, the military trumpet in his hand is also their second life.

"531, 555, 531, 555 ...", this score is believed to be familiar to everyone, yes, this is the stormtrooper on the battlefield. Little instructor Li Changlin said: "Whether I blow it myself or teach everyone to blow it, whenever I hear this melody, what flashes in my mind is a scene of inspiring pictures, and the old revolutionary predecessors braved danger and bravely moved forward in the loud battle sound of the military trumpet, illuminating the way forward for the motherland with blood and life!" ”

One point of hard work is one point of harvest. The trumpeters of the training course are well aware of their heavy responsibilities, and during the training, they strictly implement various rules and regulations, overcome various difficulties, humbly ask for advice, and study hard. Pass the assessment, and will soon become a qualified trumpeter! (Photo report: Mao Song, Sun Zhuo)

How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way

The early morning wake-up call sounds.

How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way

Learn about music theory.

How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way

Concentrate on learning.

How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way

Teach seriously and learn conscientiously.

How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way

Train hard.

How do you blow 21 military trumpets? Qualified trumpeters are trained in this way

Intensive training.