
Mendix predicts: Cross-channel hyper-personalization will dominate innovation in 2022

author:Computing miscellaneous

Mendix, an enterprise application development company, recently announced seven customer experience trends driving enterprise success in 2022. As customers continue to pursue an optimized experience, more businesses will turn to low-code development for greater flexibility.

In predicting 2022, Mendix executives took into account the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 technology trends that are already changing the way businesses operate and interact with customers.

Tim Srock, CEO of Mendix, said: "Fast-growing businesses are using low-code to accelerate digital transformation and win more customers. To achieve this, they not only built applications from low code, but also designed compelling new customer experiences, optimized business processes through automation, and harnessed the power of data and APIs to drive innovation. ”

Here are the predictions of Mendix executives for 2022:

  1. Customer experience has evolved into experience management

Customer experience is no longer a one-size-fits-all job. Businesses must provide multiple experiences across channels, using intelligent technologies to maintain users' preferences and environments. Businesses need to be aware that these preferences and situations are constantly changing and create a path that best meets the needs of their customers to adapt to these changes.

Nick Ford, Chief Marketing Officer, Mendix, said: "The more touchpoints and devices supported by the enterprise ecosystem, the more development kits are required for model development platforms, augmented reality tools, and IoT sensors. Model-based development and out-of-the-box integrations enabled by low code will help developers deliver applications faster and deliver a better customer experience. ”

  1. Hyper-personalization becomes the norm

Today's customers expect apps that adapt to their preferences and usage scenarios. However, it is challenging to have an application adapted to a changing real-world environment, as the application must understand context, such as the type of work of the employee, the device in use, customized features, the user's credentials, and the environment. To analyze this data and respond appropriately in a timely manner, the assistance of AI is required.

In order to adapt quickly and appropriately to changing environments, organizations also need constant feedback and iteration. The more iterations a company produces, the more feedback it receives. This feedback data can be used as valuable training data for machine learning models, enabling automated, hyper-personalized experiences at scale.

Srock mentioned: "Ultra-personalization will be a highly competitive differentiator in 2022. As the world becomes more digital, customers expect customized experiences that adapt to their current needs and desires. To do this, applications need to leverage AI instead of enforcing simple rules. ”

  1. Augmented reality and virtual reality may usher in the spring of new industries

Many industries are taking advantage of augmented and virtual reality in innovative ways. More and more manufacturing companies will use 3D models to prototype new products and use AR and VR for quality control inspections. Organizations will also create immersive learning experiences or use AR to provide simulated test environments for some hazardous jobs.

"Organizations are no longer confined to the physical world," Ford says. Instead, they can choose between the analog and digital worlds, or combine the two. In 2022, more business leaders will reimagine the way companies operate, such as retailers can provide customers with AR experiences, and 3D renderings of furniture will be placed in customers' homes to determine whether furniture is suitable. ”

  1. Out-of-the-box APIs are improving the customer experience

Application connectivity relies on fast, reliable system integration. To ensure seamless user experience channels, organizations must create well-integrated backends to facilitate efficient data sharing.

"To create consistent experiences across different patterns and contexts, enterprises will increase the use of out-of-the-box APIs that can easily connect disparate systems and data sources," Srock said. Developers can quickly connect to core systems of record and meet the actual needs of customers. For example, identify at every point in the customer journey and provide an experience that is relevant to their environment. ”

  1. More and more companies are using low code to automate tasks in their workflows

Process optimization is driving competitive advantage. But many organizations struggle to move away from paper processes and email approval workflows, which not only slow down work, but also negatively impact employees and customers. What's more, data is trapped in application silos, further reducing the customer and employee experience. Looking ahead to 2022, more enterprises will seek model-driven, user-centric development tools to more easily create applications and automate business processes.

"Every process impacts the customer experience, and global supply chain disruptions are just one example," Ford notes. When organizations need to be able to adapt to changing markets in real time and at scale, insufficient supply and delayed delivery are manifestations of inefficient back-end processes. ”

  1. Organizations must be able to provide native and progressive web applications

Mobile apps are the backbone of the digital economy. Without the right architecture, it is nearly impossible to meet the needs of different environments, devices, and people. Choosing a native app or a progressive web app (PWA) depends on the nature of the app. In 2022, enterprises must be able to build both native apps and PWAs to deliver the best customer experience in every mobile scenario.

Ford adds: "The need to support both architectures is not just because of the ubiquity of mobile scenarios. Mobile devices are evolving from data-receiving devices to data-providing devices, especially high-definition cameras on smartphones and a variety of alternatives to reality. ”

  1. User experience will extend to the Internet of Things

Wearables, sensors, connected smart environments... Whether on the manufacturing floor, in the warehouse, or on a construction site, multiple experiences are changing the way employees work. Not only do businesses need to prepare for the vast amounts of data generated by wearables and the like, but they also need to think about how the information obtained by wearables can be synergistic with the physical environment, such as using sensors to detect access credentials stored on smart bracelets, watches, or providing navigation within buildings through smart glasses.

"Combining the physical and virtual worlds is one of the ways to create new customer experiences," Srock said. In addition, digital twin concepts have emerged that can operate intelligently, or even autonomously. Organizations need to provide the right data at the right time to gain relevant insights and take the right actions to create a seamless experience between the analog and digital worlds. ”

As the new year approaches, Ford adds, "Businesses must be prepared to elevate the digital customer experience, and that can be done quickly with low-code solutions." The pandemic has revolutionized digital innovation both internally and externally to customers looking for accessible, personalized experiences. Businesses that can respond quickly and strategically to these trends will undoubtedly gain competitive advantage, customer loyalty, net profit, and precise data that leads to positive business outcomes. ”

Mendix World 2021 review

Mendix World 2021 is the largest ever gathering of low-code technologists, practitioners, and enthusiasts. For more information, check back the Keynote at Mendix World 2021 Library to learn about all the new low-code features that are changing the digital world, and watch a variety of themed sessions and demos presented by development experts, customers, and partners. Register now and review the Mendix World 2021 profile: Mendix World 2021 (September 7-9, 2021) Low-Code Application Development Campaign.