
A large number of people rode on the Dragon Tiger Mountain, competing to chase and play Hi, what is the situation?

author:Jiangxi city scene
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"大批人骑车上龙虎山,竞相追逐玩嗨了,什么情况?","en":"A large number of people rode on the Dragon Tiger Mountain, competing to chase and play Hi, what is the situation?"},"description":{"content":"来源|都市现场原创稿件未经授权请勿转载由江西省人民政府主办,江西省体育局、鹰潭市人民政府等单位承办的,2021环鄱阳湖自...","en":"Source| City Site Original Manuscript Without Authorization Please do not reprint it sponsored by the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government, Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, Yingtan Municipal People's Government and other units to undertake, 2021 Ring Poyang Lake since..."}},"items":[]}