
Reporter: Jia Boyan's joining the Swiss grasshopper is almost done, it is a transfer, not a loan

Reporter: Jia Boyan's joining the Swiss grasshopper is almost done, it is a transfer, not a loan

Live bar February 11 news According to previous reports, Shanghai harbor young general Jia Boyan is about to stay in the Ocean. According to the latest news from reporter Liu Wenchao, Jia Boyan's joining the Swiss Grasshopper Club has been almost completed, and it is not a loan but a transfer.

Liu Wenchao wrote in his personal Weibo: Harbor Club 03 age group young player Jia Boyan, joining the Swiss Grasshopper Club should be almost done. It is estimated that there are also some matters other than visas that need to be implemented before they can start.

Liu Wenchao added: Following Wu Lei, who was about to enter the peak of the year, the harbor had to send a young "future tense" to stay in Yang this time, and it was not a loan but a transfer, which could also make the other club more bold. When it comes to the opportunity to send players out, the harbor basically does not hesitate. Of course, the opportunity also depends on Xiao Jia to fight on his own. Come on! blessing!

It is worth mentioning that the previous international Li Lei has joined the Swiss Grasshopper Club and made his debut in the official competition.

(Little Tiger)

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