
After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

author:HUION Painted King

I heard that everyone who loves to draw has a dream of becoming a cartoonist when they were young. Comics carry the youth of many people, and even embarked on the road of art because they like comics.

What is the difference between comics and illustrations?

Illustration is in the form of painting that clearly conveys information to the viewer. The comic is more like a hand-drawn film, showing the story structure in mind with pictures and dialogue.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

To tell a story with comics, you must learn to storyboard well. Different storyboards will bring readers a completely different reading experience.

# The role of comic storyboarding

At this stage of the storyboard. Decide how to assign frames, how to present the characters, what lines to make the characters say, the composition of the picture, and so on. The main function of the storyboard is to allow the reader to read your story and the emotions you want to express.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

If the storyboard is handled properly, even if the characters do not have a line, we can understand the story without obstacles and feel the emotions that the author wants to convey.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

Image from Twitter@snailpaw

The size of the manga grid

Comic grids of different sizes will make the plot more rhythmic, and the size of the grid will be determined according to the priority of the scene you want to show.

Large grids (nominatives), which can be used in important scenes or scenes where you want to focus on them.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

1 square

The squares are divided into horizontal and vertical grids. Horizontal storyboards can draw close-ups of large scenes or people; vertical storyboards, often used to show a sense of space, characters, or slow-motion close-ups, rendering atmosphere.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

© Swedish cartoonist Minna Sundberg

2 oblique grids

Breaking the conventional shape of the oblique grid, mostly used for fight or sports scenes, but also used for close-up, can improve the tension of the picture, set off the intense tension atmosphere.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

3 out of the box

Out-of-frame means that the content of the screen, dialog box, or foley word exceeds the limit of comic book compartments. Breakout is often used to emphasize the appearance of characters, and breaking the box can also create visual guidance.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?


The reading order of comics is generally from right to left, top to bottom, or from left to right, top to bottom. We need to do a good job of eye guidance in the creation to ensure a smooth sense of reading.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?
After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

The direction of the comic character's line of sight, the direction of action, the shape of the object, the effect line of the background, and even the dialog box all have a guiding effect.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?


The scenery is simply the size and extent of the picture subject in the frame. The cartoonist uses the transition between scenes and scenes to move the story forward.

Division of scenery


It is usually used to introduce the background environment and show the big scene, often as an opening, ending, or transitional picture.


The picture composed of the whole of the depicted subject in a particular environment can express the character and the state of the environment at the same time.


The medium scene is the most powerful narrative scene, which can better represent the identity, action and purpose of the action.


Close-up is a picture that shows the appearance of the character above the chest or the local appearance of the scene, and is often used to carefully express the facial appearance and emotions of the character.


The depicted subject fills the entire picture, showing details, highlighting the psychological activities of the characters, and enhancing the visual impact of the picture.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

Lens angle is roughly divided into: flat angle, elevation angle, pitch angle, oblique angle, fisheye lens, bird's eye lens.

The fisheye lens has a wide angle of view, which can cause a very strong perspective effect and test the painting skills.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

© Japanese illustrator Omao

The bird's eye view of the scene is macroscopic and can create a grand atmosphere.

After watching comics for so many years, do you know all these storyboarding techniques?

When you really start creating comics, you will find that there are many learnings in it, such as how to conceive themes, how to design characters, how to use elements, how to compose... Be bold and paint! Don't let routines limit your imagination.

Image from the web | Invasion and deletion


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