
The boy appeared and said: Teach me the importance of "MengMu Three Migrations"

author:Happy and cheerful good sons and daughters

Original Fun

WeChat public number: come on good sons and daughters 2022-02-11 07:22

Some time ago, a weekend, the guy was plugging in his Lego toys, while plugging together and chanting: recycling refrigerators, washing machines, computers, air conditioners, water heaters, batteries, motors, electric cars, motorcycles, used mobile phones, old furniture... (I did not change, are he read, I voice recorded, and then converted to text to write out, I can not remember so clearly, almost follow the people on the road outside one by one check)

I'm already confused about pictures pictures pictures

Another Tuesday night, I was writing the public number, he himself next to the transformation of a kind of rolling ball pipe, which is a toy he often plays, put the water pipe in different positions, put into different shapes, verify whether the ball can roll down smoothly, he will according to the speed of the ball rolling down, constantly adjust the curvature of the pipe, he played, while popping up a sentence: Texas grilled chicken, the activity is coming! (Advertising slogan for a Texas grilled chicken shop on the side of the road)

Also, there is an underground wet market across the road, and there is a loudspeaker hanging at the door, which keeps shouting: Enter the market, please show your health code and wear a mask. He can also repeat it all. Including the prompt to wear a mask throughout the subway, he said it twice to himself from time to time.

At that moment, I suddenly understood:

Meng Mu moved three times, and it was really a very wise approach.

The environment is really too important for the growth of children

Not only in this regard, but also in many similar details, what others do to him, he quickly turned around and followed the rules of others. Or what the people around him do, he will follow suit:

1, he very much wanted to play with the little doll that his sister had plugged in, and his sister hid it, saying that if he could find it, he would give it to him. He searched for a while and couldn't find it, so he asked: Can you give me a hint? My sister said: You give me a coin and I will give you a hint. In the end, three coins were exchanged for three hints and finally found.

The next day, he hid again and came to me and called out: I hid it, you give me three coins, I give you three tips.

2, when he goes out, he often sees cartons and plastic bottles, so he has to pick them up and take them home, saying: Take this home, Grandma can sell. Once I came home one night and saw a few pieces of paper on the table, and I asked: What is this? Grandma replied: Pick up on the road, pick up everything you see. I smiled and said, "I haven't learned from you yet." Every time I see a bottle carton, I have to take it home and give it to you.

So, I said to my girlfriend: Did you find it? The child's imitation power is so strong, what we do, how to do, they can immediately copy. When you usually play with him, what strategies or methods you use, he will follow suit, and learn quickly. Therefore, when we play with him, we still have to be particularly main and correctly guided. The influence of the family is really important, the impact of the environment is really important.

Lately, haven't we been talking about the homeschooling of Winter Olympic champions or other outstanding players? You can dig deeper, behind every excellent child in all aspects, there are very good families. Without the right guidance, without a good education, and wanting children to fight back, it is less and less likely to appear.

For example, Gu Ailing. Her mother was very powerful, her grandmother was very powerful, and she herself was very powerful. Seemingly loose, stock-range management is absolutely indispensable to a good education from an early age. Because of the good cultivation from childhood, the children who grow up have the ability to make their own decisions, have the courage to try to make their own decisions, and have enough strength to bear the success and failure brought about by their own decisions.

Chicken babies are not as good as chickens themselves.

Next week, the kids start school, are you ready to start chicken yourself? Or are you ready to start chicken kids?