
What is the "Little Fire Dead"?

author:Hubei Fire Fighting
What is the "Little Fire Dead"?


What is the "Little Fire Dead"

"Small fire victims" refers to fire accidents in which the economic losses are small, the area of the fire is small, the number of households and the number of people affected by the disaster are relatively small, but the death of personnel is caused. Most of the victims of the "small fire deaths" are vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and children, often in remote rural areas and places where fire fighting facilities are not in place.


The four killers of the "Little Fire Dead"

What is the "Little Fire Dead"?


A typical case of "small fire dead"

What is the "Little Fire Dead"?

In the early morning of June 26, 2019, a fire broke out in a hardware shop along a street in Tanzhou Town, Zhongshan City, causing 6 deaths due to illegal occupancy. The construction area of the fire is about 97 square meters, the local superstructure is added, the area of the fire is about 10 square meters, and the investigation determines that the cause of the fire is the fire caused by the electrical failure of the cash register at the entrance of the shop.

What is the "Little Fire Dead"?

At 4:07 a.m. on December 27, 2021, a fire in the home of a resident in Xixiangtang District, Nanning City, burned a fire with a fire area of about 13 square meters for furniture, clothing and other items, and the fire caused the death of one person.

What is the "Little Fire Dead"?

On December 28, 2021, a fire broke out in the bedroom of a private house in Mashan County, Nanning City, Guangxi Province, covering an area of about 3 square meters, and the burning material was bedding, causing the death of a 76-year-old man.


What is the "Little Fire Dead"?

At 1:51 a.m. on February 8, 2022, a fire broke out in the home of a resident in Putuo District, Shanghai, killing 3 people, and the main incendiary materials at the scene were furniture and quilts in the house. The cause of the fire was initially identified as: the occupants put the lithium-ion battery of the electric bicycle in the bedroom, and the battery failure caused the fire.

How to prevent "small fire victims"

Residential residences do this

1. Clean up the combustible debris in the living room, kitchen, balcony and walkway in time, do not park electric bicycles in the stairwell, place waste furniture, etc.

2. Pay attention to preventing fires caused by the failure of household appliances, and pay attention to the fire safety of electric bicycle charging.

3, pay attention to the safety of gas use, regularly check whether the gas pipeline is aging, do not change the gas pipeline without permission, and the kitchen fire does not leave people.

4. When using electricity, fire, and earth kang for heating, it is necessary to maintain a safe distance from the surrounding combustible materials, and do not cover the electric heating equipment to dry clothes.

5. Discarding cigarette butts at will can easily cause fires, and eliminate bedridden smoking.

6. Do a good job in children's safety education, and guide and educate children not to play with fire.

7. Residents should be familiar with the evacuation routes such as evacuation channels and safety exits in the building to ensure rapid and safe escape in the event of a fire. In case of fire, do not covet money and escape quickly.

8. The property management units and residential (village) committees of residential communities should strengthen fire prevention inspections and organize the cleaning of combustible debris piled up in public areas in a timely manner.

9. Care for widows, widows, loneliness, the elderly, children, sick and disabled, strengthen publicity tips and care measures, and help check and eliminate the safety hazards of using fire, electricity and gas.

10. Once the fire is found, the "119" alarm should be dialed to extinguish the initial fire in time.

Frontage shops do this

1, check whether the overload use of electrical equipment, shop places should not use copper wire, iron wire, etc. instead of fuses, should not use electric stoves, electric heaters, electric heaters, rice cookers, electric irons, electric blankets and other high-power electric heating appliances.

2. If the place is two floors, the upstairs window or balcony shall not be equipped with metal fences. When the production, storage, and operation of some external windows or balconies must be set up metal fences, the metal fences should be set up with swing doors, and the open state should be maintained during the production and operation periods.

3. Check whether the safety exit, evacuation channel, and staircase (closed stairwell) are unobstructed and whether there is any debris blockage.

4. Evacuation walkways, safety exits, etc. should be set up in accordance with the relevant specifications to set up fire evacuation indication signs and fire emergency lighting fixtures, and often check whether the safety evacuation signs and emergency lighting in the place are intact.

5. Check whether there are any violations of fire and electricity use, whether the electrical laying and use meet the requirements of the specifications; whether the internal fire fighting facilities and fire extinguishing equipment are in place, complete and effective.

6. Liquefied petroleum gas tanks and combustible liquids of class A, B and C should not be used or stored.

All-in-one venues do this

1. Life and management should be separated. In the uniform planning of the store façade, do not set up places such as personnel accommodation; If there is a situation of "lower shop on the house, front shop and back house" in the self-built house of the village residents, the business area and the living area should be completely separated by fireproof partition walls, fireproof partitions, fire doors, etc.

2. The evacuation channel should be smooth. Do not block, lock, or occupy evacuation escape routes and escape exits in shops; When setting up roller shutter doors, iron fences, and anti-theft nets on evacuation escape passages and external windows, escape ports that can be opened from the inside should be reserved; Personnel living and accommodation areas shall be provided with safety exits that lead directly to the outdoors.

3, the use of fire electricity should be standardized. Use fire and electricity to strengthen care, so that people go out of fire and electricity is cut off; Electrical lines should be laid by professional electricians, and it is not necessary to pull and connect wires privately, not to overload electricity, not to charge electric vehicles in the house, especially not to covet cheap and use counterfeit electrical products and plug boards.

4. Fire fighting facilities should be in good condition. If there are fire fighting facilities such as alarms and sprinklers installed in the shop, it is necessary to check and test frequently to ensure that it is complete and easy to use; The shop operating unit or property management department shall entrust a qualified company to carry out the maintenance of fire fighting facilities; Where self-built houses are used as business premises, simple fire fighting facilities should be installed, equipped with fire extinguishers, fire blankets and other common fire fighting equipment to reduce the risk of fire as much as possible.

Source: Hubei Fire, Jingmen Fire, Hanjiang Fire